Thursday, June 29, 2006

Foods NOT to eat -- part 2

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Today's post: Thursday, 6-29-2006

Foods NOT to eat -- part 2

(The foods to virtually never eat & why.)

Transfats, also known as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Like high fructose corn syrup, it’s completely understandable how partially hydrogenated vegetable oils would up in close to all packaged & commercially prepared foods.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are relatively cheap. They result in foods that have a longer shelf life before spoiling than other oils.

And, the foods they go into that need some fat content to taste good or be crunchy taste just fine.

If you were a food manufacturer or a commercial baker or ran a fast food company & that’s all you knew about partially hydrogenated vegetable oils & your understanding was that partially hydrogenated vegetable oils were safe to eat, you or I very probably would do exactly what they did.

But, in the case of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils it was even worse. Initially the medical professionals that study heart disease realized that fatty meats & butter & other dairy foods containing fat tend to create heart disease in people who eat lots of them.

They saw that people would eat margarine & guessed that substituting margarine for butter would be protective.

Here’s WHY to never voluntarily eat transfats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.:

They couldn’t have been more wrong.

Research has since discovered that eating transfats & partially hydrogenated vegetable oils not only boosts your LDL levels, doing so boosts the heart & blood vessel damaging kind of LDL it’s most important to keep as low as possible, the high density LDL that acts like glue & the particles of which are literally tiny enough they go into the chinks in the walls of your blood vessels, even if your blood vessels were healthy to begin with.

The researchers found that partially hydrogenated vegetable oils do this much MORE than meat or dairy fat does.

This is a direct cause of cardiovascular disease of every kind.

If you want to be healthy it’s absolutely the last & worst thing you would want to do to yourself.

Now for the really bad news.

Without you knowing it, you very probably have been doing just that.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are now in possibly as much as over half the foods the average American eats.

They are in most commercially baked cookies, crackers, chips, & pie crusts.

They are in commercially baked donuts, pastries, & cakes.

And, they are in many biscuit & frosting & cake mixes. They are in some peanut butters.

They are in a surprising number of breads & ice creams as well.

They are in many of the best tasting candy bars.

They are in most margarines & in vegetable shortening.

Fast food companies use partially hydrogenated vegetable oils as fry oil for their breaded chicken & breaded fish & their French fries.

And, they are in microwaved popcorn.

Tomorrow’s post will have some of the recent better news about partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

The authorities are beginning to act on the new research & the sharper food companies are beginning to offer alternative foods free of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.


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