Monday, January 03, 2011

The most effective single way to lose fat permanently....

Today's Post: Monday, 1-3-2011

The most effective single way to lose fat permanently is to live a 100 % health supporting lifestyle in what you eat and drink and the exercise you get.

(If you’ve been at doing this 30% of the time, getting to 80% of the time will help!)

It’s relatively simple really.

Health supporting foods and drinks make you less hungry without overloading you with excess calories. So eating that way doesn’t make you more hungry!

Getting daily moderate exercise and vigorous exercise several days each week combined burns enough calories you can eat more, be less hungry, and still not be fat.

1. Most foods and drinks that harm your health either do NOT make you less hungry or they make you MORE hungry or they waste calories on things that harm you instead of supporting your good health.

If you eliminate them all & replace them with foods that support your health, you will not be hungrier and may even be less hungry.

2. Second, if you burn no calories from exercise or supporting more muscle from exercise, you do have to eat less than you are hungry for to avoid being fat.

Right! People don’t eat less than they are hungry for every day forever. What they do instead is eat what they are hungry for that is then added to their excess fat stores since none of the calories go to the calories burned by people who exercise every week.

It does help to also have some moderate and sustainable way to cut calories just a bit more in addition. And, it does help to do more abundant exercise each week than many people have time for.

But if you are 80 pounds overfat and are eating junk and never exercising, you can lose a surprising amount of that, as much as 50 or 60 pounds, by simply switching to eating right and doing just a bit of exercise each week.

For example,

Soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup, refined grains (& to some extent even whole grains), high amounts of real sugar – and the fast food, packaged snacks and desserts mostly made from them, do almost nothing to support your health. They have very little fiber or none. AND, they make you hungrier when the sugar boost turns into a crash. Soft drinks don’t even make you less hungry at first. So they are the worst of the lot. (Diet soft drinks have no calories. But they act as an appetite stimulant for wanting sugary foods and drinks at a very basic level. So, they tend not to help much! Most people who drink them stay fat.)

Eating and drinking mostly from this group does more than make you fat. We now know it tends to produce type 2 diabetes and heart disease. (The type 2 diabetes we’ve known about for some time. But the heart disease connection is a more recent discovery.)

Most Americans have been getting over fifty percent of their calories from these foods. And, few of them exercise. So it’s little wonder, most of them are fat or obese and tend to get type 2 diabetes and heart disease as they get older.

Nonstarchy vegetables and low glycemic fresh fruit can taste good; and you can get used to some that are just OK. BUT they support your health and make you less hungry for far longer. Further, they do so with fewer calories. If you eat those foods every day and none from the list above, you will be MUCH less fat and will NOT be hungrier.

There is much more to the subject of healthy eating and more to how to get into exercise. (See last week’s post on some ideas on getting into exercise.)

But these sugary or starchy foods are the worst ones.

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