Friday, June 18, 2010

More information on fast weight loss....

Today's Post: Friday, 6-18-2010

Six weeks ago, we did a post on fast weight loss that included some ideas on how and why to get the fastest loss of excess fat that also enables the people who do it to keep going and to keep it all off.

That was "Study says fast fat loss helpful--False, BUT it is worth looking at" that was posted on Friday, 5-7-2010.

I made two points in that post. The people in the study who lost the most weight initially were likely those who had the most fat weight to lose and therefore the most easily correctable bad habits. And, the people who lost more likely used more methods to lose their fat.

In reviewing the information in the study because of an email today about it, I also realized that the people they listed as losing weight “fast” lost less than 2 pounds a week.

I missed the point that “fast” weight loss by many people’s definition is a good bit more weight per week than that.

So, what they really found was that people who lost a moderate amount of weight each week wound up losing more than people who lost less than that each week.

Today, I decided to give you three strategies for creating the fastest weight and fat loss that you will actually keep off.

1. Aim for ALL your goal but NOT below your goal and also aim to keep all the fat off once you get there!

Eat as if you were now the weight that you would prefer to weigh. But do NOT eat less than that in total calories.

Also gradually increase the amount of total and vigorous exercise you do each week to the best of your ability; and keep doing that exercise every week.

(If you weigh 20 % more than you should, you are taking in as much as 20% more calories than you should.)

But do NOT eat less than that or think of the way you begin to eat as a “temporary” plan. Think of it as switching permanently to a health supporting eating style you learn to keep doing and a relentless attack on your excess fat.

Over 90% of the people who eat less than that fail to continue and to keep the weight off that they lose. They get too hungry too often and they trigger their body’s famine response.

It can be initially fun to lose more by eating less than your body would need if you weighed what you have targeted to weigh. You may well lose more than the 6 pounds or so a month that the “fast” people in the study did – at first.

But the minute you go too far and trigger your body’s famine response, the game is lost. You’ll get “too tired” to exercise. Your weight loss will stop like you ran into a large concrete post. And, you’ll get so hungry for fattening foods, you’ll eat them. Then you’ll gain it all back. Yikes !!

Weight Watchers has people set such goals at intakes below what the people would eat at their target weight; but even though many do lose weight at first, many more people drop out after several months and gain the weight back than I believe is necessary for the reasons I just stated.

2. The second strategy for fast fat loss is much more forceful. My name for it is:

“Hit your fat with TWELVE hammers!”

There are a great many ways to lose fat that do NOT make you excessively hungry or trigger your body’s famine response.

Two models for this are:

Using a large magnifying glass to focus some gentle seeming sun’s rays on a single point. The sun may feel just slightly warm or even not warm without the magnifying glass; but when you focus hundreds of these rays on a single point, you literally can light it on fire or roast it.

The “Shiva” method of using multiple X-rays focused on a cancer at single point to zap it to death without doing nearly as much harm to the parts of you that only get hit with one of the rays.

By using many methods at once to lose your fat—and starting as many as possible as soon as possible, you gain four ways.

a) You can afford to ONLY use methods that avoid making you excessively hungry. (That means you get to tell your famine response to leave you to your work and STAY turned off!)

b) You can afford to use ONLY methods that you can keep doing or learn to keep doing. (That way you keep going until all your excess fat is gone AND you can make it STAY gone.) In fact, the key is to find many ways to lose fat that AVOID making you a lot more hungry. There are a surprising number of those; and they are EFFECTIVE in losing fat.

c) If you use a method that proves ineffective or you are forced to not use a method for a time—or just mess it up yourself, the other methods will continue your fat loss anyway.

d) There are some methods you want to use to the max in doing this. But, by using this many methods, many of them can be quite small and easy to do. That makes them less intimidating to begin and MUCH easier to keep doing.

3) Smash ALL the chains to those things that now force you to be fat. Escape them by completely removing them all.

The people who try to drag them or just remove a few will lose less fat and will be more likely to gain it back. And, they will lose fat more slowly.

Every food or drink that makes you fat or harms your health or makes you hungrier but delivers no nutrition for it, is your enemy.

It can be hard for some people to break the habit of eating them or drinking them. But once you do break the habit, it can be much easier to be free of them.

We have been posting about many of these for a long time.

a) Regular soft drinks deliver calories and fail initially to turn down your hunger at all and then hit you with rebound hunger later that day!

Drinking none from now on will melt off all your fat they have been feeding -- and you’ll be LESS hungry!

b) Diet soft drinks have zero calories but act like a targeted and very strong appetite drug for sugary foods soon after your drink them!

Drinking none from now on will melt off the fat their appetite boosting effects have caused you gain – and you’ll be LESS hungry.

c) Foods made with refined grains are like a combination soft drink. They do turn down your hunger at first; but then they spike your blood sugar and then make you more hungry later when your body slams it back down.

Even worse, the blood sugar spike causes your body to pump out extra insulin which tends to cause any available calories to deposit as fat.

More natural and lower glycemic foods have more fiber and turn off your hunger without this extra hunger rebound effect later and without the extra insulin adding to your fat deposits. Health supporting protein foods, oils, nonstarchy vegetables and most whole fresh fruits -- all do this. (Whole grains are not much better than refined grains so go very easy on those; but they do harm your health far less. If you must eat a grain food, eat ONLY 100 % whole grain ones.)

You will have to learn what real and health supporting foods to eat instead. But if you give up virtually all foods made with refined grains, you will become less fat. And, you will do so with virtually NO increase in hunger.

There are many more foods and drinks on this list to escape. But those are three of the worst that you can get rid of. Break the chains of habit that have you ingesting them all and you’ll be much less fat and NOT more hungry.

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