Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Ways to permanent fat loss without hunger....

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 11-6-2012

There are basically two ways to lose fat without hunger:

Both require permanent but doable lifestyle upgrades. 

Diets, if temporary harsh cutbacks in food intake is meant, virtually always fail because your body’s fail safe famine response lowers your metabolism and boosts your hunger.

So, the two ways to achieve permanent fat loss without hunger are:

1.  Increase your metabolism using methods you find doable enough to continue while escaping or sharply minimizing your famine response.


2.  Find ways to lower calories eaten that you find doable enough to continue while escaping or sharply minimizing your famine response.

There are several ways to do these things.

That’s why there ARE people who lose from ten to over 200 pounds of fat they keep off.

It’s easier for some people than others and for almost everyone fat loss is a “try and succeed, progress stops, and a second effort is needed” and that process repeats.

But for people who simply keep it up and for people who get into a support group that helps them do that, permanent fat loss is actually likely and quite doable!

What is the reason for this post when I’ve posted on many of these things before?

There is new information on each of these two methods.

Note that many of these methods do the double and both reduce net calories and keep your metabolism up or increase it.

1.  Here are some ways to increase your metabolism that tend to not engage your famine response including the new one at the end.

a)  ALWAYS eat breakfast -- and if you can, always include some high quality protein, some fiber, and keep the glycemic boost of any foods with carbs mostly medium or less. 

This does work best for women and often more men actually do it.  But it’s dramatically helpful. 

People who always eat breakfast have been found to eat more total calories and weigh less and are less fat than people who never do!

The three main reasons seem to be that this helps avoid your famine response,

people who always eat breakfast have significantly higher metabolisms by actual test,

and people who ate a filling breakfast not too high in carbs or fast carbs, are MUCH more likely to resist fattening mid-morning treats, AND the eat less for dinner when your body is more likely to store extra as fat, again by actual test.

b) Work your way up to it slowly and don’t overdo BUT do strength training AND interval cardio that you put real effort into even if each effort is brief most days of every week.

People who do some of each get better results than people who do only one or the other.  And a short session at home each morning is most effective for most people.

You burn calories while you exercise, you burn calories and have a higher metabolism for up to several hours after you exercise,

AND you can add enough muscle and bone to have more of you to feed that is NOT fat helps you burn more calories and not store as many.  (This kind of exercise lowers:  insulin resistance, average blood insulin levels, and average blood sugar levels all of which tend to make you healthier and stop fat storage.)

c)  Our ancestors were only moderately active much of each day; but they hardly ever stopped doing something!  Today, people sit for hours at a time almost every day.

One way to beat that is to have a way to exercise at your desk while you are doing things like reading and sending emails or surfing for work or personal reasons.

This kind of light moderate but high volume almost daily activity doesn’t tend to turn on your famine response if you don’t overdo calorie cut backs because our bodies evolved to do it every day an expect it.  It’s actually more normal than sitting still according to your genes!

Talk about boosting your metabolism!  You can burn from 1750 to 3500 calories a week doing it!  And, you burn calories for a bit after you stop because it boosts your metabolism.

If you are overfat, that’s a fat loss of up to 2 to 4 pounds a month.

That’s not yet readily available.  But it is finally beginning to be.

My current solution is the recumbent bike plus desk from www.activoffice.net  .

You need a bit larger office and some determination to use it.  And, it makes accessing things not in arm’s reach a good bit more difficult.

But it both helps you lose fat and get healthier at the same time.  The man who originated the idea lost 18 pounds in 9 months and virtually all his health markers improved without drugs doing the job!  (And, he was not that fat or unhealthy when he started!)

My plan is to help him make it easier to use and set up and to sell them to people for whom they are the best solution.

But there is also a way to make a solution that is far easier to use and will easily fit most desks as they already now.  THAT solution will change things a LOT once it gets into use by enough people.  I hope to also help get that solution to you later.

d)  Even when you cut net calories, be SURE to eat moderate to moderately high amounts of health OK protein every day!

This is proven to help prevent the famine response.  It helps you lose fat instead of muscle. Protein helps because eating it turns off your appetite and has no rebound hunger.  And, it helps you keep your metabolism up both ways so you lose more fat. 

2.  Here are some ways to lower calories and mostly escape or not engage your famine response.

a)  ALWAYS eat breakfast -- and if you can, always include some high quality protein, some fiber, and keep the glycemic boost of any foods with carbs mostly medium or less. 

This does work best for women and often more men actually do it.  But it’s dramatically helpful. 

People who always eat breakfast have been found to eat more total calories and weigh less and are less fat than people who never do!

The three main reasons seem to be that this helps avoid your famine response,

people who always eat breakfast have significantly higher metabolisms by actual test,

and people who ate a filling breakfast not too high in carbs or fast carbs, are MUCH more likely to resist fattening mid-morning treats, AND the eat less for dinner when your body is more likely to store extra as fat, again by actual test.

b) Work your way up to it slowly and don’t overdo BUT do strength training AND interval cardio that you put real effort into even if each effort is brief most days of every week.

You can add enough muscle and bone to have more of you to feed that is NOT fat helps you burn more calories and not store as many.  (This kind of exercise lowers:  insulin resistance, average blood insulin levels, and average blood sugar levels all of which tend to make you healthier and stop fat storage.)

That has two wonderful effects! 

You can lose more fat with less and fewer cutbacks in what you eat which helps prevent the famine response because you no longer cut back enough to engage it or engage it as strongly.

AND, because you then have fewer surges and then drops in blood sugar levels, you get no rebound hunger at all instead of a lot every day!

c)  Even when you cut net calories, be SURE to eat moderate to moderately high amounts of health OK protein every day!

This is proven to help prevent the famine response.  It helps you lose fat instead of muscle. Protein helps because eating it turns off your appetite and has no rebound hunger.  So it minimizes how much you need to cut back and helps you do it with less hunger.

d) Completely STOP drinking soft drinks and minimize drinking fruit juice.  These add calories without registering that you took them in!  They have no protein, fat or fiber, to turn down hunger.  Then it gets worse!!  They give you rebound hunger for sweet things an hour or so after you drink them.  (Diet soft drinks too!  They don’t add calories but DO give you the rebound hunger which most people cannot resist.(

You literally can stop them all with ZERO increase in hunger.  You get a big to huge drop in calories you take in.  And not only does this do almost nothing to engage your famine response, it turns off a source of cravings for sweet things that fatten you!

Stopping these drinks and drinking water -- or tea or coffee with no sugar or milk -- or even drinking coffee with some cream do NOT have these effects.

This solution is literally hunger FREE fat loss!

e)  This next one has some extra news!

Eating refined grain breads and commercial baked goods and packaged snacks and desserts has a very similar effect to drinking soft drinks.  Eating foods to which high fructose corn syrup has been added produces almost identical results to drinking soft drinks.

But the health value of stopping ALL such calories is even greater!  Besides the fattening rebound hunger like soft drinks, these foods contain ingredients such as MSG, excess salt, hydrogenated oils, and oils high in omega 6.

People who eat almost none of those things and sharply cut back even on real sugar not only are reliably less fat with little extra effort, they are much safer  -- 

They are less likely to get gout, heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and even cancers!  And, they are far less likely to need to take drugs to try to reverse the bad effects of ingesting this stuff!

But here’s the news! 

One of the tools your body uses to make you eat more when you lose fat is a kind of messenger related to the cannabis in marijuana that makes you hungry after use if you do that.

If you get even some of the famine response, these cannibinoids STOP adiponectin which turns off your hunger when you have eaten enough.

THAT basically turns your appetite up to very high and produces virtually impossible to ignore cravings.

It tends to cause binging on fatty and sugary foods.

The drug that turns off these excess cannibinoids has some nasty side effects though it does turn off that kind of hunger.

BUT there are two safer ways to block it!  That’s the news.

First, these excess cannibinoids are made out of omega 6 oils! 

So if you avoid refined grain breads and commercial baked goods and packaged snacks and desserts that contain them AND oils like saffola, corn, soy, and canola that are high in omega 6 and use extra virgin olive oil instead AND avoid animal fat from animals fed grains, your body is far less able and likely to make cannibinoids!

This also has dramatic health benefits and protects you against many diseases.

Second, even if you get these cravings, they work far better and you eat far more if you have an empty stomach or low blood sugar when they hit. 

But what if your stomach was NOT so empty and the sugar from your dinner was going more gradually into your blood so your blood sugar was less low?

You’d be able to stop the cravings or cut them back enough to binge far less!

So, if you tend, as I have experienced, to get these appetite surges late at night or after going to bed and waking up for any reason, if you take 4 grams of soluble fiber as PGX or apple pectin mixed into water an hour after dinner, you get substantial protection.

f)  By making these cuts in not nutritious foods and drinks AND eating health OK protein and a bit of health OK oils and LOTS of nonstarchy vegetables, you quite literally eat MORE food but take in LESS calories while not getting any hungrier.

g)  By making extra calorie cuts every other day or even just 2 days a week, but eat decently the rest of the time, you body thinks you have some variation in your intake but are NOT in a famine.

The proven result is that people who eat an extra strict diet with only protein foods and vegetables or even vegetables only two days a week LOSE MORE FAT with LESS overall hunger than people who only cut back a little every day of the week.

Just eat real and not fattening foods the other days and do the things like eating breakfast and exercise + eating enough protein every day to keep your metabolism up.

It works!

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