Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Permanent Fat Loss equals multiple, ongoing strategies....

Today's Post: Tuesday, 2-2-2010

Jillian Michaels has a new fatloss and health book out (which has state of the art health information though I found her ideas on how to use it to lose fat a bit hard to follow.)

But, since her info was so good, I did sign up for her email or, for the health information company she works with, everydayhealth.com , to be more precise. Yesterday, 2-1, they had a very worthwhile article on what amount of fat or weight loss per month is best and what is too much.

The information it starts with is so valuable, I decided it was important to do a post on it immediately.

The article was titled, "How Safe Is Quick Weight Loss?” & it began with this:

"Researchers who analyzed data from 1,801 Minnesota dieters over a two-year period found that the more strategies dieters used, the more likely they were to be successful in losing weight."

This is truly critical to know if you want to lose weight for many reasons!

Anything that is safe that will reliably help you lose two to five pounds a year will work if you use enough of them.

No one of these strategies needs to be dramatically hard or impossible to keep doing. Even better, if you use 6 to 10 and one doesn’t work or you simply find it undoable, the other 5 to 9 will still get you great results!

Weeks before I read this yesterday, I had already adopted this strategy for my own lose 14 pounds in 2010 effort and for precisely these two reasons.

Some of the things on my strategy list will only lose two to five pounds – BUT I’m already doing 7 of them; and later this year when I have a bit more money to spend, I’ll be adding 3 more.

But notice that if I’m unable to add those 3 new ones, the 7 I’m already doing will lose me 14 to 35 pounds of fat! That will do it! At the very least, I’ll lose the 14 pounds on the scale that I have as a goal. And, if I manage to lose 35 pounds of fat and add 21 pounds of muscle as I hope to do, I’ll lose the 4 inches from my waist I really want to lose.

Also notice that if I was trying to lose 70 pounds of fat, just continuing to do what I’m already doing to not be 56 pounds fatter and these new strategies would for sure lose it all in 5 years; & I’d reliably be closer to that 70 fat loss each year.

The “ongoing” part is important too. That means that each part should be doable enough I can simply keep doing it. And that in turn helps guarantee that I’ll lose all 14 pounds AND keep it off.

So, for permanent and successful fatloss, find multiple strategies you can do; put most of them in place over the next 3 weeks; add a couple more when you can; & keep doing them all.

Here are some ideas.:

1. Increase daily exercise (aim for 150 minutes a week or more)

Do more kinds. For example, do all 3 of moderate activity, progressive interval cardio and progressive strength training. If you have a successful walking program or walk as part of your commute, for example, add two 20 minute sessions of strength training and two or three 10 minute sessions of progressive interval cardio. You’ll be more fit and healthier. AND, you’ll burn more calories; lose only fat in your weight loss; and you’ll build muscle mass that will increase the calories you burn each day even when you are resting.

Exercise more times a day. Vigorous exercise like strength training or progressive interval cardio cause you to burn extra calories for two to six hours afterwards in addition to what you burn in the exercise. I was exercising every morning last year. This year I’ve added a 5 to 10 minute second progressive interval cardio session just before dinner 4 days a week. So instead of getting this nice after burn 7 times a week, I’ll get it 11 times a week. And, these 5 to 15 minute sessions are far easier to jam into my busy schedule than fewer 20 to 30 minute sessions would be!

2. Cut out more or all sweets and snacks and all soft drinks & their fattening components such as HFCS, artificial sweeteners, and refined grains & cut real sugar in half once or twice.

These things boost insulin and fat storage and cause you to want to eat more instead of less when you ingest them.

If you refuse to put money into the pockets of the companies that make money from providing this stuff to make you fat and sick, you’ll have a lot less fat and weigh less too.

(I still use real sugar sometimes and no longer allow myself that other junk. But by cutting the times I eat real sugar in each two week period in half recently, I’ll lose at least two pounds from just the drop in calories this year; and my fat loss may be even more due to the drop in excess insulin release.)

The average American, including many teenagers and young adults, is between 25 and 65 pounds fatter than they should be from this single set of sources alone. So, if you still ingest this stuff, think about being 25 to 65 pounds less fat in a year or two from just doing this single strategy alone!

3. Eliminate any hydrogenated oils or oils high in omega 6 oils.

Hydrogenated oils directly cause heart disease. So why waste any of your calorie intake on this junk? Buy fresh stuff that doesn’t need a 10 year shelf life. Eat those foods half as often and use real butter or cream or do a version using extra virgin olive oil instead of using a brand that has any amount of hydrogenated vegetable oil.

If you refuse to put money into the pockets of the companies that make money from providing this stuff to make you fat and sick, you’ll have a lot less fat and weigh less too.

Oils high in omega 6 oils such as soy and corn and safflower oil, and to a lesser degree canola oil, tend to increase your level of inflammation, which can increase minor aches and pains and, much worse, contribute to heart disease.

Why waste your calorie intake on foods that will harm your health?

Instead, eat wild caught fish that’s low in mercury and other pollutants and high in omega 3 oils and take purified fish oil supplements; and eat many kinds of foods high in monosaturated oils such as nuts, avocados, and extra virgin olive oil.

That way you enjoy eating more and avoid depriving yourself of any fats or oils AND your inflammation and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides will go down while your HDL level will go up. Your chances of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks and strokes and ED will all drop dramatically.

And, best of all, people who eat these health supporting fats and oils are much healthier AND much more likely to keep eating right and losing weight than people who simply eliminate all fats and oils.

4. Gradually add two or three MORE servings a day of nonstarchy vegetables or low salt vegetable juice. Always buy organic if you can; and drink mostly low or no sodium vegetable juice if possible.

It’s simple. Doing more of this helps keep you from being hungry and provides marvelous nutrition. It’s so nice to be able to eat MORE and have LESS fat. And, best of all, it makes eating a more moderate amount of the health OK oils and total calories almost effortless because you simply are enough less hungry eating less of the other foods is virtually automatic.

5. If your amount of alcoholic drinks is on the high end of moderate, as mine has been, cut back 10 to 25%.

I found a website that calculated that my 12 or so drinks a week of mostly red wine supports 18 pound of my fat. So, I’ve successfully cut back 20 % to 9 & a half or about 80 % as much.

By the end of the year, I should have about 3.6 pounds less fat from this single strategy.

That may not sound like much; and it isn’t! BUT, the approximately 3 and a half pounds is a full 25% of my goal for weight loss on the scale and 10 % of my hoped for fat loss of 35 pounds.

And, this is just one of the 7 things I’m already doing and one of the 10 I’ll be doing soon.

So, this multiple strategies system with these several things I can do, am doing, and can easily continue to do will reliably remove excess fat and pounds from my body and keep them off.

By using multiple strategies yourself, you can do this too!

Final note: There are supplements of several kinds that DO reliably help fat loss. And people who have ongoing coaching and support are at least twice as likely to succeed.

So, I’m preparing an eBook that goes into much more detail on adding these kinds of strategies and how to make each of them more doable AND a complete section on all these supplements.

(In my case, one supplement that takes a few seconds to take each morning and provides other health benefits is likely to add 5 pounds to my fat loss. Another I plan to add later has a track record of adding enough extra muscle for people who do vigorous exercise that I may add 5 or more pounds of muscle and perhaps lose 7 pounds more fat by adding it.)

And, I also plan a membership site that will, I hope and plan, virtually insure the people who belong to it will lose all the fat they want to lose or should lose and keep it all off.

When these are ready, I’ll announce them here. In the meantime, I’ll continue with these posts with fat loss information that some of you will use to begin to succeed in permanent fat loss.

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