Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Two new ways to stop prostate cancer….

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 12-10-2012 

Many middle aged and older men have heard that prostate cancer can kill you. 

But they don’t know they can mostly prevent it. 

Or, if they get the slow growing kind, they don’t know how to minimize how fast it grows and prevent it from becoming the deadly and aggressive kind.

So until recently if they were diagnosed with even the slow growing kind, they choose the very high side effect methods to treat it.

Some bright and successful men still do this much to my shock and feeling that they are harming themselves unnecessarily.

They usually become impotent. The ones that don’t usually can no longer have orgasm.  And the ones who get complete prostate removal lose several inches some men didn’t expect to lose.

We’ve posted on this before.  But there are two more new ways to prevent the slow growing kind from growing and make the aggressive kind far less likely or even slow down or stop the aggressive kind!

(We also review in this post some of the other things that prevent cancer, prostate cancer, and aggressive prostate cancer just after the two newest things we did this post to get to you.)

1.  The easy one you can literally begin today or tomorrow is this one:

It was in the research reported by Medical News today:
This article has extremely good news!

So for sure I wanted to make you aware of it!

And, I include my comments.

This research found this:

Grape seed extract, in prostate cancer cells, "....was found to induce cancer cell death, known as apoptosis, but left healthy cells unharmed."

This is another supplement I've been taking for general health for a few years now!

The researchers believe they have isolated the most effective part of the extract and a relatively inexpensive way to make it directly instead of the more expensive extraction from the natural source.

This article is about what likely will be a drug for people with aggressive prostate cancer. 

But you don't need to wait on that drug to come out and become FDA approved since it's in grape seed extract supplements.  And, if needed, you can take two capsules three times a day instead of just one as a preventive as I do know.

That way you can have access to it now instead of 5 to 10 years from now. 

And, that 6 a day if you need it, will likely cost much less than a drug with that huge a benefit!

The other thing is that while they likely DID find an unusually effective compound that may get fastest results for those who need it, it may also be that the hundreds of co-factors that appear with it may make it more effective; and that taking enough of the extract to get that much of this isolated factor may be even more effective.

The thing that I like most is that grape seed extract doesn’t just slow the cancer cells, it kills them off.

If you would like to prevent the aggressive kind of prostate cancer or have the slow growing kind, you might well want to begin the grape seed extract right away.

Here’s the story and the link if you want to read the original story.

Compound in grape seed extract 'kills prostate cancer cells'
A compound found in grape seed extract, called B2G2, can successfully kill human
prostate cancer cells, according to a study from the University of Colorado
Cancer Center.

2.  Dr Al Sears teaches a kind of progressive cardio he calls PACE -- using some kind of calisthenics where you do a set at a pace you can do easily in the beginning and then rest until you catch your breath pretty completely.

Then you gradually work until you mostly instead of completely catch your breath and you increase the intensify by speeding up a bit or by resting a shorter time.

It isn’t vigorous at first.  But after several months of gradual improvement it DOES become a kind of high intensity interval cardio.

(You can also do this by walking fast until you run out of breath and then resting and gradually work until you can rest by walking at a moderate pace as a kind of variable cardio.  Or if you are younger and a bit lighter, you can run at near sprint speed and slow down to a moderately fast run and then run a speed closer to a sprint once you get more advanced.)

You can also safely get relatively intense exercise by doing superslow weight training.  By beginning with lighter weights and allowing yourself to catch your breath between kinds of exercise, you can start out with vigorous exercise without overdoing it.)

We already know this kind of exercise removes fat and is the most powerful protection known to prevent heart attacks and strokes. 

And, these two kinds of exercise are two of the three most powerful ways to help cause fat loss and keep it off.

And we know that doing it as Dr Sears teaches -- for short times with the chance to rest or slow down to catch your breath – is much safer than doing sustained high intensity exercises.

What has that to do with prostate cancer?

A LOT it turns out!

Men who do these high intensity kinds of exercise get extremely powerful protection.

In an email within the last few days, Dr Sears said this:

“A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine followed Finnish men for 16 years. It tracked the type of activity the men did each week.

And it found that the higher the intensity of the exercise, the lower the risk of getting cancer.

In fact, high intensity exercise cuts your risk of getting cancer in half.

And a recent study shows that increasingly intense exertion inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells and the formation of tumors.”

So by adding one supplement, grape seed extract, and doing the high intensity or vigorous exercises that produce the most other benefits for a couple to three times a week each, you can get massive cancer and prostate cancer protection.

b)  What else has been shown to cut the risk of getting aggressive prostate cancer?

Men who ate either raw broccoli florets or raw cauliflower florets at least once every week had HALF the incidence of aggressive prostate cancer that men did who ate none.

(Since I read that, I’ve eaten a serving or two of raw broccoli florets most days of every week.  And, when I can, I eat a serving of raw cauliflower florets about once or twice a month.)

Men who take the mineral boron as a supplement (3 mg daily) also have close to half the incidence of the aggressive form of prostate cancer.  (When I found that out, I’d been taking boron already for several years because it also helps increase your alertness something I wanted then and still do!)

c)  What else prevents prostate cancer or substantially slows the slow growing kind?

30 mg a day of lycopene as a supplement in an oil base has been shown to do that.

(It was first discovered that men who ate tomato sauces or pasta sauces with cooked or pureed tomatoes and oil with extra virgin olive oil being by far the best kind, had a much lower incidence of prostate cancer.  We now know that the cooking or pureeing of the tomatoes plus the oil makes the lycopene and other carotenes dramatically more available to your body.)

I’ve found you can make some very tasty chili and curry sauces with cooked and pureed tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil.

The other two things also help prevent all cancers.

Taking 2,000 to 5,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 has been shown to help prevent cancer and to help stop the growth of slow growing prostate cancer.

Taking turmeric or curcumin supplements with black pepper helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease AND all cancers.  Since turmeric is the spice that makes curries yellow, most curries contain it and eating foods spiced with these curry blends also helps.  

Both vitamin D3 and turmeric have multiple modes of action.

d)  What else prevents all cancers since you have to get cancer to get any kind of prostate cancer?

Vitamin D3 and turmeric are on that list too.

Eating right by eliminating foods and drinks like grains and soft drinks that boost blood sugars and insulin and by eliminating pro-inflammatory oils and eating a variety of vegetables and extra virgin olive oil instead has been found to reduce obesity and heart disease and all cancers.

We also know that raw cruciferous vegetables and very lightly cooked ones prevent all cancers.  They have several kinds of cancer preventing components. For those cooking unless very light steaming is used or they are eaten raw, the compounds are degraded and stop working.

And, we know that all vegetables high in the hundreds of kinds of carotenes also prevent cancers.  Many dark green vegetables such as broccoli and kale have hidden carotenes.  And carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, and squash also do.  Just like lycopene which is itself a carotene, for carotenes you get the most benefit by cooking the vegetable and combining it with extra virgin olive oil.

The more intense kinds of exercise also cut the incidence of all cancers.

“….the higher the intensity of the exercise, the lower the risk of getting cancer.

In fact, high intensity exercise cuts your risk of getting cancer in half.”

How about one that causes 30% or more of all cancers?  Smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke of others AND using smokeless tobacco does just that. (Because of second hand smoke, that may even be closer to 50%.)

The high temperature flame used to light cigarettes with a lighter produces the most carcinogenic smoke.

And, most people don’t know why tobacco products can and do cause cancers of every kind including prostate cancer.

That’s because tobacco and its smoke are radioactive because of the polonium in the tobacco.

So, if the smoke touches your lungs or tobacco touches your mucous membranes in your mouth or nose, the radioactive polonium goes everywhere in your body that your blood goes – including your prostate.

(Avoiding tobacco smoke is even more effective at preventing heart disease, ED, strokes, and heart attacks and every smoker is hurt by tobacco smoke every time they are exposed.)

So between the easy things like taking D3, lycopene, grape seed extract, and turmeric or curcumin and the harder ones like completely avoiding tobacco smoke and adding vigorous exercise most days of every week, you can absolutely slash your risks of getting prostate cancer or the deadly aggressive kind.

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