Labels: coffee drinking without causing cancer, some health beliefs are false and some are true, True guidelines for common beliefs about health
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
True guidelines for
common beliefs part two....Today's post: Tuesday, 6-12-2018
There are many beliefs about many things that influence
Some things that are commonly thought to be harmful are not
or there is a way to do them or eat them safely.
Many things thought to be safe or even beneficial are
actually harmful and even deadly.
So that the final post in this series has all of these, here
are the ones that I posted on last Weds, 6-6-2018. They are worth reading if you haven’t yet
seen them and acting on if you read them without using them yet.
If you have, today’s
post finishes the section on egg yolks, saturated fat, and harmful and
beneficial fats. It then continues after that.
This story appeared online:
11 ‘bad habits’
that are actually healthy, according to science
Some of their coverage I thought well of and some I
didn’t. I also noticed they left out
some of the more important topics.
This is my list some of which includes things they included
and my comments on those from their list.
(I thought they did well on some and much less well on
A. As you may have seen, the makers of MSG have
funded a disinformation campaign on Facebook that has at least a dozen people
saying that the furor over MSG is based on iffy or incorrect information.
The actual research on MSG finds it is so harmful it should
be illegal to add to foods –
or at the very least
illegal to put MSG in foods without informing the person eating or buying it
that it’s there and abundant research shows it’s quite harmful and fattening!
My complete post on this was on Tuesday, 5-29, last week,
with far more detail.
B. They didn’t
include smoking.
Roughly half the people who smoke believe smoking is
harmless. No need to inform them since
they believe their lives are so messed up and out of their control they might
as well smoke. So whether it’s harmful or not they really don’t care.
The other half though believes that the only significant
risk of smoking is from lung cancer and most smokers escape it.
While it is true that even in heavy smokers only about a
fourth get lung cancer, the other part of that saying “the only significant
risk is” is SO false if there was an alarm for false statements your computer
or smart phone would be vibrating so hard you’d have trouble reading this!
Two thirds of smokers get Alzheimer’s disease. We know why. It’s no accident.
Even second hand smoke triggers heart attacks, sometimes
fatal ones, in people who would otherwise not have had them for years.
Tobacco itself is radioactive; so using tobacco products or
breathing its smoke sends cancer causing radioactivity to go everywhere in your
body. So it’s no surprise that half of
all cancers and half of all cancer deaths are from tobacco use, smoking, or
second hand smoke.
Nicotine itself is harmful to your heart and tends to cause
cancer. And vaping systems expose your
lungs to other harmful compounds to we now know.
Also, most people who smoke use lighters instead of
matches. This makes the smoke much more
effective at causing lung cancer and other cancers because of the short lived
hydrocarbons in the hotter smoke.
So, if you smoke or use tobacco another way or are exposed
to second hand smoke or vape, using a way to stop nicotine addiction completely
without a substitute and staying away from second hand smoke as close to 100%
of the time is the safest way to deal with it.
C. They didn’t
include soft drinks or diet soft drinks.
*Gradually over the past 70 years we have gone from no one
knows what soft drinks are to most young people drink soft drinks at least a
few times a week to a few times a day.
Since they see other people their age do the same and they
get to see the ads for soft drinks that make them seem fun every time they go
to the movies, they believe soft drinks are fun, harmless, and normal.
This is another so false the alarm would blow up your
computer or smart phone deal.
Something like 30 different kinds of research shows that
drinking ANY soft drinks is about as harmful as smoking heavily. Doing so causes osteoporosis, fatty liver,
and helps cause cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Drinking soft drinks is also a near perfect fattener! Drinking one or several does nothing to turn
down hunger but DOES deliver calories in a way that tends to cause those
calories to become fat. Worse the blood
sugar surge causes you to become hungry for sugary foods when the rebound
effect hits later.
Drinking soft drinks seems safer than smoking. The reality
is that it may be worse for you! And
THAT’s not yet well known.
**Millions of people drink diet soft drinks and some nurses
and diabetes educators with out of date training-- believe that they get to
drink soft drinks because that doesn’t fatten them.
In fact, because they believe this, they often drink more
than people who drink regular soft drinks.
Is this belief true?
Nope. Diet soft drinks and the artificial sweeteners used in
them fatten quite a bit MORE than regular soft drinks!
Worse, the artificial sweeteners themselves cause some
cancers and other health problems as much as or more than as regular soft
drinks using free fructose high fructose corn syrup.
[To me an article on false beliefs having to do with health
that leaves out MSG; tobacco, smoking, and nicotine; and leaves out soft drinks
and diet soft drinks is like an article about cars with nothing in it about
engines or safety.]
D. Many people still
believe that eating,
fats and oils and saturated fat, and egg yolks are bad for
Many nutritionists and diabetes educators with outdated
educations still believe these things.
The article does rather better on these topics!
The article says this about eating eggs:
“Eggs – an animal product high in cholesterol, fat, protein,
and several key vitamins and minerals – have been vilified for years. But as it
turns out, eggs are actually pretty healthy. And ordering just the whites, a
practice that low-fat food advocates say is a way to shave off calories, fat,
and cholesterol, is completely unnecessary.
Whole eggs are high in a handful of key vitamins and
minerals that you can’t get from many foods like vitamin B12 and phosphorus.
They’re also rich in muscle-fueling protein and satiating fat, which makes them
filling and unlikely to be overeaten.
Plus, the cholesterol eggs contain does not appear to lead
to high cholesterol levels in healthy people. Just as eating fat does not
translate into being fat, recent
research has shown that eating cholesterol doesn’t
necessarily translate into having high cholesterol.“
Not bad! Certainly
closer to accurate than the old advice was.
Egg yolks DO have many nutrients you need and in highly bioavailable
forms. Ovo or lacto ovo vegetarians do
not need to take the long list of supplements that vegans do to stay healthy.
Eating a few eggs a week can solve that problem.
However, eggs can be from chickens fed pesticide and
herbicide sprayed grains. This makes
such eggs have some pro-inflammatory omega 6 oil and a surprising amount of
concentrated pesticides and herbicides.
So eating those kinds of eggs is still something that should
be limited.
The much better news is that eating eggs from chickens that
really are fed on pastures they walk around on from insects and earthworms and
some organic additions are now available.
Whole Foods now stocks those.
You can eat at least a whole egg a day including the yolk
from such chickens.
There are still some possible upgrades. But this kind of eggs ALSO has more of the
nutrition you eat the eggs to get!
This was the end of
last week’s post.
Egg yolks from hens truly fed their natural diet on
unpolluted pastures they walk around on are both safe and beneficial to eat.
When added to a diet with abundant organic vegetables and
fruit, they tend to support very good health.
Also, to the extent eating them boosts cholesterol, the
choline in the egg yolks raises the beneficial HDL cholesterol which has heart
and brain boosting effects.
Such egg yolks also contain l-carnitine; and both choline and
l-carnitine have nerve and mitochondria boosting effects.
Some research has found that a bacteria that causes calcium
deposits in your blood vessels TMAO blooms when you eat a lot of choline and
This suggests that eating egg yolks or taking choline or
l-carnitine as supplements might boost this bacteria and cause this effect.
The much better news is that many of the most heart
protective things you can do produce the reverse effect so well that it looks
totally safe to ignore it!
a) Take probiotics and eat organic yogurt with live cultures
and no sweeteners and sauerkraut made with organic cabbage. To some extent this leaves less room for the
TMAO producing bacteria.
b) Do things that put calcium into your bones without overdoing
it and remove calcium from your blood vessels.
Take at least 400 mg a day of magnesium. Don’t consume too much real sugar and consume
no free fructose from juices or juice concentrates and never consume it from
high fructose corn syrup with all that excess fructose also free fructose. (If you get enough magnesium you tend to add
enough calcium to bones for strength but not too much. But since most younger people eat too little
magnesium and don’t take it as supplements and the free fructose and excess
sugar they do consume deplete magnesium, they often have weak bones that uptake
too little calcium leaving it to harden their blood vessels.)
Take at least 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 and take vitamin
K2. Enough magnesium and K2 cause the
calcium you eat to make strong bones AND actively remove it from your blood
vessels! Also do NOT, repeat NOT take
statins. They harm your mitochondria and
deplete vitamin K2 and also cause calcium to be added to your arteries by
actual test because of this. NOT taking artificial sweeteners or drinking diet
soft drinks prevents calcium from leaving your bones and weight bearing
exercise and strength training add calcium to your bones.(This set of actions
directly stops TMAO from doing the reverse.)
c) TMAO is also thought to cause excess clotting.
So, do things that keep your blood vessels healthy and
flexible and prevent blood from clotting too easily.
Eating organic fruit and fruit extracts and organic vegetables
does the reverse plus it helps keep your blood vessels strong and healthy.
This is known to prevent both kinds of strokes and heart
Lard and butter and whole milk from cows fed only grass or
organic greens on unpolluted grass are actually beneficial to eat in moderation
for much the same reasons as egg yolks.
The same is true of organic coconut oil.
So it’s a myth that these things are harmful that most
people don’t yet know and many nutritionists trained before the research was
done showing this don’t yet know that saturated fat from egg yolks, dairy
products, and meat is NOT harmful if it’s from animals that are fed right.
These things are true however:
*Those same foods from chickens and cattle fed grain that
has been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides ARE harmful from the excessive
pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils in the grain and the bioconcentrated herbicides
and pesticides in the fat.
*The foods high in monosaturated oils are so heart
protective, although it is true that animal based saturated fat from naturally
fed cattle and chickens is safe and beneficial, the reason to limit your intake
is make room for lots of these foods.
Raw, shelled, tree nuts for those not allergic, organic
avocados, and organic extra virgin olive oil are in this list of foods.
(Peanuts have too much omega oils and tend to contain cancer
causing aflatoxin and are often not grown organically.
Cashews have too many lectins so some people have an
allergic reaction to them; and the rest of us should eat them very seldom.)
Last but far from least, taking olive leaf extract adds to
this heart protective effect.
*The nerve and brain beneficial and anti-inflammatory omega
3 oils from wild caught fish and seafood is so valuable and health producing,
you should also limit fats from land animals to make room for them.
(Or you can take supplements of purified omega 3 and DHA in
addition to eating wild caught small fish and salmon that are high in omega 3
oils but not mercury.)
In addition to the nerve and brain beneficial and
anti-inflammatory omega effects of omega 3 oils from wild caught fish and
seafood, eating and taking DHA boosts HDL cholesterol and lowers inflammation
and triglycerides so it is enormously heart protective and protective of blood
circulation to your brain.
*Next in the article, they say this:
“Breakfast is not mandatory, despite what you may have
Although it was once believed that skipping the first meal
of the day leads to weight gain, several recent studies have found the opposite
– that fasting, or occasionally skipping meals, may actually help some people
lose weight.
These eating plans are known as intermittent fasting, and
one of the most popular involves abstaining from food for 16 hours and eating
for eight. That leads most people to shift their eating window back a few hours
from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., essentially foregoing breakfast.
Large studies have found intermittent fasting to be just as
reliable for weight loss as traditional diets. A few studies in animals suggest
it could have other benefits, such as reducing the risk for certain cancers and
even prolonging life– but those studies need to be repeated in humans.”
This does work for some people.
Bullet Proof teaches to consume coffee and ghee and their
blend of lighter and better tasting MCT oils that boost ketones you and your
brain can use for energy instead of glucose for breakfast and then eat health
ok protein foods and health ok fats and oils and organic and nonstarchy
vegetables later in the day.
I tried it and could do it. But it was not effective for fat
loss for me and I prefer to eat breakfast.
But the point is accurate.
It does work for some people.
Because breakfast is often the meal you can fix and eat at
home and have the most control over and having your hunger turned down or off
can protect you from eating sugary treats with refined grain hybrid wheat in
many workplaces, I think most people will do better at fat loss by eating a
breakfast high in health OK proteins and fats and oils and nutrition.
Most people I think do better at fat loss by always eating
breakfast. But some people have done
well without it this other way.
*Next, in their article they discuss coffee:
“Drinking coffee
In March, a California judge ruled that Starbucks and other
coffee businesses must include cancer warnings on their products.
Despite this frightening announcement, there’s extensive
scientific research on coffee which suggests that, if anything, regularly
drinking the brew is linked with a reduced cancer risk as well as a range of
other health benefits, such as protecting against diabetes and boosting heart
That said, doctors recommend limiting your caffeine intake
to 400 milligrams per day, or about 3 to 4 standard cups of drip coffee.”
This is weak and confusing coverage in my opinion. This is what this is about:
Coffee and instant coffee that you drink is made from
roasted coffee beans that are then ground and hot water used to extract the
active ingredients and flavor.
When foods with any carbohydrate are roasted with high heat
it causes the release of acrylamide which has been found to cause cancer in
higher doses.
This means that roasted coffee beans do have some acrylamide
in them.
Is this likely to cause people who drink coffee or instant
coffee to get cancer?
I agree with their apparent view that the answer is probably
But what they don’t say is why.
And, they don’t say how to dramatically reduce the risk
which is most important.
Here’s what they left out:
Most of the acrylamide people consume comes from toasted NOT
organic refined grain hybrid wheat. If
you know to NEVER eat that food and why
and almost never do, you’ll escape enough acrylamide to make the small amount
in roasted coffee beans far less dangerous.
The many kinds of antioxidants and cancer preventing substances
in coffee beans are so many and so
effective, the actual data tend to show coffee drinkers are healthier and less
likely to have cancer than people who don’t.
Then too it’s extra important to get organic coffee and
instant coffee. The coffee made from
heavily sprayed coffee beans may cause cancer from the herbicides and
pesticides and this risk is in my opinion about 100 times greater than the risk
from the tiny bit of acrylamide.
So, consider drinking only organic coffee and instant coffee
to prevent cancer if you want coffee that does not cause cancer.
Last but far from least, completely avoid tobacco, its
smoke, and nicotine and eat a very low inflammation lifestyle and take
supplements that support it and those such as olive leaf extract that tend to
prevent cancer.
THAT will prevent cancer in people who drink organic coffee
and instant coffee despite the small amount of acrylamide in the roasted coffee
Part 3 will continue next week.
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