Monday, July 02, 2007

Some reasons why people get & stay fat….

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Today's post: Monday, 7-2-2007

Some reasons why people get & stay fat….

This is from Dr Singh Khalsa’s eHealth email newsetter from last Thursday, 6-28-2007.:

"How To Drop 7 Pounds Fast

Dear Friend:

Did you know that when you lose weight your brain works better?

Well, it stands to reason. When you trim down everything works
better. And I do mean everything.

Here's an interesting little story.

A few days ago, I was watching that funny commercial on TV where the
fat guy from the Austin Powers movie tells mini-me to:

"Jump in my belly."
Coincidentally, for a few weeks now I've been thinking about trying
to help you drop 5 to 7 pounds fast.

One big way is to start by reducing the portion size of your meals.

Here's a little history:

Big meal portions are something that started some 15 to 20 years ago.

Do you remember that it was back then when many people asked for a
"doggie bag" to take the left over food home from a restaurant?

That's when "oversized" portions started to be placed in front of us.

Today, like the fat guy, that "doggie bag" is put in our bellies.

We have been "trained" to eat more.

More than what we actually really need to eat!

And many people do it everywhere: at a friend's, at restaurants, at


In America, food companies produce more than 5,000 calories of food
per person a day.

That's a lot of calories.

More than twice of what we really need, and unfortunately we're
eating them!

These same companies spend approximately $36 billion per year in food

Of these, $10 billion alone are directed towards children.

That's a sad fact but apparently it works.

Obesity is the greatest anti-anti-aging factor today.

It's killing us by causing heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's,
arthritis and so on.

Another sickening fact is that Americans are addicted to cheap food.

In fact, we spend only a little more than 9% of our income on food, a
smaller share than any other nation.

No wonder we spend a larger share in health incredible 16%.

All these "cheap unhealthy foods" such as soda, candy, and other
forms of processed foods are making us fat and sick!”

David Ludwig, MD, PhD, author of the book, “The Food Fight,” who researched obesity & who uses his findings in helping parents help their fat kids lose fat & get their lives back, found that eating these "cheap unhealthy foods" tends to trigger eating much larger portions of everything else of those foods that are eaten later that day.

Apparently, at some deep level your body notes that it is still missing the fiber & real nutrients it needs that these foods contain very little of & causes you to eat more to try to live on what you are taking in.

Even worse, the kids he treats have been watching many hours of TV each week. This keeps them fat three ways.

1. TV ads for these "cheap unhealthy foods" appear regularly, particularly for programs kids are most likely to watch.

2. TV time replaces the time kids would be socializing or playing with other kids or exercising with hours of time with only marginally more calories burned than are consumed than the kids would burn if they were sound asleep.

3. When these kids watch TV, they tend to eat huge quantities of these "cheap unhealthy foods" as snacks almost robotically as they watch.

These things sharply increases the calories they take in; & TV watching then prevents them from exercising -- even moderately while playing & in other activities.

Dr Ludwig has found that when the kids he works with replace these junk foods with real & nutritious foods & learn to simply stop eating "cheap unhealthy foods"; watch
TV less & more selectively; & exercise more, they promptly lose fat. As they lose fat, their self-image improves & they feel better. And, once that process goes far enough, the kids tend to take ownership of the process & continue it voluntarily.

The other thing he has these kids do that adults can emulate to some degree, is that he focuses entirely on 3 things. Stop ingesting "cheap unhealthy foods" totally. Eat whole, low glycemic load foods like health OK protein foods, health OK fats, & vegetables & some fruit. Get regular exercise almost every day.

And, don’t try to eat less than they are hungry for.

The kids in his program lose fat anyway; because they do eat less by following the three things to do. And, they are still growing.

As adults, particularly if we are under stress, we need to be careful to not overdo how much we eat & how much alcohol we drink to lose fat that well.

But his methods make that doable without being hungry for most people.

And, that makes losing fat & keeping it off possible, realistic, & doable.

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