Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Avoid type II Diabetes, part 4:

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In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Tuesday, 8-1-2006

Avoid type II Diabetes, part 4:

In addition to regular exercise—both strength training & aerobic or cardio each week; & eliminating foods that contain high fructose corn syrup; & eating mostly low glycemic index foods that we discussed a couple of posts ago, sharply limit your intake of sugar.

That DOES have an effect on your blood sugar levels.

Despite my regular exercise & mostly eating low glycemic index foods, I once got a fasting blood glucose reading of 115. Mercifully, as I didn’t then know that was way too high & how dangerous it can be, my doctor let me know that it was too high.

I remembered that the applesauce I was then buying had sugar added. (Applesauce was & is a staple food in my diet.) And, I was adding quite a bit of brown sugar to my breakfast cereal three times a week.

So, I simply made it a policy to only get applesauce with no sugar added (or unsweetened.)

I cut the amount of brown sugar I used on the days I used it in half. And, I cut the number of days I add it from 3 to 2.

In addition, each of those two days that I still have brown sugar on my cereal, I add about a teaspoon of ground cinnamon as that has been shown to keep the sugar you eat it with from spiking your blood sugar.

That doesn’t sound like much of a change, does it?

When I was retested, my blood glucose dropped 30 points !! From 115 to 85.

115 is just 10 points away from the 125 that many doctors now label as early stage type II diabetes. And, 85 is low enough it’s at or close to the desirable range. So, that’s an enormous difference.

(Keep in mind I was exercising regularly the whole time & eating a health-enhancing diet otherwise which may have acted as an extra catalyst.)

So, if you are eating too much sugar, or you are eating too much & don’t want to give it up totally, try the steps I took -- along with adding the strategies in the previous 3 posts if you aren’t doing them already.


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