Friday, June 24, 2011

How to build a worthwhile life....

Today's Post: Friday, 6-24-2011

People who do this are less depressed, are more resilient when stressed, recover faster from stress, have better health and live longer!

That’s true even if your vision of a worthwhile life is making some part of our world better or making money or helping out someone in your family.

What you’re working on does NOT need to be working on your health or even about benefitting you. But if you are really engaged in the process of achieving something that by your values is worthwhile, you will benefit. And your health will be better.

The more important your vision is to you and the more you get into doing the things that achieve it, the better this works.

"Becoming successful is....the result of repeated, intentional effort toward your definition of the life you want to live." P J McClure

Envision and choose what you now want your life to be like. (As you make progress and learn new things, some of your vision will change. But the most important things will remain.)

Commit to the purpose of achieving those things in your life.

Believe you can achieve those things and begin to take repeated, focused, and consistent small actions to make that happen.

When starting, even tiny steps you can already do will help.

Working on protecting your health or fat loss can be a great place to learn these skills.

For example, if you have about 30 pounds of fat you’d like to remove permanently, you will need to upgrade your lifestyle.

A great way to do this is choose the upgrades that the ones people like you follow who have almost no excess fat and stay that way.

In every field, intelligent modeling and emulation of the actions that produced the desired results for people who have them, is a key way to succeed.

Find out what that set of actions is and begin right way.

What tiny things can you already do to emulate those actions?

With permanent fat loss, those who succeed virtually all get regular exercise.

Taking a brisk two mile walk 7 days a week would really help.

But with your life now, that may be out of the question.

But you could find a single place in your coming week to walk 5 minutes.

Maybe you know someone who never uses their home elliptical trainer or stationary bicycle that you could buy for pennies on the dollar. Then during some of your recreational TV, you could watch while exercising for a couple of programs each week.

The key is to simply begin watching for opportunities to begin doing things that you can already do that will make you progress.

Then start trying them today or sometime in the next two weeks that you put on your schedule today.

Will taking one 5 minute walk remove all of your excess fat?

This is a trick question! The obvious answer is no. But in a profoundly important way, it can be definitely yes!

It depends.

If you follow up that 5 minute walk one time this week, with two next week…

…and then find you can build up to 15 minutes of brisk walking each time,

…and then add 10 minutes another two or three times a week of at home strength training or jumping on a minitrampoline too,

…. and you keep doing this as you find you can, you may well find eating right suddenly easier and begin to see the pounds of fat coming off and your health and feeling of well being going up!

But if you never start the process with that one 5 minute walk this week, you’ll never see those results.

So, if you are following the process of building a worthwhile life, that one 5 minute walk WILL start you on the path that leads to removing all your excess fat.

Then by simply keeping up your upgraded lifestyle, the fat never comes back.

The key is that a single start right away and followed up well is exactly how everyone who built a worthwhile life got the job done.

What if you try something that’s too hard?

Try something similar just a bit challenging instead of way too hard.

What if you try something that simply doesn’t seem to work?

Find out if the people who used it successfully added something else to it.

Find something else that might get that result and try that instead.

That kind of relentless and experimental persistence at looking for good things to try, trying things, and continuing the ones that work is exactly the “repeated, intentional effort toward your definition of the life you want to live." that P J McClure speaks of.

It’s how you build a worthwhile life.

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