Monday, November 22, 2010

My personal, monthly, progress report on my fatloss....

Today's Post: Monday, 11-22-2010

Last month, I reported that I gained back both the one & a half pounds on the scale AND the quarter inch off my waist in the month just before the report where the month earlier and before that I’d lost those amounts.

This was the first time since I began my current efforts that I went backwards. The worst before was just no progress one time.

Of course, I know the main reasons why it happened.

1. The month I had the re-gain of weight and added the quarter inch on my waist I went to not one but TWO birthday parties where I allowed myself extra food, cake, and extra alcoholic drinks.

2. Instead of gradually getting better, just when I thought it was and tried to stay at a low medium level on my way back to my normal weights, I re-injured my left arm. So, I not only was I not doing the amount of upper body strength training I wanted, my ability to do so was delayed again!

Here was my action plan based on the good news and bad news that time.

1. I’d still lost a pound more than my initial goal and two of the six inches I needed to lose off my waist. So, I decided to continue everything that got that job done. I KNEW better than to quit everything just because of a temporary set back.

2. I had a plan already to cut back my remaining sugar intake in half but was waiting to do it a certain way that I couldn’t yet do. Now that I knew I’d go in reverse a bit without cutting back now and that cutting back now might start removing more inches off my waist, I decided to simply stop eating half of the small amount of dark chocolate I had been eating instead of waiting for a way to eat the same amount of chocolate with just half the sugar.

(I had also thought of using agave syrup to cut my sugar intake on my oatmeal my remaining 3 days every two weeks. But two things happened to that one.

First, agave syrup turns out NOT to be a good idea since it’s pretty much a syrup of only fructose. Studies show that using fructose as a sweetener without a whole fruit with water, fiber, and nutrients along with it is far more harmful than regular sugar. Agave nectar, concentrated fruit juices, and high fructose corn syrup are all NOT a good idea for this reason it turns out. The other reason was that the time I tried substituting agave syrup for sugar, it flat out failed! The result was dreadful. It not only was less sweet than advertised, it had a bit of an off taste to me.)

3. I did see my regular doctor for his advice on my left arm.

He thought I could rehab it OK if I just took it a bit more gradually. And, just doing part of the increase back to full effort and dumbbell weight has worked OK. But although it doesn’t hurt, my left arm no longer feels right when I do the exercises with it. I think I may have damaged something that is NOT getting better.

So I now plan for sure to see one of the sports medicine doctors in our local area too. I’ll have to pay out of pocket for that. So it may take me a bit to get to it.

(I want to be sure I’ve not injured my left arm in a way that needs surgical correction before I assume that it will just get better if I wait long enough. And, I want to start taking action to blast the obstacle out of the way!

Since I could literally feel the muscle growth effects of my new kettlebell program, I not only want to resume it with both arms, I want to work to increase it!

I know that will help add muscle to several parts of me and help me lose inches off my waist by having what I still eat feed that muscle instead of my belly fat.)

>>>> My goal for this time was to lose back the pound and a half I gained and another half pound for a total of 2 pounds and at least lose back the quarter inch I gained back on my waist.

MY PLAN WORKED !! I lost 2 pounds and the quarter inch on my waist!

I succeeded in cutting back on alcohol and in continuing the rest of my program which likely helped me lose back the pound and a half.

And, since I lost two pounds, that likely means that for a while, I’ll tend to lose half a pound a month by my cutting my regular dark chocolate intake in half and continuing to do so.

Of course, next month, includes Thanksgiving 3 days from now. So, to not gain weight continuing that cut back in my regular dark chocolate eating and my care in keeping my alcoholic drinks per week low enough the rest of the month will be important.

Speaking of that, tomorrow & Weds I’ll do posts on fixing a more health OK & less fattening Thanksgiving tomorrow and a post on enjoying Thanksgiving with minimal damage on Weds.

The trick is to enjoy the holiday without seeming to overdo being health oriented or fat loss oriented but at the same time actually doing a pretty good job on both fat loss and health without coming across as doing so enough to cause less motivated people a problem with them enjoying the holiday.

Both in fixing and cooking for Thanksgiving, and in your own eating, those things ARE doable.

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