Monday, October 30, 2006

Exercise boosts your sex life. Here’s how….

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Today's post: Monday, 10-30-2006

Exercise boosts your sex life. Here’s how….

In both men & women, people who exercise are sexier & usually have more & better sex than people who don’t.

One study of women found that regular exercise was the most reliable predictor of having a good sex life of the factors that they studied.

In fact, many people who don’t get regular exercise begin to have problems sexually by the time they are in their fifties.

1. Since one of the key ways exercise helps with sex is that it keeps your blood flow healthy & robust, people who exercise regularly often report having their best sex in their fifties.

This is quite a contrast to beginning to run out of gas sexually.

(Important note: Smoking is much worse for your circulation & robust blood flow than regular exercise is good.

This is not as well known as the fact that smoking increases the chances of people getting lung cancer. But virtually everyone who smokes impairs their circulation.

In fact, poor circulation caused by smoking is a major cause of impotence.

So, if you smoke & would like to keep a good & active sex life, you’ll make that a LOT more likely if you quit smoking.)

Regular exercise also keeps your circulation good by raising the heart protective fraction of your HDL that keeps your arteries clean & open.

You can also help do that by eating right & by keeping your LDL cholesterol low. And, it also helps keep your blood flowing well to not allow the LDL you do have from being oxidized. Because oxidized LDL tends to cause plaque build up that restricts bood flow, preventing your LDL from oxidizing is important.

Eating a variety of vegetables almost every day; eating fruit high in vitamin C & other antioxidants; & taking antioxidant supplements like vitamin C & vitamin E, particularly in their natural form, & others like alpha lipoic acid, will help keep your LDL from oxidizing.

2. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to avoid getting depressed & to get out of being depressed.

And, people who are depressed feel like having sex less often & enjoy it less when they do.

This happens far less often to people who exercise regularly.

There are three key reasons for this.

Vigorous, regular exercise releases increased amounts of key neurotransmitters in the blood stream. So the physical brains of people who exercise regularly literally work better than those people who don’t exercise. Their pleasure circuits have the neurotransmitters they need, so they don't get depressed or as depressed for as long. And, they enjoy sex more.

And, when exercisers run into the temporary hard to deal with problems everyone encounters, regular exercisers have a recent memory of doing something physically that they controlled & did successfully, their exercises, to bolster them psychologically.

Nonexercisers often lack such memories if they aren’t unusually effective people in general.

And, with some of the more severe problems, we can all use all the extra help we can get.

Exercise provides that in part.

Third, as we covered in a previous post, there are also several other reasons that exercisers think better & more effectively, so they are more likely to overcome the challenges they face.

3. People who exercise regularly & do both fitness & strength exercises can literally have more intense sex. They are stronger & have more stamina.

4. Exercisers are often more muscular & less fat than non-exercisers. So they look better to their partners or prospective partners.

5. Exercisers are usually in better health than non-exercisers; so they are both more appealing & more likely to want to have sex.

6. And, one of the biggest reasons exercisers have the best sex lives is that vigorous strength training releases testosterone.

Since testosterone is the key hormone in making you feel sexy & enjoy sex, that’s one of the most important reasons.

And, although their testosterone is at a lower level & it’s less well known, women have testosterone as well as men. And, they experience this effect when they exercise also.


If you need inspiration or some ideas on an exercise plan that fits you, read this:

Exercise expert Jon Benson has co-authored an ebook that has some guidelines on how to get good results from exercise.

I find I like & support about 90 percent of Jon’s own advice. And, I find him extremely well informed.

I do disagree with him occasionally. And, you might also; & you may not like or believe in all he suggests himself.

>>> But, here’s the exciting thing about his book:

He also has tons of people of both sexes & many ages who got well -- & discarded excess fat – by exercising -- tell THEIR stories of how they got into exercise & what exactly they do in their exercise programs. It also has their very good results. Some got incredibly good results.

There are enough role models & ideas you are virtually certain to find one or several that are enough similar to you that you can do it too & see exactly how people who are like you & started where you are or maybe even at a worse level were able to do it.

Does that sound like it’s worth checking out?

If so, here’s more information on Jon’s book. See:

Here’s what Jon has to say about FitOver40:

Jon Benson
Creator/Co-Author of Fit Over 40: Role Models For Excellence At Any Age

If you don't have a copy of Fit Over 40 yet, download yours today. In less than a few minutes you'll have the number 2 fitness e-book of all time right on your desktop - 304 pages of inspiration, motivation and fitness strategy. Fit Over 40 isn't just for people over 40 - it's an invaluable training and motivational e-book that can save you years, even decades of frustration when it comes to learning what works for your body and seeing the results you want.

One of the reasons I wrote the book was to save others the years of trial and error I went through as I went from obese to fit. With over 50 role models profiled, Fit Over 40 will stand the test of time for anyone interested in health, strength, fat loss, muscle, and motivation - at any age.

To get Jon’s book go to:


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