Friday, August 18, 2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity- II

Welcome to our health & self help blog.

In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Friday, 8-18-2006

Guidelines to Good Health, Survival, & Longevity-part II

Following these guidelines helps you to have a good quality of life mostly unhampered by getting sick or disabled or spending a lot on drugs, doctors & hospitals.

And, it means you’ll have that quality of life for many years longer than many of the people who don’t follow these guidelines will live. (Your quality of life may be good into your nineties or beyond while people who follow none of these guidelines often die before age 80 – & many even earlier.)

In addition, as you get older, you’ll gradually find you look years younger than other people your age.

For the first 4 guidelines, see yesterday’s post, Thursday, 8-17-2006

5. Follow these good health generating & health protecting guidelines.:

a) find as many foods that support & enhance your health as you can; find as many as you can that you like or can at least be OK with eating; & make eating a variety of these foods most of what you eat.

(On this blog, the Superfoods series we posted starting, 4-14-2006 is a good place to start if you are unfamiliar with the subject.)

b) find out what foods actively harm you & damage your health and make an enormous extra & focused effort to virtually never eat them no matter what.

(In our series on food that continues after our Superfood posts, we cover the two absolute worst foods to eat.

Unfortunately, at this time, they are in a LOT of the foods you’ll find in grocery stores & supermarkets. But these two foods are really so bad for you, it’s very much worth the effort to avoid them. One piece of good news is that if you have been eating a lot of them & stop, you’ll very likely lose quite bit of weight & virtually all of it will be fat.)

c) Find out which of the foods you like are a bit of a mixed review healthwise & be sure to only eat each one only occasionally. For the ones that are mostly OK this can be once or twice a week. For the ones that are mostly NOT OK, once or twice a year will serve your health better.

But by regularly including some of them, you have more freedom of choice; you’ll enjoy what you eat more; & you’ll find it much easier to sustain a health-enhancing style of eating. (It also makes it easier to go out to eat to have these extra choices that are OK occasionally.)

(In our posts on food we cover several such foods.

And, the more of the next set of guidelines you follow, the more you can get away with in eating such foods, since your body will process them better.)

d) Do some kind of moderately vigorous or vigorous aerobic (or cardio) exercise at least three non consecutive days a week. And, if you can, build on that until you do over 1200 calories a week of aerobic exercise.

e) Whether you do it at home or in a gym, each week, do at least two sessions of strength training (or lifting weights) with at least a day of rest in between for the muscles you exercise. Exercise most of the parts of your body. And, do it three times a week if you can.

f) Look for opportunities that fit your interests & lifestyle to be physically active in other ways in addition.

They can be fun like dancing. Or useful, like yardwork or running the vacuum cleaner or sweeping. Or simple, like just taking a few extra opportunities to walk a bit more. Or they can be mastering a physical skill or a stretching system like Tai Chi, Karate, or Yoga.

We’ll post more of these health guidelines in our next post.)


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