Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Only OK Occasionally Foods -- part 9

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In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Tuesday, 6-27-2006

Only OK Occasionally Foods -- part 9

( I'm including this section in my blog because eating health-enhancing foods as a permanent lifestyle is a lot easier & more fun if you have some variety in your food.

The key to eating them safely is to eat them very occasionally & NOT more often than that.

Some might be OK 3 times a month, others might be safer once or twice a year.)

Three other keys are:

1. Eat less of them on the days you do eat them than the people do who are clueless about the health effects of the foods they eat.

2. Eat them with Superfoods or foods that lessen or prevent their bad effects.

3. Some of these foods are OK for some of you but not others.


The foods listed in the first 8 parts either tend to cause health problems if eaten too regularly or too often. And, they can & do cause health problems if eaten daily or more.

But they also tend to be Ok for people in good health who eat them much less often & ONLY eat them occasionally.

And, these foods have some kind of enjoyment or health benefits otherwise.

Or, they are better for you than common alternatives you might otherwise eat.

The foods I just listed in this section are OK for people who are in good health now to eat sometimes & many are much more likely to be OK for people who get plenty of exercise every week.

Want to know how to keep from overdoing eating them?

1. Make sure to eat a lot MORE of the best, plant-based Superfoods from green tea to lentils to broccoli to kiwifruit. (Only leave out the ones you are allergic to or really don’t like.)

2. Know WHY to be sure to limit the foods in this section to occasional eating only.

That’s the subject of today’s post.

A. The foods listed in this section that are high or very high in saturated fat of animal origin should be limited for several reasons.

(Foods that are high in saturated fat of animal origin listed in the only eat occasionally list here are: Cheese; Ham & Bacon; & Liver)

1. Diets high in saturated fat of animal origin have been found to be higher in groups of people who develop high levels of heart & other cardiovascular diseases. This is in part because such diets trigger increases in your high density LDLs in your blood stream.

This effect seems to be greater when the fats are cooked with a high heat or on medium high heat for a long time. (For example, it’s MUCH safer to add the taste of butter by adding it cold or putting a small amount on hot food & allowing it to melt or by melting it over a double boiler at a carefully monitored low temperature for a short time. These ways to add the taste of butter are MUCH safer than frying foods in butter.)

2. People who eat diets high in saturated fat of animal origin also seem to be more likely to get many kinds of cancers.

The reasons for this include:

Any toxins the animal they came from ate tend to be bio-concentrated in their fat.

(One health writer even said there is evidence that MOST of the biotoxins people ingest come from this source. He said that it’s much more important to limit the amount of saturated fat of animal origin in your diet for this reason than it is to eat organic produce !!)

I’ve read that eating foods high in saturated fat of animal origin tends to induce oxidation in your body.

And, when cooked with high heat as they often are, part of the fat and protein in such foods often becomes cancer causing organic chemicals that research has shown often trigger cancer.

3. In the online health news on Friday, 6-23-2006, I read that diets high in saturated fat of animal origin & high in carbohydrate also tend to trigger Alzheimers disease.

You CAN enjoy some foods that are high in saturated fat of animal origin if:
you eat them very infrequently;
avoid cooking them at unusually high heat; --
& eat them with plenty of vegetables when you do eat them.

The vegetables provide fiber to move them promptly through; & sterols & soluble fiber that cut their LDL boosting effects; & also provide antioxidants & anticancer agents.

In addition, they also help you feel full without having two servings of the high saturated fat food instead of one. So you eat less of the high saturated fat food & fewer calories which helps you keep your body lean !!

B. The foods listed in this section that are high in high glycemic carbohydrates should be limited for several reasons.

(Foods that are high in high glycemic carbohydrates listed in the only eat occasionally list here are: Juices & alcoholic beverages, particularly the non-Superfood ones—including: apple juice, white grape juice, white wine, & the more alcoholic drinks like brandy, whiskey, gin, vodka, etc.)

1. They can actually reduce your perceived energy level. The sharp rise in blood sugar they cause can over-increase your serotonin levels making you feel drugged & sluggish.

Then, since your body tries to counteract this effect, the pendulum often swings too far making you feel hungry & spacey from the low blood sugar that causes.

2. Even worse, particularly if you don’t get enough exercise & if you eat foods high in high glycemic carbohydrates too often & do it virtually every day, your body then often will try to counteract this whiplash effect by turning down its response to insulin.

That tends to trigger a breakdown in your body’s blood sugar regulatory system that the doctors call type II diabetes.

3. It also may help cause Alzheimer’s disease. In the online health news on Friday, 6-23-2006, I read that diets high in saturated fat of animal origin & high in carbohydrate also tend to trigger Alzheimer’s disease. And, this is one of several recent news articles saying that Alzheimer’s disease may in part be a kind of type II diabetes.

4. As Dr Atkins & others have discovered, these foods which are uniformly high in fast acting carbohydrates & very low to zero in fiber, tend to make you fat if eaten more than infrequently. And, this is particularly true of people who don’t exercise regularly.

C. Foods that are a bit too high in toxins & pollutants.

It’s always best to minimize these. Overeating them often causes disease & can cause irreversible damage. And, it can cause cancers that can kill you.

(Foods that are higher than one would like in toxins & pollutants that are listed in the only eat occasionally list here are: Liver, tuna fish, & mackerel.)

D. Foods that interact unfavorably with prescription & over the counter drugs.

Grapefruit, which is listed here, can dangerously boost the effects (& side effects) of most prescription & over the counter drugs.

Depending on the drug & the dose that can be from unpleasant to fatal.

If you are taking, or when you take, any prescription or over the counter drug, do NOT eat Grapefruit or drink Grapefruit juice.

Otherwise, it’s a Superfood.

Next time we’ll cover the foods to virtually never eat & why.


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