Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lose half your fat with no hunger....

Today's Post: Thursday, 12-10-2009

This is an easy way to lose half or more of your excess fat with no hunger.

More than half of all people in the United States can use it.

(And, if you can’t use it, you are already half or more as fat as you otherwise would be since you can’t add it as a new fat loss method because you already do it! You may be 20 to 40 pounds overfat now; but imagine what it would be like to be 40 to 100 pounds overfat instead. Yikes!)

I knew it was powerful; but a new article gives some ideas on how to calculate exactly how powerful it actually is.

It’s actually quite simple. Drink water, -- or tea or coffee without sugar & without excessive cream added your coffee. And, do that exclusively -- while totally stopping all regular and diet soft drinks.

Regular soft drinks add calories without lowering your hunger at all and then cause rebound hunger from the sugars. (Diet soft drinks wind up having the same effect in most people since they make you so MUCH hungrier for the sugar your body tasted and then didn’t get.)

In short, if you stop drinking regular and diet soft drinks, not only will you avoid getting hungrier, you’ll actually get a bit LESS hungry.

Reuter’s had a news article suggesting a tax on soft drinks and had some quotes by the health policy expert who was one of the people, besides me, who advocates it.

Now, here’s why it’s so enormously powerful to simply NOT drink ANY soft drinks.:

“Reviving a taste for water could cut between 300 and 600 calories a day from the diet of an average American or Mexican and almost as much from the intake of many Europeans, he says.

"Depending on the country you live in, we now have between 10 and 25 percent of all calories consumed in sugary or caloric beverages," Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, told Reuters”

Here are the two ends of the range suggested by the professor.

Suppose you have a man who eats 3300 calories a day, 300 of which is from soft drinks & who weighs 220 pounds and is 40 pounds overfat. His health would be far better if he were at least 20 pounds of fat lighter.

If he immediately drinks water, tea, or coffee instead of the 300 calories a day from soft drinks but does no other dieting nor adds any exercise, he will gradually lose 20 pounds of fat – fully half of the excess.

Yes, it would help his health if he also ate better and added some exercise and lost all or part of the remaining 20 pounds of excess fat.

But, he can get half way there and save money besides with far less effort and no added hunger!

Suppose you have a woman who eats 1800 calories a day and is 80 pounds overfat at 180 pounds & who drinks 600 calories a day of soft drinks.

If she immediately drinks water, tea, or coffee instead of the 600 calories a day from soft drinks but does no other dieting nor adds any exercise, she will gradually lose 60 pounds of fat – fully three fourths of her excess fat.

Yes, it would help her health if she also ate better and added some exercise and lost all or part of the remaining 20 pounds of excess fat.

But, she can get well over half way there and save money besides with far less effort and no added hunger!

And, in her case, she will begin to look dramatically different!

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