Monday, December 06, 2010

Eating protein and low glycemic produce powers permanent fat loss....

Today's Post: Monday, 12-6-2010

Setting it up so you use more calories than you take in causes weight loss.

But there are some problems that weight loss programs too often have missed that have caused most people to fail at losing their excess fat and its weight.

Even without problems with your body’s famine response, if you get hungry too often for too long, you get tired of it. And, if that’s how you have been losing weight, you’ll either stop before you lose all your fat or, even worse, you’ll gain all the weight back.

And, worse than that, if some of the weight you lost was muscle or bone, more of the weight you gain back will be fat than you had to begin with!

What happens if you cut way back on how much you eat? You get health problems from lack of nutrition and, far worse, you trigger your body’s famine response.

When that happens, fail safe mechanisms that are not under your conscious control cause you to lose a good bit of your energy to move and do things; and your metabolism slows down. So you rapidly begin to use fewer calories. Similarly, you get uncontrollably hungry and develop a strong preference for sweets and fatty foods.

So, you need to have a way to lose fat and its weight that avoids making you too hungry too often or shorts your body too much on fuel or nutrition.

The good news is that this set of things DOES exist. And when people use them, they lose their excess fat and keep it off.

People can temporarily lose weight by simply eating less without eating differently or exercising. But virtually none of the people who do this lose all the fat they would benefit from losing or want to lose. And, virtually all of them gain it all back.

Permanent fat loss is a bit of a challenge for someone who is new to following the lifestyle that leads to permanent fat loss. For some people, it’s comparable to learning a new language.

But it is quite doable. Chances are YOU can do it too!

The key to it as one of Jillian Michaels’ emails explained is hunger. If you lose fat without getting extra hungry, you can keep doing it until you lose it all. And, since you can keep doing it, you can keep it all off.

A. Part of the solution is to eat only foods that turn off hunger but don’t make you fat.

From an Everyday Health email to people on Jillian Michaels’ elist, I found this:

"Food Strategies For Losing Weight

If you want to feel full all day on less food, focus on these eating strategies:

Get enough lean protein and fiber. A study of 22 men who changed the amount of protein in their diets for 18-day periods showed that those who ate the least protein were the most likely to report being hungry. "Protein is the number one thing to help you feel full," says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. "The second thing is fiber."

Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Researchers tracked the weight-loss success of 71 obese women between 20 and 60 years of age on a low-fat diet. Half of the women were also told to increase their fruit and vegetable intake.

At the end of one year, both groups of women had lost weight, but the women who ate the most fruits and veggies reported the greatest weight loss and were less likely to say they felt hungry on any given day.

In fact, when the researchers crunched the data, they found that whether the women reported feeling hungry frequently predicted their ability to lose weight. Other studies have shown that changing your eating habits to focus on these water- and fiber-rich foods will help you maintain weight loss for up to six years. " “

A recently published Danish study found virtually the same thing. People who ate mostly to close to all their food from protein and low glycemic fruits and vegetables were far more likely to lose fat and keep it off.

The second key is this, the people who ate higher glycemic foods were far less successful.

So, the permanent fat loss plan is this:

A. If a food or drink does little to make you less hungry or even worse makes you more hungry or harms you to consume or provides little nutrition, it will be dramatically easier for you to cut calories without getting hungrier if you eliminate these foods and drinks totally.

It’s easier for most people to only have the ones you most like but only a few times a week to a few times a year instead of several times every day. This does work also; but only if it’s controlled and a small minority of what you eat.

Regular and diet soft drinks both are in this category and are the worst for you and most fattening things you can ingest.

Foods with added sugar or high fructose corn syrup by whatever name is used or most artificial sweeteners fit in this group. (Foods with real sugar but consumed MUCH less often can work are look to be the best choice in this group to have sometimes. The others should ALL be replaced with real foods or drinks that provide protein, fiber, nutrition, & health OK fats and oils.)

Foods made with refined grains also fit in this group. Foods made with 100 % whole grains and lower glycemic grains such as wild rice or quinoa or barley or lightly processed oatmeal should be eaten by those who want them but far less often. They are less glycemic than refined grains or more glycemic whole grains like wheat; but still are a bit on the high side.

The other thing you can do with foods that contain grain or sugar is to only eat them with much lower glycemic foods. Eat them with nuts or nut butters or extra virgin olive oil. Eat them with protein foods like egg or dairy foods.

B. Find many kinds of nonstarchy vegetables and low glycemic fruits that you like or are OK with eating often. And, do just that.

Get the book, Anticancer, A New Way of Life, New Edition by David Servan-Schreiber (Hardcover - Dec 31, 2009). (This is available on if it isn’t in your local bookstore.)

This book has a way of eating that, in addition to helping to prevent cancer ALSO helps prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease, mental decline, and obesity!

Best of all it lists dozens of the most nutritious and protective vegetables and fruit.

Having this book gives you a really large list of foods that are actually good for you.

And, by eating some raw and some in salads or savory dishes with spices and health OK protein foods and health OK fats such as nuts, extra virgin olive oil, and some others is the basis of eating that will provide food that turns off hunger and keep it off.

For example, except for people who are allergic to them, nuts are actually extremely good to include when you want to lose fat and keep it off. A recent RealAge email had this:

“Despite their high fat and calorie count, nuts are the perfect diet food. Research shows that people who eat nuts lose more weight and are more likely to stick to their weight loss plans than people who don't nibble on this ultrasatisfying munchy.

Nuts boost weight loss efforts in three ways.

First, they satisfy hunger, helping people to eat less later.

Second, research shows that eating nuts helps people burn more calories at rest.

And finally -- because of how the body digests them -- nuts might actually deliver fewer calories than you think (in fact, fewer calories per serving than nutrition labels suggest).”

Raw and dry roasted nuts are easy to get today at Whole Foods Markets. (Nuts with junk oils and or salt added are, unfortunately, really bad for you and should NOT be eaten except for small amounts on VERY rare occasions.)

The reason people who eat them can more easily lose fat and keep it off is that nuts both taste good, and, because they have health OK oils AND protein AND fiber, they are low to zero glycemic and strongly turn off hunger and keep it off for a long time.

Health OK protein foods also work. These range from nuts and algae and seaweeds and sprouts and beans and lentils to wild caught fish from unpolluted waters to eggs and dairy and meat from animals eating their natural foods and ONLY their natural foods in unpolluted places.

(Some very lowfat dairy and meat from grain fed animals is OK and as it’s easier to find an afford. But the fats and oils are somewhat cancer and heart disease producing, so the leaner the better is the rule. And, having them be only part of your protein and including many kinds of plant proteins gets far better health results.)

If 98 % or more of what you eat is from these health supporting and low glycemic real foods, you can eat and even eat well and still lose fat and keep it off.

Why? Because you can eat a modest calorie intake diet that does NOT make you excessively hungry all the time or trigger your famine response.

B. The other part of the solution is to burn off calories with exercise and do some exercises that cause you to burn calories even when you are resting.

Almost all of the people who lose fat successfully and keep it off follow this strategy.

They can literally eat a few hundred calories a day more without slowing their fat loss or gaining any fat back. That really helps keep them from being hungry or under-nourished!

I’ll post more on that later this week as I’m out of time today.

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