Thursday, January 04, 2007

”Reverse Heart Disease Now” <<<

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Today's post: Thursday, 1-4-2007

”Reverse Heart Disease Now” <<<

This new book has our highest recommendation:

“Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It's Too Late” by Sinatra, James C. M.D. Roberts, and Martin Zucker

It’s by two cardiologists who decided they wanted to help heart patients get better instead of only doing emergency repairs on patients. They wanted to stop doing emergency repairs on patients who they had previously worked on—which was all too common.

Dr Sinatra wrote a previous book on lowering high blood pressure which includes several successful strategies besides drugs. That book is mostly good. But it does miss a few points.

However, by continuing to do research; trying the more promising things with his patients; & learning from those of his patients who found things that seemed to work, his knowledge has grown substantially.

To write this book, he combined forces with Dr James Roberts, who had been doing very similar work but who had knowledge in areas Dr Sinatra did not & vice versa.

Between them, they have created a marvelous resource for anyone who is battling heart or cardiovascular disease & for anyone who wants to avoid it.

They include almost every effective approach known. They explain how they test to see which of these methods a given patient needs most. They credit the people who pioneered their methods. And, they even provide some insight into why these methods work.

I particularly like that they use whichever medical or non-medical techniques each of their particular patients needs.

Do you take statin drugs? If so, do you have less energy than you used to have or get tired more easily or have other side effects? If so, not only can you read this book, if necessary, you can get a copy for your doctor.

Dr Sinatra & Dr Roberts do use statin drugs for some of their sicker, more at risk, patients. But, they use other methods for those who are in better shape. And, when they do prescribe statins, they also prescribe the use of supplements that minimize or prevent the side effects.

Has have their methods worked? Yes. They hardly ever have any patients they have to do emergency surgery on a second time where it was quite common for each of them before. And, the quality of life for their patients has improved dramatically. For example, they’ve done well eliminating or greatly reducing angina in patients who had significant pain before using these methods.


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