Thursday, May 31, 2018

Fatloss Power Strategy from Isabel de Los Rios....Today's post:  Thursday, 5-31-2018

Last week we posted that SSRI antidepressants reduce healthy bone growth and replacement and new research shows this causes them to have a fattening effect.

Then, since SSRI antidepressants don’t work anyway according to the research I’ve seen, I list the far better news that the lifestyle upgrades that cause you to lose fat you keep off ALL tend to make you feel better and turn off depression.

The fattening actions have been shown to CAUSE depression.  And the actions that keep you lean turn it off! That has been proven too!

But that still leaves a gap for many of us.

How do you feel better about making the effort to do those things?

Fatloss & recipe expert Isabel de Los Rios found a great answer to this!

I’ll add my comments after hers; but I liked much of what she had to say so I’ll quote her directly.

Most of her own advice I think is good -- although I haven’t thought as well of some of the things from others she has promoted at times.  This is a good sample of some of her better ideas.

“a few months ago I gained a completely new perspective on goals and how we should set them.
I was watching a video where Marie Forleo was interviewing Danielle Laporte. Marie is a business coach and specializes in helping entrepreneurs build online businesses, and Danielle is a best-selling author and speaker who also specializes in helping entrepreneurs.

When Marie asked Danielle how she sets goals for herself, Danielle's answer completely floored me.

Danielle went on to explain the many times in the past (especially around the New Year) she set goals for herself and then never followed through on them. Ever do that? I know I have.

The problem, Danielle said, was that she would read the goals she had written down and never really felt inspired by them.
She would set goals for herself like…

Lose the baby weight.
De-clutter the house.
Pay off credit card debt.
And on and on...

Danielle said it was no wonder she would quickly lose motivation on her goals. They really didn't do much to spark inspiration in her. 

So Danielle took a completely different approach to her goals... she started focusing on the feelings she wanted to experience on a daily basis instead of on the actual goal itself.

BAM! Isabel light bulb moment!

Maybe all the times I set a goal and didn't follow through was because I never took the time to think about the feeling I wanted to experience when I accomplished that goal.

Maybe I also needed to focus on the feeling during the process of accomplishing that goal.

Let's take an example of a goal that I know is near and dear to all of us.

Let’s say you set a goal of losing 20 pounds. You give yourself 10 weeks to accomplish that goal-- (averaging 2 pounds per week, which is a pretty aggressive goal, but let’s go with it).

Instead of immediately creating a long list of to-dos to accomplish that goal, which can make the entire process feel overwhelming, you start with a list of ways you want to feel while you are working on that goal and when you accomplish it.

I want to feel...
  • Satisfied
  • In control
  • Energized
  • Sexy (come on, you know you wanted to say it)
  • Peaceful
WOW. What if you could feel all those feelings I just listed above and lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks? IS that something you'd be interested in? I think I hear a yes coming through the computer!

Now ask yourself...

"What are the things I must do to combine my goal of weight loss with the feelings above?" That is a very different question than what the original question was, without considering your feelings.

It may have previously been "What do I have to do to lose weight?" (Blah. Boring and uninspiring.) But now it has more meaning and emotion to it.

Let's answer the question now...

What must you do to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks, while feeling satisfied, in control, energized, sexy and peaceful? (I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited to answer this question now.)
Here are a few ways I would answer. These do not have to be the ones you choose. They are not perfect in any way, but they would be the ways I would personally answer this question for myself.
*I will pick 2 breakfast options that I know make me feel full and are quick and easy to make. This covers the feeling of being satisfied (nobody wants to be hungry, right?), and it covers the feelings of being peaceful and in control. If I already know what I’m going to have for breakfast and I can do it fairly quickly, this eliminates any anxiety I may have around making sure my first meal of the day is healthy.
(Remember: we give you new delicious breakfast recipes inside LiveSmart every month, and you have access to thousands of recipes inside the Beyond Diet site.)
(To see her web based system with recipes go to:

Ready to Lose Weight? Beyond Diet is the ultimate weight loss system with delicious healthy meal plans. Join over a million using this health diet plan... )

*I will dance as my form of exercise 5 days a week, in the morning, at home, in front of a mirror (just being honest here!!!). There's nothing that makes me feel more energized than dancing. Five minutes into my favorite pop song and I feel like I can take over the world. Dancing also has the added benefit of making me feel like I'm young and sexy (move over Beyonce!!!). If I were to pick a workout like CrossFit or grunting at the gym, that would make me feel so NOT sexy and really not energized at all.

But that's just me. You may walk into your CrossFit workout and feel like you're on top of the world. The idea here is to pick a form of movement that makes YOU feel great.

*I will pack my lunch every night while I'm cleaning up after dinner. This always makes me feel in control. Knowing that my lunch will always be healthy no matter how my day goes, not only gives me a sense of control, it also gives me the same level of peace I felt about my breakfast. It also has the added benefit of helping me feel satisfied since I know the foods I'll have packed are foods that make me feel full and avoid any afternoon cravings.

Now it's your turn.

What is your #1 goal right now?

What are the exact feelings you want to feel while you're in the process of accomplishing that goal? Don't be vague here. Be specific and don't be afraid to be 100% honest.

What are the things you will do to combine your goal with the feelings you want to feel?"

My comments:

1.  It’s been shown that focusing only on your most important goals makes it more likely you’ll take action.

Notice that Isabel focuses here on just eating right and exercise.

2.  It’s been shown that writing down specific actions to take to achieve your goals helps.  She does that but adds the extra good feelings she gets!

3.  You are more likely to do things that follow a predictable and repeatable weekly pattern instead of having to think up what to do each day.

Note that Isabel does this well!  She does use creativity to vary within her weekly pattern and adds this focus on feeling good about it.

I’ve used this for quite some time for both my exercises each week and what I eat.

It really works!


Setting things up to feel good about taking the actions that remove fat and keep it off enables you to do it and keep doing it!

Take Isabel’s advice and decide what works for you to help you feel good about taking action.

You’ll be glad you did! 

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