Friday, December 07, 2007

Today's post is short but the information can make a huge difference in how long you live & how health you are & your quality of life.

1. If you get no exercise now, if you begin exercising for even a few days a week for 15 minutes at a time even just walking, you can cut your chance of dying in the next few years IN HALF!

2. If you then go to:
a brief but good cardio exercise for three or four nonconsecutive days a week
& add a half an hour of strength training for three days a week or even two for 45 minutes with a day in between each session
AND you have parts of your cardio where you go a good bit faster & then back to a more relaxed pace & repeat that several times
AND in your strength training, you carefully add weight as soon as you can do 12 repititions easily & make an effort to improve over time,
that will put you in the top 20 % of people exercise wise.

That will cut your risk of dying in the next few years in IN HALF again to FOURTH of what you would have risked if you didn't exercise.

But the most important thing is the first easy step that anyone can do.

If you don't exercise now do yourself a favor & start now!
Get in some walking or go to a gym even twice a week for twenty minutes for strength training & get in two easy walks a week.

Your risk of dying will drop in HALF. Nice.

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