Monday, September 25, 2006

Avoid ALL these foods? Ouch !!

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Today's post: Monday, 9-25-2006

Avoid ALL these foods? Ouch !!

In Early to Rise recently, health writer, Jon Herring, listed the foods that a Food and Drug Administration research report, released this past summer, on which common foods contain a carcinogenic chemical, acrylamide.

Acrylamide is apparently formed when a food containing carbohydrate is heated by baking, frying, toasting, or roasting.

It’s beginning to be clear that the foods that enhance health best are vegetables, fruits, health-safe protein foods, & health-enhancing fats & oils. And, it’s beginning to be clear that it’s best to eat low glycemic index foods for at least 90 to 95 percent of your diet, which these foods virtually all are.

So, Jon is quite right in saying that many of these foods are best left uneaten anyway. So, in some ways, it’s a good thing to have an added reason not to eat them.

But, there are quite a number of foods, & it’s hard to never eat any of them.

I’ve grouped them a bit as it makes it easier to understand & manage.

1. First are snack foods that I think he’s correct should likely be virtually eliminated from your diet in favor of snacks of fruit, vegetables, & nuts -- & occasionally dark chocolate.

Most of them have no fiber; have quite high glycemic index readings, & are still often or usually made with transfats.

French Fries; Potato Chips; Crackers; Pretzels; Bagels; & Corn Snacks.

2. Cookies; Pies; & Cakes

These are dessert foods & have added sugar besides. And, as now made by most commercial bakers, almost all have transfats. Home-made pies even are often made with shortening in their crusts. So they have transfats.

And, the average person in the US now eats at least five times too much of them today.

But, it can be nice a couple of times a month to have these foods. And, if they are home baked with no transfats added &/or with health enhancing fruit or nuts added, they aren’t that bad for your health otherwise.

My take on those is ONLY eat your favorite kinds; & be very careful to only eat home-made or made by a very health oriented baker who uses NO transfats. And only eat them rarely.

That way, by eating lots of cancer preventing foods like broccoli & by taking supplements that the evidence suggests tend to prevent cancer, like selenium; & staying away from cigarette smoke, you can still enjoy them occasionally.

There are three more categories we’ll cover in our next post.


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