Friday, June 05, 2009

Prevent nearly all cancers....

Today's Post: Friday, 6-5-2009

Earlier this week on Weds, 6-3-2009, HealthDay News ran a story they titled.:

Want to Stop Cancer? You Can, Experts Say

This article reported information from the American Institute for Cancer Research.
The information from that institute said that by doing just three things,

“Eat a mostly plant-based diet.” “Maintain a healthy weight.” “Exercise regularly. “,

the data they have collected show that you “can prevent about one-third of cancers”

And you can prevent another 30 % of all cancers they said if you add tobacco avoidance.

That’s over 63% of all cancers!

In addition, I believe that if you both don’t smoke or use nicotine yourself and close to completely avoid second hand smoke, you likely will get more than a 30% reduction. I’ve seen evidence that suggests that prevents at least 34 % of all cancers and may do even more than that.

So, you can prevent something like two thirds of all cancers by just doing those 4 things.

They and the other researchers they worked with also went into a bit more detail on the first 3 things you can do.

1. Under “Maintain a healthy weight.” they say to keep your BMI below 25.0 and to never allow it to go higher AND to keep it at 21 to 23 if you can as that has the best track record for preventing cancer. That’s quite lean and requires more effort in eating right and exercise than many people can manage.

But it’s also quite clear that making a consistent effort to do a very good job of eating right and exercising as much as you can helps prevent cancer. And, it’s clear that if your BMI gets to 25.0 or higher, you need to make an extra effort as long as it’s above that level.

2. Under “Exercise regularly. “, they say to do moderate activity such as brisk walking or something like dancing or sweeping that is similar for at least half an hour a day; &, if possible to do an additional 30 minutes a day of vigorous exercise. We’ve recently posted about that kind of exercise, progressive strength training, interval cardio, jumping rope, and working out on a mini-trampoline are all vigorous exercises.

3. Under “Eat a mostly plant-based diet.” they say to eat mostly vegetables, fruits, and some whole grains. It was notable that they also specifically said to avoid “sugary, processed foods and fast foods” as close to 100 % as possible. Their last recommendation was to avoid more than 18 ounces of red meat a week.

On the one hand, getting and staying that lean and getting an hour a day of exercise by getting both half an hour of moderate exercise and half an hour of vigorous exercise five to seven days a week, is extremely challenging for many people. But everyone can make a special effort to come as close as they can to these goals. And, even doing 40 % as well on both will prevent many cancers and also has massive health benefits of every kind. Virtually everyone can do that. And, the health benefits are huge and include avoiding heart attacks, strokes, impotence or ED, senility, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and having to take multiple prescription drugs and suffering their side effects.

And every bit of that goes double if you gradually learn to do an excellent job of eating right and if also you avoid tobacco smoke and nicotine.

Avoiding tobacco smoke and nicotine is critical though it is harder for some people.

But almost everyone CAN learn to do an excellent job of eating right. Further, this report leaves out several ways eating right can help you stay as lean as they suggest. And, it leaves out that some vegetables, by themselves have such strong cancer preventing qualities that you can get MORE cancer prevention than their statistics suggest.

Since the herbicides and pesticides bioconcentrated in grain fed red meat tend to prevent cancer, in addition to eating 18 ounces a week or less, only eating extremely lean and fat trimmed and reduced grain fed meat &/or only eating meat from 100 % grass fed animals also will boost your cancer prevention by quite a bit.

Eating green and other nonstarchy vegetables and making them a staple of your diet every day, is one way to both get the cancer prevention of the vegetables themselves AND to get and stay lean without getting too hungry.

Second, vegetables high in mixed carotenes from food are strongly preventive of cancer, particularly if they are organic. Squash, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, raw tomatoes, broccoli, many greens, and various forms of cooked tomatoes all provide these in abundance.

Third, all the cruciferous vegetables, particularly if you eat them raw, are strongly preventive of cancer and preventive of the most deadly kinds. Broccoli, cauliflower, and broccoli sprouts may be the most effective, particularly if you eat them raw. But kale, water cress, cabbage, Brussel’s sprouts, kale, radishes, horse radish, and the others are all preventive of cancer.

By doing these 3 things, you maximize your changes of achieving the BMI goals they suggest or get much closer to doing so. AND you prevent MORE cancers than the overall data suggest.

By avoiding tobacco smoke and nicotine and eating these three kind of vegetables in abundance and doing at least some regular exercise each week, these vegetables prevent cancer so well, you may prevent more like 75 to 80 % of all cancers than 63%.

They then change gears into reverse by saying supplements can hardly help prevent cancer and to ignore them as cancer preventatives. They even suggest not taking them. That’s so incorrect it’s mindlessly stupid or simply uninformed.

Here’s why.

By ignoring that advice and taking the right supplements, you can prevent about 60 to 80 % of the remaining cancer risk you would otherwise face. That boosts 63% to 80 % prevention to 85.5 to 96 % prevention. That’s a LOT of protection to skip.

That’s particularly true of some supplements.

Taking 2,000 to 3,000 iu a day of vitamin D or 5,000 to 10,000 temporarily if you are initially deficient has been found to both prevent most cancers and to help kill most cancers that form. Given that you can do this for something like $10 a month or less, doing without this protection makes as much sense as driving with bad brakes.

People in India who eat their traditional diet tend NOT to get most cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. Part of the reason for that may be that they eat a lot of vegetables and do NOT eat a lot of grain fed meat. But there is strong evidence that the curcumin they take in from the turmeric in the curries they eat, may be the strongest cause for both effects. So if you want to prevent most cancers and Alzheimer’s disease and since curcumin supplements are available, it makes sense to take a curcumin supplement daily and eat curried food occasionally.

In addition:

Taking 200 mcg of selenium a day may not prevent cancers as much as once thought. But one study found that it did cut the death rate of people who got cancer in half. It’s also an antioxidant that helps slow aging and prevents other kinds of diseases.

In addition to eating some form of cooked tomatoes, taking 30 mg a day of the lycopene that is the chief active ingredient in the cooked tomatoes, helps to prevent prostate cancer. And, I suspect it also helps prevent breast and ovarian cancers as well.

There also was a study that found that taking 3 mg a day of boron cut the incidence of prostate cancer in half. That’s such a robust effect, taking boron may well also help prevent breast and ovarian cancer.

These are just a few of the supplements that look to have real value in preventing cancer.

Then, you can also take steps to avoid allowing most pesticides and herbicides into your home and your yard.

You can minimize X-ray and other radiation.

And, you can check for and if necessary vent radon gas. Radon is a completely colorless and odorless gas. But it leaks from the ground into some homes and businesses. And, it’s quite radioactive and carcinogenic.

These methods range from the really easy such as taking at least 2,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 to such challenging ones as quitting smoking for those who smoke and finding enough time to get the optimum amount of exercise for everyone to buying beef fed only grass or none at all to learning to eat a very different set of foods than you may be used to.

But the more of them you do, the less cancer you’ll get. And if you do them all really well, you can prevent something like 95 to 98 % of all cancers from happening to you.

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Anonymous jasmine05 said...

Cancer is one of the most dangerous illness. The victim will both feel suffering and hopeless. There's a treatment process but there's no assurance that you'll get recovered. The only best thing is to prevent cancer to best way we can. With this post, I think, we can prevent cancers and help others by sharing it to our love ones.

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