Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bacopa enhances learning, cuts anxiety, and protects the brain from Aluminum damage....

Today's Post: Tuesday, 4-19-2011

1. I had heard that the herb Bacopa helped people learn new things both by cutting down on anxiety and by also making the new information easier to remember.

Since I was about to launch a project that would require (& still will require) me to learn many new things and do so with enough at stake to make me a bit anxious, I began taking it.

The anxiety reduction is of great value even if it is not a large effect. You can only remember what you register to begin with; and in learning new things, anxiety tends to interfere with inputting the information and getting it even to your short term memory.

People who like learning a particular subject or who already have learned similar kinds of things or who compare what they already know on that subject tend to have less anxiety and learn the new information more easily.

Similarly, on some subjects, reading the Wikipedia article, or for older information, going to a library and looking it up in a World Book encyclopedia, can help for the same reason. That gives you an initial outline or background as a foundation for learning the rest.

Lastly, many subjects have a relatively few key facts or functions and dozens that are nice to have or know but may not be necessary or only make sense once you know the relatively few key facts or functions. So, a coach, tutor, or mentor who knows those relatively few key facts or functions well can be dramatically helpful to you. This is particularly true for learning software!

But at any time, if you can add having the process of learning both make you less anxious and have it be physically easier to remember once you register the new information by taking a supplement, that would be very desirable.

So, I was quite pleased with the email I got today from Al Sears MD. In it, he lists research showing that indeed taking Bacopa DOES make you less anxious and for it to be easier to learn and remember things you register well.

2. But there was a bonus!

For some time there has been a controversy as to whether or not ingesting excess aluminum caused Alzheimer’s disease or not.

The third study reported in his email found that ingesting excess aluminum caused Alzheimer’s disease did cause Alzheimer’s disease or very similar damage to brain cells AND that taking Bacopa tended to prevent that from happening even when the excess aluminum was there!

Since much exposure to aluminum is unintentional, this last study is also extremely important.

It shows that in addition to lowering anxiety and making learning new things easier, taking Bacopa helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other kinds of mental decline!

Here are some quotes from his email:

1. For anxiety and learning new things:

“In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study – the gold standard in research – they divided people into two groups. One group got 300 mg a day of bacopa and the other got a placebo. After 12 weeks, the people taking bacopa had:

Better word recall
Better attention
Better memory scores
A greater ability to ignore irrelevant information when learning
The bacopa group also had less anxiety and lower heart rates, while the stress and heart rates in the placebo group increased”

“Another double-blind placebo-controlled investigation gave 107 healthy people 300 mg of bacopa plant extract daily. After 90 days, the people had significantly improved their spatial memory, memory accuracy and their ability to process visual information”

2. For brain and brain function protection:

“Research also has discovered that bacopa can protect you from toxins that are harmful to your brain, especially aluminum. Long-term exposure to aluminum can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 60 percent.”

“In a study from India, researchers gave animals aluminum chloride. The animals treated with bacopa extract were protected from damage to the lipids and proteins in the brain. Bacopa’s protection even showed up on a microscopic level. It prevented a buildup of toxins between neurons, and stopped damage to the hippocampus, an important seat of learning, memory and thinking power”

“Another animal study showed bacopa reduced cellular damage in the part of the brain that controls movement and attention, and reversed the symptoms of muscular problems originating in the brain.”

3. For both things: ”… bacopa also has two active components called bacosides A and B. They improve the transmission of impulses between nerve cells in the brain, they regenerate synapses and repair damaged neurons. It helps you to learn and remember new things much more easily.”

When I went to the health food store they carried two kinds of Bacopa. The extra concentrated kind smelled as if the chemicals used to extract it were still in the supplement. Yikes!

But the Paradise brand Bacopa smelled a bit like raisins! It seems the maker insists on using safe and clean extraction methods. In addition, the two capsules a day I take has 500 mg a day of bacopa leaf extract since each capsule has 250 mg.

That 500 mg is more than the 300 mg found effective in these studies.


is an online store you can use to buy Paradise bacopa if your local health food store doesn’t carry it.

This information is on that site about Paradise bacopa:

“100% Pure 20:1 Concentrated Potency Dietary Supplement
100% Vegetarian, Non GMO

Paradise Bacopa is a True Full Spectrum 20:1 potent concentration.

It is naturally extracted without isolating, fractionizing or using toxic solvents, harsh chemicals or gases to ensure all the active and synergistic constituents are present in the balanced ratio nature intended.

According to Ayurveda, Bacopa is traditionally used as a nerve tonic and brain food. Also known as Brahmi, it is commonly used today to help support memory and concentration while easing stress and tension. Bacopa is thought to help nourish neurons while restoring depleted synaptic activity.

Serving Size: 1 Vegetarian Capsule which contains:

Bacopa leaf extract (Bacopa Monniera) 20:1 (Equivalent to 5,000 mg whole leaf) 250 mg & 50% Bacosides A & B (naturally occurring) 125 mg “

Information by the maker of Paradise bacopa is on this site: http://www.paradiseherbs.com/products/bacopa/ .

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