Tuesday, October 06, 2009

New way to prevent or slow prostate cancer....

Today's Post: Tuesday, 10-6-2009

We’ve already posted on many ways to prevent prostate cancer and cancer in general.

Before I list the new information here is a very brief summary of things we’ve already posted about.

1. Ways we’ve posted on to avoid all cancers:

Avoiding tobacco smoke prevents 30 % or more of ALL cancers.

Taking at least 1400 iu a day or more up to 5,000 iu of vitamin D3 daily and also taking a curcumin or turmeric supplement and eating a lot of different kinds of cruciferous vegetables from radishes to kale to Brussels sprouts to cabbage helps to prevent all cancers. So does eating a wide variety of vegetables that contain carotenoids such as carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, yams, and greens that contain it plus taking the carotenoid lycopene &/or eating cooked tomatoes. Staying away from most pesticides and herbicides and room “fresheners” as much as humanly possible also helps. Eating all or mostly organic produce helps. But either eating hardly any meat from grain fed animals or eating it very rarely in small portions and in the most fat-trimmed and lean versions is even more important because most people get more herbicides and pesticides that have been bioconcentrated in the fat of grain fed animals than from almost any other source. Mostly staying with nonfat and very lowfat dairy foods also helps for the same reason. Using extra virgin olive oil instead of butter is another way to avoid such fats. Staying away from radiation and excessive or unneeded x-rays also helps prevent all cancers.

Taking resveratrol and CoQ10 or ubiquinol also may help prevent all cancers. Some evidence suggests these two supplements may even help treat cancers.

2. Ways we’ve already posted on to prevent prostate cancer:

Time magazine reported studies showing that eating cooked tomatoes, particularly if eaten with extra virgin olive oil, &/or taking 30 mg a day of lycopene actually may help kill or prevent prostate cancer. Other studies show that eating either raw cauliflower or raw broccoli at least once every week, cut the incidence of the kind of aggressive prostate cancer that’s actually dangerous by about 50 %. (Cauliflower was actually a bit more effective, which is good news for people who dislike the taste of broccoli since cauliflower has a much milder taste.) Lastly Dr Al Sears reported a study that found taking 3 mg a day of Boron cut the incidence of all prostate cancer in half.

Many of these methods to prevent all cancers and prostate cancer have other health benefits as well. Some slow aging, some prevent obesity, some prevent heart disease, & some prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of mental decline.

Finally, many of the things that prevent prostate cancer, very likely have similar effects in preventing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

In fact, separate studies have found that the new method we are adding today DOES help prevent some kinds of breast cancer and other studies suggest it may even help prevent all cancers to some degree.

The Health News Weekly from Health Resources email I got on Thursday, 10-1-2009, has this:

“Based on animal studies, researchers at the Duke Prostate Center determined that insulin and an insulin-like growth factor contribute to the growth and proliferation of prostate cancer, and that a low-carb diet decreases serum insulin levels, thereby slowing tumor growth.”

That means that eating right can actually help treat cancers in addition to preventing them.

Even better, doing all the things that keep insulin levels in the lower and more desirable zone also has massive other health benefits. High insulin levels cause fat gain. They can make you fat or prevent you from losing fat. And, high insulin levels help cause dangerously high levels of blood sugar when the high insulin levels are from insulin resistance. If it gets bad enough, the doctors call that type 2 diabetes.

1. Eating all the vegetables we listed above due to their low starch content and very high fiber content provide the carbs you actually need without spiking your blood sugar or producing high insulin levels. And they have relatively low amounts of carbs and even less calories. So does eating low starch vegetables that aren’t cruciferous such as asparagus and green beans and others.

Eating beans and lentils also helps. They are very high in fiber and have enough protein to help eat less fatty meat. They slow blood sugar rises. And lentils are the lowest glycemic of the legumes. Better yet, beans and lentils are quite inexpensive.

On the flip side, eating very little sugar and then not every day; ingesting no high fructose corn syrup; drinking no soft drinks—either regular or diet; not eating refined grains or foods made from them; & even going quite easy on the healthier high carb foods such as real fruit juice & whole grains also helps.

Eating nuts and extra virgin olive oil and avocados that are high in monosaturated fats increases HDL, lowers LDL, AND doing so lowers insulin levels!

2. Getting regular exercise, particularly the vigorous kind from interval cardio and strength training tends to prevent or turn off insulin resistance. Even a few walks a week helps some.

That directly lowers blood levels of insulin and excessive blood sugar.

3. Lastly taking 200 mcg a day of chromium polynicotinate, 200 mg of alpha lipoic acid, and 400 – 600 mg a day of magnesium also helps your body avoid insulin resistance.

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