Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Important new information to lower homocysteine….

Welcome to our health & self help blog.

Focus on Your Health:

In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Wednesday, 12-27-2006

Important new information on lowering homocysteine….

In addition to my previous posts here on how too high homocysteine levels are bad for your heart, your blood vessels, & your brain & things to do to reduce them,

…today, Dr Mark Harmon, who is one of the best informed & innovative of the doctors writing health e-newsletters & blogs, emailed & posted information on:

>>> even more related ways, to check your health;

more information on lowering your homocysteine;

& that the general biochemistry needed in your body to do that also repairs damaged DNA & maximizes & protects your health.

His post’s only two drawbacks are that:

1. He states correctly that people today often or typically have homocysteine levels of about 13.0 & that the ideal range to shoot for is between 6.0 & 8.0;
but he does NOT say that levels of 9.0 & higher will harm your health as Dr. Stephen Sinatra & Dr David Perlmutter have done in their recent books.

(I think he is well aware of this; but it’s important enough for YOU to know, I wanted to highlight it as he does not do in this post.)

2. He leaves out that betaine is also known as TMG & is available at healthfood stores; & some of the other ways we’ve covered to lower homocysteine.

I like that he is quite certain that eating many plant based protein foods like nuts, lentils, beans, & a moderate quantity of whole grains; & limiting fatty meats will lower your homocysteine.

I have long suspected this but was less certain.

This area of study is critical for you to know well if you want to protect your health & stay well. And, it’s still much less well known by most doctors that you are likely to go to than it should be.

Dr Hyman’s work is superb & you will do your health a favor by reading his post today:

“….please go to the link below right now... ==> ...and look for the blog post at the top titled: “

(Or, the one posted on or just before Weds, 12-27-2006, if you see this later than today.)

“Maximizing Methylation: The Key to Healthy Aging... “


My Best wishes to you & yours for a happy, healthy, & prosperous New Year….


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