Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity-VI

Welcome to our health & self help blog.

In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Thursday, 8-24-2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity-part VI

Following these guidelines helps you to have a good quality of life mostly unhampered by getting sick or disabled or spending a lot on drugs, doctors & hospitals.

And, it means you’ll have that quality of life for many years longer than many of the people who don’t follow these guidelines will live. (Your quality of life may be good into your nineties or beyond while people who follow none of these guidelines often die before age 80 – & many even earlier.)

In addition, as you get older, you’ll gradually find you look years younger than other people your age.

For the previous guidelines in this series, see the posts for Thursday, 8-17-2006; Friday, 8-18-2006; Monday, 8-21-2006; Tuesday, 8-22-2006: & Wednesday, 8-23-2006

5. Follow these good health generating & health protecting guidelines.:

k) Take care of your teeth & gums & get regular dental care.

People who don’t get often get sick from doing so. It’s now even thought having gum disease can help cause heart disease. And, abscessed teeth are NOT fun.

Gum disease is preventable. And, getting it causes bad breath & tooth loss.

In addition, good care of your teeth & gums can cost you a LOT less money than fixing the problems not doing it will cost you later. Having teeth pulled; root canals & crowns; & false teeth are NOT fun to have. And, they are EXPENSIVE !!

Why go there when this is virtually 100 percent preventable?

I takes a bit of time each day; but it’s not hard once you get used to it.

*Brush & floss your teeth at least once each day. First thing in the morning or right after breakfast works & helps you start the day with fresh breath. Right after your last meal of the day also works.

(Brushing & flossing twice a day – once early & once late is only necessary if you are treating gum disease after you have it. You can do it once a day & prevent problems. But doing it twice a day has been shown to effectively help reverse gum disease if you do get it.)

**Rinse with water & floss top & bottom first.

Then, when you brush, do it systematically so you cover each part only once for each part which ensures everywhere gets brushed but also saves time.

After you apply toothpaste, brush your biting surfaces first.

Then brush AT YOUR GUMLINE – NOT just on your teeth.

Third, brush your gums above & below the gumline.

Why? Because keeping your gums healthy is the key to having decent breath, avoiding expense if they get diseased, & to staying healthy & keeping your teeth.

And, flossing; & brushing vigorously but gently with a soft toothbrush in this style will go a long way to keeping your teeth & gums healthy.

***go to a dentist & get your teeth cleaned & checked regularly.

The cleaning removes the gunk even great home care misses & keeps it from building up- which causes gum disease.

And, if you do get cavities or other problems, the regular check ups will catch them early which keeps you healthy & pain free & find the problems at a stage where fixing the problems costs a lot less than it will if the problems develop more.

Every six months is ideal. But make a very strong effort to go get your teeth cleaned & checked at least once a year.

****Eating lots of fruits & vegetables that are high in vitamin C & taking at least 500 mg of vitamin C & 60 mg of CoQ10 also help keep your gums healthy.

We’ll post the last parts of this series next week.


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