Thursday, August 17, 2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity

Welcome to our health & self help blog.

In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Thursday, 8-17-2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity

Following these guidelines helps you to have a good quality of life mostly unhampered by getting sick or disabled or spending a lot on drugs, doctors & hospitals.

And, it means you’ll have that quality of life for many years longer than many of the people who don’t follow these guidelines will live. (Your quality of life may be good into your nineties or beyond while people who follow none of these guidelines often die before age 80 – & many even earlier.)

In addition, as you get older, you’ll gradually find you look years younger than other people your age.

1. Build a worthwhile life. Find work you care about & do well. Find purposes you care about & make a contribution to them. Care about your friends & family; be good to them to the best of your ability; & enjoy their company regularly.

2. Make an intelligent, focused, & continuous effort to become & stay economically competent. Becoming rich & financially independent can help. But it is NOT essential. However, it is essential to avoid being too poor to lack medical care; decent food; & a safe place to live. And, it’s enormously helpful to get & maintain good credit & some savings.

3. Enjoy life. Do some things you enjoy every week. And, keep learning new things that interest you. Know & keep expanding the lists of things you like & appreciate. And enjoy as many as you can.

4. Stay safe. Follow safety precautions. Heed warnings. Avoid life-threatening risks that are not necessary to undergo. Learn how to handle dangerous situations well & master the necessary skills BEFORE you get into them. Life has risks; but you can cut the risks in YOUR case. Learn to jump into things feet first instead of head first.

a) In particular, it’s well worth remembering that more people are killed or badly injured in car accidents than in shooting wars; & this is often true even while wars are actively going on !!

* Avoid driving drunk or riding with someone who is drunk if you possibly can.

** Always, repeat ALWAYS, wear your seat belts when driving or riding in a car. You simply never know when you’ll be in an accident. And, if you simply ALWAYS wear your seat belt as a matter of habit & strong personal policy, you’ll have it on when you DO need it.

On the average, when you always wear your seat belt, you will walk away unhurt from about 2/3 of the accidents that would otherwise have injured you or killed you without one.

In addition, if you are hurt anyway & survive, insurance statistics show that your injuries & medical expenses are about a third as much as they would have been without a seat belt.

Several people I care about have walked away from accidents that would have injured them or killed them because they WERE wearing their seat belts when those accidents happened.

*** Practice fire safety.

In particular, use smoke detectors where you sleep. When fires happen, people who are awakened by smoke detectors usually survive. And people without smoke detectors very often to usually do not.

5. Follow these good health generating & health protecting guidelines.:

(This one is our specialty.)

We’ll post those in our next post.


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