Thursday, October 12, 2006

The 3 best benefits of exercise & how to get them

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Today's post: Thursday, 10-12-2006

The 3 best benefits of exercise & how to get them

*People who exercise think & overcome challenges better—often a LOT better

*People who exercise can eat more fats & stay healthy

*People who exercise can even get way with eating some sugar & starchy foods.


*People who exercise think & overcome challenges better—often a LOT better

There are dozens of ways your life, your success, your happiness, & your ability to overcome even horrible challenges depends on your ability to think well & to solve problems & do even do it while under stress.

People who exercise do it better. They get more blood supply to their brains. People who don’t exercise are often like cars with just barely adequate or poor fuel delivery, their mental engines simply haven’t got the fuel they need for full power even when it’s desperately needed.

Their neurotranmitters are closer to their optimum levels which results also in clearer & faster thinking & in far less depression. That’s also important because depressed people often give up & quit thinking usefully at all.

Exercisers are used to taking action regularly & overcoming mild difficulties. And, most exercisers are also getting used to making progress over time & making doable improvements. That’s important because exercisers persist more intelligently & longer & are more proactive & better at real world achievement thinking skills precisely because they get regular practice in their exercise programs.

Exercisers also tend to have greater stress tolerance & as a result tend to think better under stress as their thinking parts of their brain are less distracted & have better blood flow.

*People who exercise can eat more fats & stay healthy

Almost everyone, certainly the vast majority of Americans, occasionally eats too much saturated fat. Bacon, sausage, cheese, ice cream, egg yolks all have saturated fat. And the grain fed meat most people eat does also.

Kenneth Cooper MD who wrote the “aerobics” books found that people who exercise digest & process fats better than people who don’t.

Subsequent research has shown that people who get enough regular & vigorous exercise increase their levels, not just of HDL cholesterol but exercise increases the fraction of HDL that is heart & health protective.

It’s even possible that exercisers can eat a bit more of the harmful transfats & get away with it.

It’s definitely been shown that people who are too fat who exercise are MUCH healthier than those who don’t.

*People who exercise can even get way with eating some sugar & starchy foods.

Kenneth Cooper MD who wrote the “aerobics” books found that people who exercise digest & process sugars & starches better than people who don’t.

More recent research has found that regular vigorous exercise tends to prevent insulin resistance & type II diabetes in fact.

Just this morning I got an email saying there is evidence that eating too much sugar & having your body process it badly is more, maybe MUCH more, the cause of heart disease than eating too much saturated fat & having high LDL cholesterol as a result.

Obviously most people should simply slash the amount of sugar they eat each week. But wouldn’t be nice if you could get away with having ice cream or your favorite dessert every once in a while?

If you exercise vigorously several times each week you probably can. And, if you don’t exercise, you very probably cannot. It’s about that simple.


But what if you have trouble believing that people like you can get good results from exercising?

What if you really haven’t exercised before & need some ideas of what might work best for you?

Here’s a great solution:

Exercise expert Jon Benson has co-authored an ebook that has some guidelines on how to get good results from exercise.

But, here’s the exciting thing about his book:

He also has tons of people of both sexes & many ages who got well -- & discarded excess fat – by exercising -- tell their stories of how they got into exercise & what exactly they do in their exercise programs. It also has their very good results. Some got incredibly good results.

There are enough role models & ideas you are virtually certain to find one or several that are enough similar to you that you can do it too & see exactly how people who are like you & started where you are or maybe even at a worse level were able to do it.

Does that sound like it’s worth checking out?

If so, here’s more information on Jon’s book. See:


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