Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Two books that get Results….

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 2-24-2015

One problem with the things that work for permanent fat loss --
and for improving and protecting your health
is that mixing how to do things with most of the very large number of reasons why and other ways to do it that I like to include, can make it hard to read or act on.

1.  What if there was an easy to read and short book on fat loss that people actually used and lost weight on and tend to keep their lost fat off too?

Would that interest you?

There IS one!

2.  What if there was an easy to read and short book with most of the state of the art discoveries in how to improve and keep your health?

Would that interest you?

There IS one!

This post is about these two books.

1.  What if there was an easy to read and short book on fat loss that people actually used and lost weight on and tend to keep their lost fat off too?

Would that interest you?

There IS one!

The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight    by Haylie Pomroy                       Hardcover - April 9, 2013  $15.45

My boss who is less health oriented than I but who wanted to lose about 15 or 20 pounds of fat and preferred to have it stay off so he wouldn’t have to do it over every year, saw this book.

Her promise is that if you follow her advice almost to the letter for 28 days, your metabolism will speed up,
you’ll lose fat weight during the month,
and you can resume your old eating style somewhat without gaining the fat or the weight back–
because with your metabolism sped up instead of slowed down like traditional eating way less does,
the weight will stay off.

Her metabolism repair theory may even be correct at least in part.

But the most important reasons this works include:

IMMEDIATELY stopping all fattening foods and drinks and additives and ingredients;

Only eating organic fruit and some vegetables and health OK proteins in small meals often enough you never get hungry;

And doing it with the encouraging knowledge that other people have indeed succeeded in losing five to 20 pounds in that 28 day period.

Her plan makes sure you get enough fruit and good tasting foods you don’t feel too deprived and enough food that YOU DO NOT feel hungry.

That’s truly the key.  You don’t feel deprived psychologically. So you keep doing it. And, since you always get enough to eat and don’t feel hungry, your failsafe famine response stays totally asleep!

Exactly right!

More people may start and take her advice than do so for writers like me who say you need to keep the lifestyle upgrades permanently. 

They may not feel able to do that or be willing to do that.  But 28 days that will end, they feel they can do.

But what happens apparently is what happened to me.  They think, you know I’m not hungry doing this and the fat came off as promised; and the food is decent now that I’m used to it.

Then they realize they don’t want the fat back or risk getting it back so they may have a treat meal occasionally.  But they DO mostly stay on her program!

It’s a have your cake and eat it to approach that is very appealing backed up by a plan that has all the proven ingredients in it -- and NOT in it-- to cause permanent fat loss!

Best of all, the people who have done it have indeed lost weight they have kept off!

If that’s what you need too, by all means buy her book and do the 28 day program!

2.  What if there was an easy to read and short book with most of the state of the art discoveries in how to improve and keep your health?

Would that interest you?

There IS one!

The New Health Rules: Simple Changes to Achieve Whole-Body Wellness
by Frank Lipman M.D. and Danielle Claro 
– January 6, 2015  Hardcover

 They have almost everything that’s the best current research and easy to use tips.

Their book leaves out all the hundreds of pages of why each thing is so that I tend to write--  
  and just says what the start of the art is now,
what it can do for you to use each point,
and a few tips on using these new rules and STOPS!

 That makes it very easy and quick to read and an easy to use a guide to reread and keep with you.

They did a GREAT Job!

Plus it’s a perfect follow up or companion for the first book!  

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