Tuesday, October 14, 2008

14 ways to longevity....

Today's post: Tuesday, 10-14-2008

Short on time today, so this will be brief. These ways to longevity are in an article in the November, 2008 Prevention Magazine. I bought and read a copy recently.

1. Drink black or green tea daily. They left out to not drink it with milk or have milk at the same time. But both kinds of tea give a gentler energy boost than coffee so it’s harder to overdose on them. And, though green tea has more health benefits, both kinds provide strong health benefits.

2. Skip both regular and diet soft drinks. The average person drinks nearly 12 a week. And, since many people know enough to drink none, the people who drink them drink more than 12. As a result, compared with people who drink none, they are far fatter and more likely to develop a whole list of diseases such as type II diabetes which can result in early death.

3. Walk or exercise about half an hour a day. As our regular readers already know, this has a huge list of health benefits if you do it; and a huge list health penalties if you do less than half this much.

4. Have strong legs. This keeps you mobile and give you better balance as you get older. That increases longevity. Tai Chi, the wall, chairless, sitting exercise they describe in the article, and careful strength training of your thighs can give you this.

5. Eat and/or drink purple food. Blueberries, concord grapes and its juice, and bilberry extract all are high in polyphenols and anthocyanins. They help keep your blood vessels, heart, and brain healthy. And, they can make a BIG difference in how long you live & how well you think.

6. Avoid or minimize eating red meat. We’ll add to avoid red meat from grain fed animals if you can. Grass fed beef is far less harmful to eat. And, both avoid cooking red meat at high temperatures and eat it with spices, such as rosemary and garlic and onions. That reduces its chances of boosting your bad LDL and giving you cancer.

7. Keep learning new things. You can’t go back in time to be a college freshman though Prevention lists that as a longevity sign if you ever were a college freshman. But you have control over whether you learn new things every week.

8. Educated people also tend to live longer because far fewer of them smoke. Avoid cigarette smoke. Quit if you smoke. And avoid second hand smoke. Cigarette smoke does kill with lung and other cancers; but it kills more with heart disease and strokes. It also speeds up aging.
You’ll live far longer if you avoid cigarette smoke totally.

9. Like your friends. I’ll add to keep in touch with them regularly and treat them well. Your health will be far better; you’ll feel less stress, and you’ll enjoy life more. You even get brain boosting effects from talking to your friends!

10 Have healthy friends. People tend to adopt the health habits of their friends. So have some healthy ones. And spend a bit less time with any who have bad health habits. This can be a good reason to go to the gym as you meet health oriented people there.

11. Do some or all of your own housework. Studies show that even among people where that’s the only exercise they get, people who do this live longer and in better health than people who do not. It also helps keep your legs strong and burns enough calories to help you keep excess fat off.

12. Have a positive outlook on life and on the communities you are in. This one is surprisingly powerful. You not only will live a lot longer, you’ll enjoy it more.

13. Avoid getting too fat or having your blood sugar levels go to high. Totally avoid soft drinks and get regular exercise. Eat non-starchy and green vegetables every day and minimize your sugar intake. Do strength training, And make an extra effort to eat right and exercise more if you start to gain fat weight. Also be sure to get your fasting glucose and HBA1C tested every 6 months to year. You cannot fix it if you don’t know it’s broken, And with your blood sugar levels, to know, you have to get tested.

14. Do your best to find ways to overcome the challenges in your life. And do promising things and things you know are effective to overcome them.

Assume you can find a way to overcome your challenges and keep working on them.

People who are too pessimistic take no action, get bad results because they did not take action, and have poorer health.

People who are optimistic and hopeful take action. Eventually they take actions that work. And they have better health because they also take positive actions to stay health.

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