Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Red Wine, Berries, & Good Health….

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In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Tuesday, 11-7-2006

Red Wine, Berries, & Good Health….

(We’ll post a bit of an overview of our posts on boosting HDL’s next time.)

There’s some new information I decided to comment on today.

Many of you read the recent news that suggests that taking resveratrol may protect those of use who are a bit fatter than we’d like to be from negative health problems due to being fat.

My guess is that it’s likely to work in people too. And, resveratrol is in red wine which does seem to have health benefits.

But here are some other facts & ideas to consider also:

1. Exercise is also protective.

It wasn’t in this report or study. But regular exercise not only has a very similar effect, regularly doing enough of the right exercises may remove most or all of the fat in the first place.

The good news is that if you are fatter than you should be, regular exercise can protect you also. In fact, the studies I saw reported found that fat exercisers were usually in BETTER health than sedentary skinny people.

2. Eating right is also protective.

The study was done on mice. And, the mice that were fed a diet comparable to a human who eats a wide variety of vegetables & avoids excess saturated fat & totally avoids virtually all transfats & high fructose corn syrup & refined grains & other junk foods, enjoyed good health even without the extra resveratrol.

Based on the health data of people who eat a Mediterranean diet or one very similar that fits this profile AND adds some red wine, which does add some resveratrol but may have other health benefits, you can achieve this effect with diet also.

3. There are some related foods & supplements that may have even greater effects on you health & longevity than resveratrol.

Blueberries have been shown to be enormously protective of sound mental functioning & to help you avoid strokes & high blood pressure if you eat them regularly.

Bilberry extract has been shown to help prevent macular degeneration of your eyes, to help you see better at night, & to help your eyes recover quickly when they are exposed to glare at night.

If you like to read & plan to keep doing it or you drive at night, this supplement may be more important to you than resveratrol.

And, since bilberries are a kind of blueberry & have resveratrol related compounds, bilberry extract may have some of the same effects as blueberries & resveratrol in addition to its benefits for your eyes.

And, a variety of related fruit has other health advantages. Raspberries, dark cherries, strawberries, plums, & concord grape juice all have substantial health benefits.

And, pomegranate juice is also in this family of foods & supplements.

So, even though I think resveratrol works as the study suggests it might, there are other ways to get that protection.

And, the more you use, whether you add resveratrol or not, the healthier you’ll be.

We’ll post a bit of an overview of our posts on boosting HDL’s next time


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