Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hunger free weight loss solutions, part 2....

Today's Post: Tuesday, 10-25-2011

It may seem impossible since most people have to cut the amount of calories they eat to lose fat.

And, most people who eat less get hungrier.

The good news is that there are several basic strategies that work.

The even better news is that learning to do them and doing enough of them consistently works!

You do lose fat. You don’t get that much hungrier than you did before. And, since everything you do is sustainable, once you do them by habit and make them a part of your upgraded lifestyle, the best news is that your fat loss will be permanent.

The most powerful strategies are these:

(We posted 5 of them in yesterday’s post. Today’s post, part 2, has more!

So far, we’ve covered what to keep eating or even eat more of.

6. What do you eat less of then?

Simple. Stop ingesting the foods and drinks that harm your health or make you hungry instead of less hungry!

(Some of those foods are double fattening too! They cause your body to produce more insulin which causes your body to store extra fat and use less of it for energy.)

We cover that today.

a) Cut calories but not eating or drinking foods or drinks that harm your health!

One of the best reasons to lose fat is to protect your health. So, every single food or drink you may have ingested that harms your health, STOP doing it!

By doing that you win twice! You no longer take in those calories which helps you lose fat. And, you just may live 15 healthy years more when you do!

And, the fat loss can be HUGE. Most Americans today get something like 25 to 40 % of the calories they take in from these two kinds of foods and drinks!

That means if you are 40 or 80 or more pounds too fat, just doing these two things may remove most of them!

(Yesterday we covered what to mostly keep eating or even eat more of!)

b) The second part which very often overlaps the first is that high glycemic carbs and artificial sweeteners create a delayed INCREASE in hunger.

This stuff is the perfect storm. You want to lose fat but get sidetracked by getting too hungry.

This is the biggest solution. Stop eating and drinking the foods and drinks that add calories or cause you to add fat AND make you hungrier too!

You will actually wind up LESS hungry AND you’ll take in fewer calories too!

a) Here are two kinds of harmful and high calorie foods to never or close to never eat again:

Hydrogenated vegetable oils are heart attack starter.

Not all fats and oils are bad for you. But they are high in calories.

Hydrogenated vegetable oils ARE horribly bad for you. So, STOP eating those calories!

Hydrogenated vegetable oils are still in a remarkable number of products from candy bars to ice cream to cookies to donuts to bread to even peanut butter. And, that’s what shortening and margarine are made out of!

Hydrogenated vegetable oils lower your good cholesterol, HDL. They increase your LDL and triglycerides. And, we now know that anything that lowers HDL and boosts triglycerides makes your LDL divide up into small particles that literally go into your artery walls and cause heart disease. In fact, it was when hydrogenated vegetable oils were directly tested to increase the number of small particle LDL particles that this stuff began to be outlawed.

Worse, hydrogenated oils are often found with other fattening foods such as refined grains, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup.

So, if you can read a label on a commercially baked treat and see ANY partially hydrogenated oils don’t buy it or eat it. (Fully hydrogenated or interesterified oils are even worse.)

(Similarly, if it has ANY trans fats listed at all, somehow it has hydrogenated oils even if they were not listed. So, pass on any food that has any!)

What if it lists zero trans fats but also says it contains some hydrogenated oil?

Take a pass! It does contain trans fat! The truth is that so far it’s legal to list a product with 0.49 grams of trans fat per serving AS zero. But if most people eat three to five such “servings” at a time, they really are getting 1.47 to 2.45 grams of trans fats each time!

In addition, these vegetable oils are cheap to buy. That’s one reason that until the science catches up with the market, they are still so much used.

But these oils, corn, soy, canola, and cottonseed are also harmful even without being hydrogenated. They are high to extremely in omega 6 oils. Those omega 6 oils tend to cause heart disease and help cause some cancers according to the information in the Anti Cancer book.

This effect may be made worse and other harms to your health may be in them as well because at this writing in the United States, most of these oils are made from genetically modified plants.

(These health harms from these oils are why to use extra virgin olive oil or eat or take omega 3 oils instead.)

So, even if the oil is not hydrogenated, take a pass on buying or eating these oils high in omega 6 too.

(Canola oil is not quite as bad for you and it has some plant based omega 3. So it is somewhat less harmful. Just try to minimize how much of it you eat. Also, as far as I know it isn’t currently hydrogenated.)

b) The second part which very often overlaps the first is that high glycemic carbs and artificial sweeteners create a delayed INCREASE in hunger.

This stuff is the perfect storm. You want to lose fat but get sidetracked by getting too hungry.

This is the biggest solution. Stop eating and drinking the foods and drinks that add calories or cause you to add fat AND make you hungrier too!

You will actually wind up LESS hungry AND you’ll take in fewer calories too!

Refined grains, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup and even white potatoes and to some degree whole grains have this effect.

To lose fat without hunger, STOP eating or drinking refined grains, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup.

That specifically means to virtually never drink either regular or diet soft drinks.

The regular ones add calories without making you less hungry at first. THEN the sugar surge & insulin surge that follows causes your body to store extra fat and make you HUNGRIER later. Yikes!

The diet ones have no calories but your body tastes the sugar and your insulin surges making you much hungrier and hungry for sweets even faster.

When you are trying to lose fat without hunger, do you WANT to drink something fattening that also has a strong or extremely strong appetite booster in it?!

If not, do NOT drink soft drinks!!

As far as I know, carbonated water or club soda has none of these effects. So if it’s the bubbly thirst quencher you crave, drink that or drink it over ice.

If it’s the caffeine you were getting in colas you really needed, coffee or coffee with 2% lowfat milk, or green tea or black tea or unsweetened cocoa without milk actually have health BENEFITS and will do the job.

And, plain water or water and a whole piece of fruit will quench your thirst.

High fructose corn syrup (which may soon be labeled as corn sugar) is cheap but tends to have this effect whether it’s in soft drinks or food.

Plus about 30% of it was tested to contain mercury. Plus if you eat too much of it you do get too much fructose which is worse for your health and more fattening than regular sugar.

Even worse, it tends to go with refined grains and hydrogenated oils in the foods that contain it.

Always read labels and never buy or eat high fructose corn syrup.

Lastly, real sugar does taste good. But it tends to fatten too. It makes you hungry after you eat it also.

The double solution is to find many savory and unsweetened foods that have no sugar that you actually and enjoy eating AND only eat sugar or foods containing it rarely instead of several times a day.

The average American was found recently to ingest 22 teaspoons a day of some kind of sugar. That’s a bit over SEVEN TABLESPOONS full!

So, to lose fat without excess hunger, cut back to eating that much a MONTH or less instead.

You can go directly there. Or you can do as I did and keep cutting it in half.

Once I cut back on how much I ate each time, I cut back more than double how many times a week I at sugar.

I still enjoy some sugar; but I enjoy my food on the other days too when I have none!

I’m no longer addicted to sugar. I’m less fat. And, my blood sugar readings are better – in the desirable range instead of a bit too high.

The last category of food that is fattening due to triggering a blood sugar and then an insulin surge is refined grains.

Bread has been a traditional food. But our bodies evolved to eat other foods for hundreds of thousands of years before humans had any grains at all starting about 10,000 years ago.

Many people who eat in health supporting ways otherwise and who exercise regularly and who eat it with other foods can be healthy and even not fat while eating SOME 100 % whole grain foods. But the ones who eat whole grains least tend to be the least fat.

But for refined grains that it is far from true. Refined grains began to become what the average person thinks of as normal food about 150 years ago.

But grains spike your blood sugar about 50 % MORE than sugar or high fructose corn syrup. The whole grains when eaten in moderation make up for that with some nutrients and with the fiber they contain to some degree.

Refined grains are NOT normal or good for you AT ALL.

Yet because refined grains have become so cheap to produce and breads made from them make useful, edible wrappers for other foods, refined grain breads, snacks, and desserts are in every store and almost every restaurant in the country.

But they are as fattening as soft drinks.

Every time you can find an opportunity to NOT eat a refined grain food or bread or snack or dessert will help you to lose fat without hunger.

Does that mean to do things like eat the topping on a pizza and leave the crust or get a plate and eat the filling of a sandwich or hamburger but not the bread or bun?

That’s exactly what it means in practice now! That’s because this information is too new to have changed these foods yet.

The good news is that NOT eating refined grains was one of the things Dr Atkins got right as a way to be healthier and less fat.

As a result, people in many restaurants have had his followers come in before.

So, simply asking for your sandwich “Atkins style” sometimes will save the restaurant the bread or bun and just get you the real food part of the sandwich on a plate.

Since I’m out of time again today, I’ll do part 3 next time.

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