Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two things most people think safe are actually deadly....

Today's Post: Thursday, 4-14-2011

Most Americans think that eating or drinking a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup and being totally sedentary are safe to do.

Oops !!

Is eating or drinking a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup totally safe to do if you aren’t too fat from doing it?

Is being totally sedentary while doing that safe?

Unfortunately, it is NOT safe and by a country mile. In fact, it’s extremely toxic to deadly to do this!

What’s allowed this to be missed is that it can take decades to work this harm; some people are affected less; and researchers and doctors looked at other causes for the diseases it causes. Worse, some of those other causes really do cause those problems. Until now, that’s hidden how dangerous sugar and high fructose corn syrup – and lack of exercise -- really are.

An innovative doctor I know posted this article from the NY times recently on his Facebook page. Luckily I saw it as I had “friended” him there as I remembered him favorably from when I met him initially.

"Is Sugar Toxic?" at .

The bad news is that the article makes it sound as if the information in it is less than proven. I disagree.

The good news is that this article does explain some of the reasons why eating excess sugar is so toxic and even deadly.

Eating or drinking a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup (and eating a lot of refined grain foods) not only fattens you, they also cause diabetes, and heart disease, AND cancer!

When you eat these foods, your body sends out insulin to cut down the excessive surge you get in your blood sugar.

If you do this seldom and not very much of it when you do and you eat real foods with protein and health OK fat or oils and fiber at that time, AND you exercise every week, that insulin surge is moderate and the response to it stays strong so not much is needed.

BUT, if you eat or drink a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup and don’t eat it with real foods often and never exercise, truly frightening and deadly things happen to you.

Your blood sugar spikes are quite high as are even the initial insulin surges. But if you keep doing it, it gets far worse, your blood sugar doesn’t fall enough to protect you AND you begin to need more and more insulin to do even that poor job!

If that process continues long enough and gets worse, it causes quite high blood sugar levels which start destroying your capillaries and things like your eyes and heart and brain and your doctor will tell you that you have type 2 diabetes.

Some people know that.

But the thing I recently discovered is that this process has been PROVEN to directly cause heart disease.

And, the article adds that this process acts as a super grow fertilizer to cancer cells. That means that instead of your immune system killing off the weak cancer cells that show up from time to time, they grow too fast and become too large for this protection to work. Then you get cancer or aggressive cancer which is quite hard to stop since it continues to get this super grow fertilizer effect and support.

Here’s why this process is proven to cause heart disease. (This was NOT in the New York Times article though some of the facts that proof is based on are there.)

Of the several causes of heart disease one of the most deadly, if not THE most deadly is to have a very high level of small particle LDL. The large particles of LDL roll over the surface of your blood vessels like nerf balls or tumbleweeds. But the small particles of LDL act like small bits of glue that stick into your blood vessel walls and gradually close them to circulation. That’s because these particles are literally so tiny that they are smaller than the molecular chinks in your blood vessel walls.

The more you eat or drink a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup, the lower your HDL gets and even more so, the higher your triglycerides get.

That is no longer in doubt. But what the article did not say is that the ratio of these two measures is a very accurate reading of how much small particle LDL you have. That research has been done.

What that means is that it is CERTAIN that the more you eat or drink a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup the more of these deadly small particles of LDL you have and, unfortunately, the more plaque and heart disease you have or will soon have!

We do NOT need to do specific research because of these separate facts to know this happens.

So, is eating or drinking a lot of sugar or high fructose corn syrup for years and years safe?

It is NOT safe and is one of the direct causes of death and suffering for individual people and our massively high health care costs that are harming our economy as much or more than rising gasoline prices!

How bad is it now?

For people who exercise vigorously every week with strength training and interval cardio or who get an hour a day of moderate exercise almost every day, such as walking 3 miles each day -- or both, a few teaspoons of sugar a few times a week is likely safe. That might total 6 to 15 teaspoons a week of sugar. (Those kinds of exercise prevent or tend to reverse insulin resistance. Such exercise also directly cuts down on your blood levels of small particle LDL!)

Meanwhile the average American, between eating or drinking a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, is getting 22 teaspoons a DAY of sugar – about three to ten times that much!

And, the average American now thinks it safe to get no exercise of any kind; and something like 70 to 85 % of them do not.

(In addition to making it unsafe to have ANY sugar or high fructose corn syrup, not exercising also harms your blood circulation in other ways and causes your brain to shrink! There is some new evidence we may post on next time in fact that strongly suggests that shrinkage is one of the key causes of Alzheimer’s disease.)

The truly horrible news is that reversing this disaster for all these people who don’t know any better to save our economy and their health will likely take 30 years and the harm is already here!

The good news is that you as an individual CAN stop drinking soft drinks which by themselves cause over half the problem. (Regular soft drinks do it directly. But diet soft drinks are proven to cause people to eat more sugar from other sources and are proven to be just as bad.)

You can eat real sugar instead of the more harmful high fructose corn syrup and eat small amounts two or three times a week instead of large amounts two or three times a day.

And, you can get in a few minutes of interval cardio three times a week or more and a few minutes of strength training two times a week or more. Plus most people can find a way to get in a few walks each week.

Yes, more is better. But if you truly understand what this does FOR you and what NOT doing it does TO you, you’ll likely find a way to make just a bit of this happen.

If you also stop soft drinks, and cut way back on your consumption of even real sugar and of foods made with refined grains, even do some exercise of these kinds every week, that will give you surprisingly good protection.

You now are one of the people who know that eating or drinking tons of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and NOT doing any exercise is not only toxic but deadly.

Please do yourself a favor and use this information to protect yourself.

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