Thursday, May 31, 2007

New study shows age reversal in just six months….

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In it we post health commentary & reviews of books, eBooks, & other things that improve or protect your health or which enable you to live longer, to be more prosperous, & to be more effective. We do posts on staying healthy; preventing disease; aging more slowly; weight loss; exercise; nutrition; & news in medicine.

Today's post: Thursday, 5-31-2007

New study shows age reversal in just six months….

The results of this study suggest that good strength training can prevent or reverse aging to a large degree in the exercised muscles.

Other studies that have found that people can get stronger & add muscle at any age and that strength training tends to release growth hormone & testosterone suggest this might be the case. But, it doesn't prove it's so like this study apparently has.

Here’s an email from Jon Benson about it.: (I like most of what he says, so I am an affiliate of his & have put in that link in the quoted email.)

“Has science proven you can "age backwards"?”

Of all the studies I have read this one seals the deal. The study headline read...

>>> Resistance Training Reverses The Aging
>>> In Human Muscle Tissue

Not "slows" or "repairs"...Reverses.

I shocked me too. I have been a champion of the anti.aging lifestyle I teach in Fit Over 40. It certainly "looks" like the 52 people in my book are aging backwards.

See for yourself --

I never thought their muscles were literally turning back the genetic clock. But this new research proves this is exactly what is going on when you exercise with resistance.

Resistance exercise can be weight training or just using your bodyweight. This is exercise that is heavy enough to cause some strain but not so heavy that it is painful or dangerous.

Some of the biology aspects of the study are frankly over my head. But I will try to give you the highlights.

If you want to read the study yourself you can find it on .


The mitochondria is the energy factory of the human cell. As we age our muscles begin to show what researchers call "mitochondrial dysfunction". This is what causes all the bad stuff associated with "sarcopenia."

Sarcopenia is just the wasting away of muscle due to age and under-use. As we age most of us will experience a gradual loss of muscle.

The problem? Muscle is active tissue. It is responsible for most of the calories we use during the day.

The less muscle you have, the more bodyfat you will gain if you eat the same amount of food.

Muscle loss is also related to the onset of many bone diseases. The muscle that holds our spine in alignment can deteriorate as we age and cause major back problems. The same is true for the muscle and tendons around the knee and hip joints.

Can you see why muscle loss is a major deal?

Is it any wonder researchers wanted to see if there was something we could do about it?

Resistance training obviously builds muscle. And it does so at any age. Just look at anyone in my book and you will be convinced of that.

But that is not the real find in this study. We have numerous studies that show you can gain lean muscle at any age.

>>> This study revealed something extraordinary:
>>> after just six months of resistance training
>>> test subjects showed a "reversal of most of
>>> the genes affected by age" in muscle tissue.

With age and no resistance training, researchers found 596 genes expressing themselves with "aging", or decreased mitochondrial function.

But when subjects engaged in resistance training, in this case simple weight training, look what happened ---- Their strength increased by over 20%;-- And their genes literally "reverted back" to the same markers as "younger" genes after only six months of exercise.

This is staggering. It is one thing to maintain muscle as we age. To gain muscle is even better.

But to know that we are literally reverting our genes to a "younger version" within the muscle?
And after only six months?

That is downright amazing.

That's not all...When the older folks in the study began, they were almost 60% weaker than the younger members of the study. In just six months, they were only 38% weaker.

I can tell you from personal experience that in a few more months they would be even stronger. In some cases their strength would surpass the younger test subjects.

I am much stronger now than when I was 23, or 33. I am now 43.

I plan to be stronger at 53.

Strength is not a luxury as we age. It is absolutely necessary for longevity and health. And this all takes place at the genetic level. Just imagine.

----------------------------------------What You Need To Do----------------------------------

Everyone reading this letter needs to start today with resistance training. It is now a PROVEN way to make the aging process turn around at the genetic level within the cell.

And now you know why the role models in my book "Fit Over 40" look as if they are 15-20 years younger than they really are --

Genetically, they 'are' younger than their calendar age. Isn't that incredible?

Are you ready to join them? Pick up my book today and you'll find your own roadmap to begin.

In a freee bonus, Craig Ballantyne gives you an 8-week in-home bodyweight resistance program that is perfect for beginner and intermediate trainees.

If you already have my book, you will find this in the Member's Downloads.

I also include dozens of ideal gym-based workouts for intermediate and advanced trainees.Combined with the nutrition principles I cover, you can be on your way to "literally" turning back the genetic clock.

You'll look better and feel better than you ever have to boot.


Jon BensonCreator, Fit Over 40”


I like Jon Benson. I've talked to him & even wrote an article draft for him on the top health enhancing foods. (He then added his comments & some select upgrades.)

I agree with about 90 to 95% of what he says. And, the part I agree with I agree very strongly.

He believes in doing things to "cleanse" or detoxify your body as a good idea in starting a health or fat loss program.

I think it is likely a waste of time for most people & can be bad for some people.

And, he is a good bit less concerned with high LDL readings or with overdoing the eating of red meat than most of my other sources. (He likely IS correct that high HDL & exercise; getting enough vitamin C; & avoiding starches & sugars are more important for most people. And, that they are definitely important for everybody.)

But his Fit Over 40 eBook has every kind of health style from over 50 people who succeeded with exercise -- including vegan vegetarians & what they eat, why, & what their exercise program is & their story about overcoming adversity & still getting good results.

People who need a set of exercises to try or a role model they see as like them to get started exercising can use this book as a great resource.

People who have hit a plateau or have adversity to overcome in their exercise program can find ideas.

And, people from either group can find some real motivation & inspiration from the really great success stories & pictures.So, I have signed up to sell his book as an affiliate.

To get a copy go to:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aging is a Mistake
Raymond Francis

“Aging is a mistake,” said Dr. Deepak Chopra. Actually, aging is worse than a mistake, it is a catastrophe. Aging reduces quality of life and causes so-called “diseases of aging” such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and arthritis. Making yourself old and sick is not a sensible choice—it is a mis-take. Each disease, even a cold, accelerates aging, makes you sicker, and causes more disease. Then our physicians manage these diseases with treatments that create still more aging and disease. It’s a vicious cycle, and we have to learn how to break that cycle.
To live a long disease-free life, it is essential to learn how to prevent and reverse aging and disease. Fortunately, this is not difficult to learn. With just a little bit of effort, any of us can become healthier and biologically younger. While we cannot control our chronological age, we do have control over our biological age. Recently, I had my arteries meas-ured. I have the arteries of a thirty year-old; I am sixty-six. The biological age of my arteries is less than half my chronological age—anyone can do this. Aging is a mistake you don’t have to make.
Historically, people such as the Hunzas lived well into their hundreds in robust, vigorous health without suffering as much as a cold, so we know this is possible. For you to accomplish something similar you must learn how to prevent aging and disease, and to do this, you must learn how to prevent and reverse inflammation. There is only one dis-ease, malfunctioning cells, and a malfunction common to all chronic disease is a process called inflammation. No matter what so-called disease you have, inflammation is a major part of your problem. By learning how to prevent and re-verse inflammation, you are learning how to stay young and never be sick again.
Inflammation is a natural and healthy process. If you cut your finger, the body begins an inflammatory process im-mediately. This process neutralizes harmful microorgan-isms, helps to repair the wound, and cleans up the debris resulting from the injury. Inflammation is beneficial when needed, but it is disastrous when chronic. Chronic inflamma-tion generates a constant supply of free radicals that over-whelm our anti-oxidant defenses and damage DNA, aging us and causing disease of every description, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, allergies, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, and infections.
Unfortunately, more than three out of four Americans suffer from chronic inflammation. This is why we are aging so rapidly and why more than three out of four of us have a diagnosable chronic disease. Even our children are increas-ingly suffering from “diseases of aging” in epidemic num-bers. To put an end to this tragedy, as a society and as indi-viduals, we must learn how to prevent and reverse chronic inflammation.
What causes inflammation? The standard American diet causes inflammation! Most of us suffer from chronic inflam-mation and disease because the American diet is pro-inflammatory. Our diet lacks nutrients that help to prevent and control inflammation, while being rich in pro-inflammatory compounds.
How do you reverse inflammation? In my book Never Be Sick Again, I advise people to avoid the Big Four: sugar, white flour, milk products, and processed oils. These so-called “foods” are pro-inflammatory—they cause rapid aging and disease. Indeed, I have had numerous calls from peo-ple who have read my book, got off the Big Four, and were cured of terrible, chronic diseases. All it took was to stop promoting the inflammation in the first place. I have been off the Big Four for 17 years and I have been taking lots of anti-oxidant supplements, thus controlling inflammation and allowing my arteries and other tissues to repair and become those of a much younger person.
Sugar and white flour are deadly poisons. They have an inflammatory effect on the body. Unaware of this hazard, the average American consumes more than 160 pounds of sugar and 200 pounds of white flour per year. Tragically, we expose children to these deadly poisons, accelerating aging and causing lifelong health problems. Both of these poisons increase blood sugar levels. Even a modest increase in blood sugar generates free radicals that cause inflamma-tion, thereby causing disease of every description. Because most people eat these poisons every day (in the form of bread, pasta, breakfast cereal, cookies, cakes, soft drinks, candy, etc.), disease is a growth industry.
Milk products also cause inflammation. Modern dairy cows eat grain-containing diets that change the proportions of fatty acids in the milk, leaving very little omega-3 fats and creating a pro-inflammatory imbalance. In addition, a sub-stantial percentage of our population (some estimate fifty percent) is allergic to dairy, often unknowingly. Daily con-sumption causes chronic allergic reactions, creating chronic inflammation.
The fats and oils in the American diet contain excessive omega-6 fatty acids, causing chronic inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids promote inflammation, while omega-3s are anti-inflammatory. Historically, humans consumed roughly equal amounts of these oils, achieving a balance. Today, we con-sume 20 to 30 times as much omega-6 as omega-3. The modern processed-food industry fills our stores with pro-inflammatory oils, including safflower, sunflower, peanut, and even most commercially available olive oils; all of these contain excessive amounts of omega-6 and insufficient omega-3 fatty acids. Grain-fed beef, poultry, and farmed fish also contain excessive omega-6. These imbalances create a huge excess of pro-inflammatory compounds. Unable to turn the inflammation off, chronic inflammation and disease are the result. It is extremely important that only healthy fats and oils be consumed.
Hydrogenated oils are also pro-inflammatory. These oils find their way into a myriad of products including candy, baked goods, margarine, breakfast cereal, and peanut but-ter. These deadly oils disrupt body chemistry, causing many abnormalities—including inflammation. The trans fatty acids contained in hydrogenated oils inhibit the activity of enzymes that make anti-inflammatory compounds, but not those that create pro-inflammatory ones, chronic inflammation is the result.
In addition to diet, infections also contribute to inflamma-tion. Avoiding infections by keeping your immune system strong pays off in many ways. It is important to minimize the number of infections you suffer. Infections are inflammatory, triggering powerful inflammatory processes to destroy invad-ing microorganisms. Unfortunately, the inflammation dam-ages you as well as the invaders. Having one cold after another will do lasting damage, shortening your life and leaving you susceptible to every imaginable disease. Re-peated infections, as well as chronic infections, lead to chronic inflammation that damages and ages the entire body. One way to help keep your immunity strong is to avoid eating sugar, which is known to damage immunity as well as causing inflammation.
Physical injuries also create inflammation. Nature in-tended inflammation to subside once an injury is repaired. However, by consuming a pro-inflammatory diet, injuries are seldom fully healed and often result in chronic low-grade inflammation in the injured tissue. This is why athletes have problems with old injuries as they age. These incompletely healed tissues, by producing pro-inflammatory compounds, become sources of chronic inflammation for the entire body.
Allergies and food sensitivities also create inflammatory responses. Chronic allergic reactions create chronic in-flammation. This is why allergic reactions must be mini-mized by strengthening the immune system and avoiding allergens. Unfortunately, allergies have become epidemic. Contributing to this epidemic has been the irrational misuse of antibiotics, NSAIDS, and hormones by our obsolete dis-ease-care system. These dangerous drugs disrupt gut tis-sue, causing leakage of undigested food molecules into the blood, thereby promoting food allergies. A good idea for almost anyone is to stay away from the most common aller-gens such as dairy and gluten (half the population may be allergic to gluten, found in wheat, rye, and barley).
Yet another promoter of chronic, systemic inflammation is fat cells. Given that two out of three Americans are over-weight this is a huge source of inflammation. Pure and sim-ple, if you are more than five pounds overweight, you have a serious chronic disease. The inflammatory process unleashed by being overweight accelerates the aging proc-ess and leads to every conceivable disease. Fat cells, espe-cially those that form around the abdomen, produce large amounts of inflammatory compounds that affect the entire body.
If you want to prevent disease, or if you are diseased and want to get well, what should you do? First and foremost, stop promoting inflammation. Get the Big Four out of your life—now! Eat a diet low in pro-inflammatory foods and high in anti-inflammatory nutrients. Get rid of those excess pounds (exercise and get off the Big Four to lose weight). Take high quality anti-inflammatory supplements. If you take these principles to heart, you will be well on your way to a longer, higher quality, disease-free life.
Consume a diet low in refined carbohydrates and high in a variety of fresh, organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Eat high quality organic animal protein, such as eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, and grass-fed beef plus olive, coconut and flaxseed oil. Supplementing with anti-oxidant nutrients is critical to preventing and reversing inflammation. Supplement with omega-3 fish oil, vitamins A, B complex (including folic acid, B6 and B12), C, D, and E, plus quer-citin, glucosamine, chrondroitin, beta-carotene, selenium, CoQ10, N-acetylcysteine, and alpha-lipoic acid. (Call Be-yond Health to get the supplements I use.)
The health of the American people is in a catastrophic, long-term downtrend. The result is pain, suffering, unneces-sary loss of loved ones and an economic threat that is pro-jected within a few decades to bankrupt our country and plunge it into third-world status. This is happening because, in a relatively short period of time, we have completely changed our diet. We now consume insufficient anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals and an enormous sur-plus of pro-inflammatory “foods” in the form of the Big Four: sugar, white flour, dairy and processed oils (remember the oils we consume are 20 to 30 times more pro-inflammatory than our ancestor’s).
Inflammation is a common element in virtually all dis-ease. By consuming the Big Four, the cumulative effect of the inflammation we are creating is aging us prematurely, causing us to look old, feel tired, and suffer every imagin-able disease. By learning how to prevent and reverse in-flammation, we can achieve power over aging and disease. What a wonderful goal—and so easy to do.

Raymond Francis is an M.I.T.-trained scientist, author of Never Be Sick Again, host of the Beyond Health Show and an internationally recognized leader in the emerging field of optimal health maintenance.

Reprinted with permission from:
Beyond Health News
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