Monday, October 03, 2011

Tobacco smoke is RADIOACTIVE too!....

Today's Post: Monday, 10-3-2011

1. As few smokers know, cancer is the LITTLE problem with smoking. Some smokers don’t get cancer.

But EVERY exposure to tobacco smoke harms your lungs and begins to clog up your arteries and blood vessels by depositing plaque on their insides. Tobacco smoke also speeds up your rate of aging!

So smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, erectile dysfunction, and the drop in blood flow even causes vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Tobacco smoke also triggers heart attacks in people who wouldn’t have gotten them otherwise.

This is true even for brand new young smokers and people who just smoke a few cigarettes a day or for people who are exposed to secondhand smoke. One study found teen smokers were NOT happy to find they had the lungs of middle aged people as just one example.

This means that if you are exposed to tobacco smoke, you and your health are being harmed. And every single exposure is harmful.

Unlike cancer, ALL smokers are harmed every single time by these things!

2. That said, the little problem with tobacco smoke, cancer, is a huge public health problem. And it’s a horrible problem to the people who do get cancer from tobacco smoke!

It’s long been known that some of the carbon compounds in smoke tend to cause cancer. It’s not as well known, but the hotter flame of cigarette lighters compared with matches multiplies this risk many times.

In heavy smokers, the risk of just lung cancer is very, very high. One of every four heavy smokers will get lung cancer.

But I’ve always wondered why it is that tobacco smoke causes 30% of ALL cancers -- not just lung cancer.

It seems the tobacco and cigarette companies have known why for years but haven’t yet found out how to fix it.

Last week the health news had why. It seems that tobacco smoke is RADIOACTIVE too!

Because of the fertilizer used on tobacco, tobacco and its smoke contain polonium
210. Polonium 210 is so radioactive that by weight it is 250,000 times more harmful than cyanide!

So, even a truly tiny amount of it is extremely dangerous.

The good news is that it has to get inside you to harm you. Your skin can block the radiation enough to protect you.

But if you inhale tobacco smoke, the polonium gets into your blood stream. Oops!

So, that’s how tobacco smoke causes cancers in second hand smokers.

And, since your blood goes everywhere in your body, that’s how tobacco smoke causes 30 % of all cancers.

Oh my!

So between the really bad problem from tobacco smoke that all smokers get and this direct cancer causing radioactive Polonium in the smoke that causes 30% of ALL cancers, tobacco smoke is almost as bad as poison gas.

If you value your health, avoid all exposure to tobacco smoke that you can possibly manage.

And, support laws that prevent smokers from lighting up in public and harming the people around them.

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