Friday, August 27, 2010

Lose weight to prevent, improve, or cure all these health problems....

Today's Post: Friday, 8-27-2010

Do you have a chronic health condition you’d love to make better or get rid of?

Do you have a chronic health condition you’d like NEVER to get?

If so, this post is for you!

A. Why is effective and permanent fatloss and losing the weight of the excess fat one of the most powerful things you can do to protect your health, feel better, live longer, and slash your medical bills now and in the future?

There are four basic reasons for this.

1. The excess weight directly causes problems. Those problems disappear when the weight does.

2. In order to achieve permanent fat loss you have to begin eating foods and drinking drinks that directly support good health AND you have to STOP doing the opposite.

Since many of the foods that support your health turn off hunger better and longer than other foods, eating them consistently makes losing the all the fat and keeping it off doable.

Since the foods and drinks that fatten also tend to make you hungrier as well. Simply no longer consuming them 98 to 100 % of the time is doubly effective and makes losing the all the fat and keeping it off doable.

Those fattening foods and drinks and the effects they have on your body are now known to directly produce diseases and/or to make them much worse. So when you no longer consume them, you stop this process.

3. In order to achieve permanent fat loss you have to do vigorous exercise or lots of moderate physical activity or both several times every week. By doing so, you can eat more food without feeding excess fat. So you can eat more and be less hungry and still lose all the fat and keep it off. This has proven to make losing all the fat and keeping it off much more doable.

Since that exercise pattern in one of the most powerful health creator and protector ever found, exercising in this way -- if you do it safely -- will do a LOT of the heavy lifting to protect and improve your health all by itself. It also grows new brain cells, sharply slows aging, and tends very strongly to improve your sex life for most people.

But there’s more, the more years you keep doing it the stronger the health protection becomes. Knowing that helps you keep doing it for that reason. But you gain an extra benefit, continuing to exercise helps you lose excess fat long enough to lose it all and to make keeping it off doable.

4. The medical treatments you may need to have done or be talked into and the drugs you may have to take or be talked into taking all cost money. Sometimes these are huge amounts of money.

They often, themselves, cause health problems you would have otherwise escaped.

(For example, I recently discovered that slightly more people who take statin drugs get cataracts they would have avoided otherwise than the number of people who manage to avoid heart attacks by taking the statins.)

These treatments also cause harm to your quality of life in many cases that you would otherwise avoided.

(For example, if you develop high blood pressure high enough to need drugs to reduce it --150 to 160 or more over 100 or more-- or your doctor talks you into taking drugs for lower levels of high blood pressure, side effects of the drugs involved can make you faint when you stand up, feel like hell all day long, and ruin your sex life.

By using two or more drugs at lower doses, adding nondrug methods, trying different drugs until you hit on kinds that give you less grief and still get the job done, a good doctor CAN minimize this. And many do. But all too many just give large doses of their favorite drug and increase the dose if it doesn’t lower your blood pressure enough at first and take the position that the side effects are YOUR problem.)

Procedures and surgeries also can have serious complications; and many even have their own death rates. And, they are usually outrageously expensive.

Losing enough excess fat and following the lifestyle that enables you to lose it all and keep it off can help you avoid these costs and these consequences.

B. Here’s a partial list of the diseases and bad health conditions that you can prevent, improve, or cure by losing enough excess fat and following the lifestyle that enables you to lose it all and keep it off.

High blood pressure;
Heart disease and heart attack;
Strokes and all kinds of senility;
PAD, peripheral artery disease, that can make walking hurt;
ED and lowered sexual enjoyment in both sexes;
Depression &/or lack of energy or stamina;
Many kinds of cancer;
Type 2 diabetes;
& GERD, also known as acid reflux or having BAD heartburn quite often.

Being less attractive to prospective sex partners or mates and to prospective employers also often has negative health consequences as well.

To take just one example, consider high blood pressure. Many people who have over 40 pounds of fat to lose and who do so find their high blood pressure is all gone after they do. A large part of that is that their heart no longer has that extra load of that excess weight to have to fight with every beat it takes.

But there’s more.

The DASH II diet that many of the better doctors strongly recommend to people who have high blood pressure DOES lower high blood significantly in the people who actually follow it. And, even though it can become more effective the longer it’s followed because it also helps people lose excess fat and weight, it’s effective right away because of the increase in potassium in the vegetables and fresh fruit people then eat more of and because their blood vessels are more flexible because it stops people from eating lots of fatty, grain fed meat and eating junk food, and drinking soft drinks.

Other successful ways of eating to lose excess fat and keep it off tend to have these exact same characteristics as well. The Mediterranean diet with extra vegetables and less pasta and other grain foods is very similar to the DASH II diet, for example.

The regular exercise needed to lose excess fat and keep it off also lowers high blood pressure. People who do this kind of exercise have lower blood pressure on every day that they exercise.

Their blood vessels have less plaque in them and are more flexible the longer the people exercise.

That directly lowers the diastolic or lower reading due to there being less friction or drag in the system to overcome.

The greater flexibility of their blood vessels also lowers the systolic or higher number.

The details differ; but the effects on not getting, making better, or getting rid of the other health conditions are very similar.

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Blogger David said...

I forgot to include snoring and the related sleep apnea in this list. Since I just posted on Tuesday about two relatively noninvasive and effect methods to turn off snoring and the related sleep apnea on Tuesday, 8-17, that is unfortunate.

Obesity and lack of vigorous exercise tend to cause snoring and the related sleep apnea or make them much worse.

That post had how to make those things go away or much better even before you lose the excess fat.

But you can also sometimes prevent, reduce, or even cure snoring and the related sleep apnea by just losing enough excess fat.

2:53 PM  

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