Friday, April 08, 2011

Women willing to live shorter lives to be trim but real fat loss ADDS years....

Today's Post: Friday, 4-8-2011

Last Tuesday, reported that, "Almost one-third of young women would trade at least a year of their lives to have a perfect body, according to a new survey of British undergraduates."

(Sixteen percent of these young women would trade a year of life for their ideal body weight and shape. Thirteen percent were willing to trade two years or more.)

The odd thing is that real permanent fat loss ADDS years of life and adds even more years of healthy life to the men and women who do it.

And, with a few added health upgrades in addition, real permanent fat loss adds even more years of life and healthy life.

1. Taking stimulant drugs that cause people to use more energy and which reduce appetite can reduce excess fat.

And, they can kill people who use them and have done so.

But there are two problems with them.

a) They can kill you at an age where they cost you far more than half your life. They are like playing Russian Roulette with extra bullets in the gun. They also can cause permanent disability with things like heart attacks they trigger that damage the heart or strokes they trigger. And, even at lower levels in luckier people, they tend to harm health and have obnoxious side effects.

b) They aren’t permanent fat loss! Virtually everyone who tries them stops at some point. Since those people don’t actually know how to get permanent fat loss, the fat always comes back!

2. By contrast, virtually every part of real permanent fat loss has health and longevity benefits.

a) People who do strength training, interval cardio, and even some extra walking each week burn more calories, are less fat, and dramatically better able to keep off fat they lose by upgrading what they eat and drink and making small cuts in calories they can sustain without hunger.

But people who are active in those ways ALSO have higher self esteem, do better in all the rest of their lives, have better sex lives, and have less heart disease and problems with high blood sugar and high blood pressure than those who do not. They also stay mentally sharp and physically younger AND live longer than those who do not.

b) The same is true of upgrading what people eat and drink.

Giving up food and drink that is fattening AND harmful to your health often makes you LESS hungry instead of more! People who overdo these foods and drinks daily now can often lose 30 pounds a year or more with just this one step.

People who just do this one step do almost as much better on health and longevity as people who just exercise. They have less heart disease and problems with high blood sugar and high blood pressure than those who do not. They also stay mentally sharp AND live longer than those who do not.

Adding exercise and eating foods and drinks that make you less hungry without fattening you and have health benefits to that multiply all the good effects of this step, giving up food and drink that is fattening AND harmful to your health.

People who eat mostly health OK protein foods, nonstarchy vegetables, beans and lentils, spices, and health OK fats and oils can have good tasting and enjoyable foods and even eat some fruit, whole grain, and even sugary food on occasion AND they tend to get and stay trim and free of excess fat by doing so.

People who do THIS step also have less heart disease and problems with high blood sugar and high blood pressure than those who do not. They also stay mentally sharp AND live longer than those who do not.

Lastly, people who remove the junk from what they eat and drink, get regular exercise each week, and systematically learn to eat and enjoy the foods that keep them healthy and trim without hunger and persist in their efforts are learning and using the organized and conscientious skills that recent research has proved help people withstand stress and bounce back, succeed in their careers, and live long and healthy lives!

That last set of skills also enables people to do the systematic small calorie restrictions that enable people to lose even more fat without hunger or triggering their famine response. People who have those skills initially find that process easier. And people who learn to eat that way consistently and maintain it, learn those skills in doing so!

In short, virtually every single part of losing fat that stays off permanently tends to make you live LONGER and live those years healthier and more able to enjoy life than continuing to do the opposite and staying fat!

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