Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Foods that prevent cancer and heart attacks….

Today's Post: Tuesday, 7-7-2009

Last week on Thursday, 7-2, the email I get from Al Sears, MD had an interesting article on why eating raw, unprocessed walnuts may prevent cancer -- & breast cancer in particular.

He lists the three food components that walnuts have that have that each do this. Then he lists other foods that have each of the three components.

But, each of these food components and foods also tend to prevent heart disease and heart attacks!

Even better, there are supplements that have these 3 ingredients.

That makes the foods he lists unusually good for your health to eat, or Superfoods as they have been called.

It’s very good news that each of these foods help prevent cancer AND heart attacks. Some may be better at preventing cancer while many are better at preventing heart disease. Eating these foods regularly will clearly help keep you in good health.

We list the foods and the supplements here.:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are allergic to tree nuts, this list also contains sources for each of these 3 ingredients beside nuts! You can get the same protection from those other foods.

Dr Sears says that a new study found that eating walnuts regularly could reduce your risk of breast cancer. He said that is likely because walnuts contain phytosterols, omega-3s, and flavonoids. He says each of those 3 food components tends to prevent cancer which makes walnuts special as they have all 3 components.

(My addition is to note that each of these 3 ingredients also helps prevent heart disease. It also is worth noting these ingredients prevent OTHER cancers besides breast cancer.)

Then he lists other foods that have each of these ingredients.:

1. Phytosterols (also called sterols.) Dr Sears said that research has found that sterols both help prevent breast cancer tumors and make them smaller if they show up!

Sterols ALSO lower LDL cholesterol. In fact, by using sterols plus niacin and eating a heart health diet, you can lower LDL levels to levels that otherwise would require statin drugs. And that’s MUCH safer and has fewer side effects than statins.

Dear Sears says phytosterols (or sterols) are in:

Legumes ( beans and lentils)
Other nuts and seeds such as Pistachios, Sunflower seeds, & Almonds. ( I believe pecans and other nuts also have sterols.)

Brussels sprouts -- and, particularly when eaten raw, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and other cruciferous vegetables, in addition to whatever sterols they have, have other powerful cancer fighting compounds. And these nonstarchy vegetables also help keep you filled and turn off hunger virtually without any net calories which is a key to losing excess fat and keeping it off. Not being fat or losing excess fat also tends to be heart protective!

Eating beans and lentils also help lower LDL cholesterol because they contain soluble fiber and a lot of it.

And, people who eat nuts, such as walnuts, pecans, almonds, etc find their protective HDL goes up as well.

Not surprisingly, walnuts tend to be particularly heart protective. But that’s because of the next ingredient to some degree.

Beta sitosterol is a sterol that has been shown to be preventive of prostate enlargement and possibly prostate cancer. (Natrol makes an inexpensive beta sitosterol supplement that they call, “Cholesterol Balance.” In part by taking 3 of those tablets each day, I lowered my LDL cholesterol from 130 to readings such as 96 & 104 – without statins.)

2. Omega-3s. Dr Sears says that Omega-3s get absorbed into cells where they help cause cancer cells to self-destruct. They reduce also an inflammatory enzyme that tends to help breast cancers and other cancers grow. Third, Omega-3s help keep your body’s genes healthy enough they help repair your DNA and prevent cancer in the first place.

Omega-3s are in these foods:

The plant form of Omega 3s, ALA, is in
& Avocado.

The form of ALA in walnuts plus their other ingredients have been found to be particularly heart protective.

The more powerful two kinds of Omega 3s from animal sources, DHA & EPA are in:
Wild-caught salmon, anchovies, sardines & some other wild caught fish and seafood;
& to a smaller extent, they are in beef from animals fed only grass.

And, Omega 3s by reducing inflammation and triglycerides also are strongly heart protective.

In addition, you can take purified fish oil supplements that contain the Omega3s DHA and EPA. Nordic Naturals and Carlson are two well thought of sources for those supplements.


Walnuts also contain ellagic acid, a flavonoid that inhibits the growth of cancer cells
Ellagic acid is an antioxidant believed to help prevent cancer from forming and help prevent any cancers that form from reproducing which stops the growth of the cancer.

Foods that are high in ellagic acid include:
& most Berries including blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, & strawberries.

Bilberry extract, pine bark extract or pycnogenol, and grape seed extract are also high in flavonoids.

Here again, each of these foods has other health protective components. Eating them has been shown to increase the protective HDL cholesterol. Their antioxidants also help prevent your LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized LDL which is much more harmful to your heart.

So it really can help you prevent both cancer and heart disease to eat these foods and take these supplements.

If you also stay away from tobacco smoke which helps cause both heart disease and cancers as well, your risk of both cancer and heart disease will be quite low indeed.

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