Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity-V

Welcome to our health & self help blog.

In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Wednesday, 8-23-2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity-part V

Following these guidelines helps you to have a good quality of life mostly unhampered by getting sick or disabled or spending a lot on drugs, doctors & hospitals.

And, it means you’ll have that quality of life for many years longer than many of the people who don’t follow these guidelines will live. (Your quality of life may be good into your nineties or beyond while people who follow none of these guidelines often die before age 80 – & many even earlier.)

In addition, as you get older, you’ll gradually find you look years younger than other people your age.

For the previous guidelines in this series, see the posts for Thursday, 8-17-2006; Friday, 8-18-2006; Monday, 8-21-2006; & Tuesday, 8-22-2006

5. Follow these good health generating & health protecting guidelines.:

j) Learn what vitamins, minerals, & other supplements fit your health needs & desires & take the ones you can afford.

It’s pretty basic, simple, & important to take a good multivitamin plus mineral supplement.

A surprising number of people are actually deficient in several vitamins or minerals. And, this tends to be even more the case in people older than 50 as they may eat less food or absorb fewer nutrients from the food they do eat.

Eating lots of the very nutritious superfoods helps. But even then, taking a good multivitamin plus mineral supplement ensures you get a minimum amount of ALL the nutrients most researched to be important to your health because you may eat LOTS of superfoods with vitamin C one week & be short of vitamin D or B12, for example.

If you can, add extra antioxidant vitamins. 500 mg extra a day of vitamin C; 200 iu of a natural vitamin E; 200 mcg of Selenium; & 200 mg of alpha lipoic acid are some of the ones I take.

Some of the others I take have antioxidant properties, 60 mg a day of CoQ10, for example. And 30 mg a day of lycopene is another.

They have antioxidant effects. But I take the CoQ10 for its benefits for my heart & energy level & the lycopene for reducing the chance I’ll get prostate cancer.

This is a very big subject. And, new information is being added virtually every day.

As we did with the recent post on boosting your HDL cholesterol, there are supplements that have different benefits that target specific health concerns.

And, one of the reasons to get the diagnostic health tests we spoke of in yesterday’s post, is to find the areas where you can benefit from the specific supplements that help in that area.

We’ll continue this series in our next post.


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