Today's Post: Monday, 8-22-2011
Since last month, I gained three pounds! So, after I lost 2 pounds the month before, for the two months since June, I gained a pound.
This past month my waist went up about an inch. And, though I may have measured differently than the month before, I definitely looked and felt fatter there.
I now need to lose 6 pounds total to return to my goal weight. And, I still need to lose at least two to 5 inches off my waist.
According to pictures I’ve seen, I’m now at about 22 % bodyfat or a bit more, perhaps 25%. To remove my abdominal fat, according to those same pictures, I also need to add enough muscle to stay at or just slightly below my goal weight AND lose about 12% of my current bodyweight as fat.
Last month, I left everything the same except four things
1. My two part plan to eat less almond butter did NOT work.
I think I must have doubled how much I ate. So my new plan is to cut back to one serving a week on only one day a week from the 14 a week or so I believe I had last month
I had also planned to eat a few thawed frozen, organic, broccoli sprouts in place of the almond butter. (I had found before that adding nonstarchy vegetables is effective.)
I didn’t remember to do that most days last month. But I must begin to stock the frozen florets into the container to thaw each night. First of all I want to lose the 3 pounds back. And, if I don’t eat the almond butter and am hungry, I need those to eat instead!
That’s my most important goal for next month.
2. I had a significant worry most of last month. This week, I’ll do what I can to resolve that. And, I’ll start building a just in case strategy too. And, though I’ll still worry for quite a while since it will take months to know if my efforts helped, I’ll make more of an effort to stay calm enough to not mess up eating right.
3. I suddenly came down with something about two weeks -- ago a continuous mild, but significant headache and sudden fatigue. To be sure I didn’t get worse instead of boosting my amount of exercise as planned, I cut back until I began to feel better and am still not quite back to where I was when I got sick. I hope to stay well and be back to the level of exercise I was doing earlier in the month last month. That will help!
4. The week before my measurement day, my wife and I went to a special breakfast. I ate well. I don’t think I ate enough extra to gain 3 pounds. But some of the 3 pounds may be because I overdid a bit then.
The good news is that most of what I did to lose the 15 pounds I wanted and 3 pounds extra is still in place. I’m still doing those things. And, I am still 9 pounds lighter than I was when I started.
I’ll keep that up and work to implement the fixes from the problems I had last month.
I’ll let you know how that works next month!
Labels: effective weight loss methods, getting back on track if you gain instead of lose weight, My personal fat loss progress for August 2011, permanent fatloss, tracking weight loss
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