Friday, October 03, 2008

3 Health protection & improvement resources....

Today's post: Friday, 10-3-2008

1. One is reading this blog every week. But there’s more here than you might have noticed.
(Many of you have come for one specific post.)

Also try scanning our previous posts.

I. Just in our last 9 weeks of posts, 8-1 to 10-2, 2008 (August, September, and the 1st two days of October), you’ll find several posts on these topics.:

a) Fat Loss. (Losing weight so you only lose fat and keep it off.)

b) Protecting your heart and avoiding cardiovascular disease. (That also protects your brain by ensuring good circulation and avoiding strokes. It also prevents peripheral artery disease & erectile dysfuntion & many if not most cases of high blood pressure.)

c) Exercise. (Regular exercise has astounding benefits. It helps cause permanent fat loss. It prevents heart and cardiovascular disease. It increases longevity, It helps prevent type II diabetes and even cancer. And, it grows new brain cells, releases growth hormones, and improves the sex lives of BOTH men and women.)

d) Supplements. (Multiple supplement takers have better health than people who just take a multivitamin. And, people who take multivitamins have better health than people who take no supplements at all. Specific supplements can protect your heart much better than drugs, prevent cancer, protect your brain, and lower high blood sugar and high blood pressure.)

e) Eating right. (Some foods and drinks support and protect your health. Many of them from dark chocolate to organic strawberries to guacamole to pecans also taste great.

Unfortunately, some foods and drinks that have been specially engineered to taste good, be cheap to make, be profitable to provide you, and have a long shelf life such as soft drinks and packaged snacks tend to make you fat without reducing your hunger much and make you fat, cause type II diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.)

II. In that same time period, we also posted on:

Effective strategies for good health;

How to protect yourself from stress;

Ways to protect your brain;

How to lower high blood pressure without drugs;

Ways to prevent cancer;

& How some men can have better sex.
(Regular exercise improves sex for BOTH sexes also.)

Here are the other two resources.:

(Over a week or two, I virtually always find a health article, or several, that I find valuable in each of them.)

2. Early to Rise publishes a health article each day six days a week, Monday through Saturday. You can sign up for their emails at . (They also post on how to make money, manage your career, invest successfully, and be effective at work. The specialize also in information marketing online & how you can do it.)

Today’s health article is on how to start strength training or restart it without making your muscles too sore.

And, the company, Early to Rise also now has a health only email that comes out every Tuesday and every Friday which you can sign up for at .

Today’s feature article is on how some plastics that foods and drinks are stored in can make you sick; how to avoid this; & best of all, which kinds of plastics are mostly OK and which should be totally avoided.

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