Thursday, June 22, 2006

Only OK Occasionally Foods -- part 8

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In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective.

Today's post: Thursday, 6-22-2006

Only OK Occasionally Foods -- part 8

( I'm including this section in my blog because eating health-enhancing foods as a permanent lifestyle is a lot easier & more fun if you have some variety in your food.

The key to eating them safely is to eat them very occasionally & NOT more often than that.

Some might be OK 3 times a month, others might be safer once or twice a year.)

Three other keys are:

1. Eat less of them on the days you do eat them than the people do who are clueless about the health effects of the foods they eat.

2. Eat them with Superfoods or foods that lessen or prevent their bad effects.

3. Some of these foods are OK for some of you but not others.

Juices & alcoholic beverages, particularly the non-Superfood ones.

(What about apple juice, white grape juice, white wine, & the more alcoholic drinks like brandy, whiskey, gin, vodka, etc?)

Even though they have some natural sugars, &, in the case of alcoholic beverages especially, significant calories, real fruit juices & alcoholic beverages that have no added sugar tend to be MUCH healthier for you than ANY drinks that sugar or high fructose corn syrup has been added to.

In moderation or light, occasional consumption, any alcoholic beverage tends to confirm some health benefits from the alcohol alone.

And, the juices like grape, orange, pomegranate, cranberry, cherry, & blueberry have considerable extra health benefits.

And, these juices are often much more convenient & can even have more concentrated health benefits than the whole fruit. (This includes red wine & dark beer as it also has extra health benefits.)

Particularly if you don’t yet exercise regularly -- or if you are trying to take off or keep off excess bodyfat, it’s important to limit even these beneficial juices to small servings or not more than one to three glasses a day total.

And the risk reward ratio is a lot more favorable if men limit alcohol to two drinks a day & for women one drink a day.

But what about apple juice, white grape juice, white wine, & the more alcoholic drinks like brandy, whiskey, gin, vodka, etc?

If you enjoy them somewhat, have them a few times a year.

And, drink them when outside forces give them to you. Like when you are thirsty & water & cold apple juice are your only decent choices, Or, like when you are at a family dinner, a party, or at a job related event & they are your only options.

If you love them & have them once a day or more, lean towards the once a day & compensate by exercising more or drinking a bit less of the more health-enhancing juices & alcoholic beverages.

And, to the extent you can, drink MORE water &/or green tea to help you moderate your consumption.

And, be sure to eat some of the Superfood fruits as whole fruit so you get those benefits.


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