Thursday, March 05, 2009

Cut back food less & still lose fat....

Today's post: Thursday, 3-5-2009

It is important to know that you get the most leverage on losing fat by taking in less calories which can mean eating less food.

But if that’s all you know, as it is for most people, including many doctors, you will run into the same two problems that most people who go on “diets” come up against that prevents them from success.

Due to the way we are hard wired, as we are almost all descended from famine survivors, eating less than you are used to eating or want to eat is like pushing against a spring. The minute you get tired of pushing it down, you are right back where you were.

So, the two problems just eating less to lose fat causes are:

1. You are likely to find you’ll stop doing it before you lose all the fat you want to lose or perhaps need to lose to keep your health.

2. The fat you do lose after all that work, tends to come back every time.

Arggh !!

That is why so many people find that “diets don’t work.”

But some people lose fat, sometimes more than 100 pounds of it and keep it off.


Besides being more motivated than some people who go on diets, they do things differently, very differently.

They adopt a permanent & modified lifestyle that supports them living at a weight and in a way that deletes all the fat. And since the new lifestyle is simply the way I now normally eat, NOT a temporary diet, they simply keep doing it.

But here’s a major additional secret. It may the single most important one.

They eat MORE food and get far LESS hungry than the people who go on “diets” and fail at fat loss.

But how in the world to they manage that? And why does that produce success?

Let‘s answer why first. That one is simple. Because they cut back on food less and get less hungry, they avoid the programming of their bodies to go into emergency famine mode. And because they avoid setting off that explosive-feeling event, they remain energetic and their metabolism stays normal instead of slowing down. They feel well instead of blasted and tired. And, their bodies don’t turn their appetite to triple strength to ensure they overeat at every opportunity. In addition, since they do so much less “pushing against the spring” to lose the fat and keep it off, they avoid simply burning out since they do NOT have to keep exerting such an extra effort.

The four ways they manage this are these.:

1. These people simply discontinue ingesting the foods, drinks, and “semi-foods” that are high in calories, or harm their health, or have low nutrition and no one they are descended from ever ingested or even saw before 10,000 years ago. And for sure they stop ingesting everything that did not exist in our food supply 100 years ago.

No soft drinks. No or virtually no refined grain foods. Far less sugar and absolutely no high fructose corn syrup. No hydrogenated fats or oils of any kind. No meat from grain fed animals. As you can see, this virtually eliminates eating at fast food outlets. It eliminates commercial baked goods of virtually every kind. And, doing this eliminates whole sections of stuff from consideration in the grocery store. It actually can SAVE you a LOT of money to stop buying this stuff.

And, since these mostly high carb foods either add calories without making you less hungry or they make you less hungry at first and then a lot more hungry before your next meal, you can easily stop ingesting them without getting hungrier because of it. Yet you stop taking in all those calories. That makes a difference, a big one!

If you have been taking in a LOT of this stuff and stop, just doing that may lose you half of your excess fat. And, it won’t make you much hungrier if you eat the things in the next two sections.

2. These people eat health OK protein and health OK oils in such things as wild caught fish, beef fed only grass, nuts, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, poultry and eggs from pasture fed chickens or eat such turkeys, and some whole grains perhaps. That way the foods that are a bit higher in calories that they do eat are very nutritious and support their health. Plus protein and fat tend to turn off your hunger effectively.

Furthermore by eating these foods, you avoid depriving your body of things it needs that stopping totally or cutting back on would cause it to push the emergency famine button or make you sick. You stay well. Your energy level stays up. Your metabolism stays normal. And you can make many savory foods that taste really good with these foods and by adding some spices.

3. These people eat 3 to 6 servings of nonstarchy and green vegetables each day. The fiber in these vegetables helps turn off their hunger; and these foods have very few calories per serving. So you can actually use these vegetables to eat MORE and lose fat faster! This is so powerful that Weight Watchers literally has found that in turns of effect on fat, these foods are rated as having ZERO points. They make you less hungry and add no fat at all!!

4. These people multiply the amount of food they can eat without causing fat gain by exercising regularly.

That way they can literally eat more; avoid being hungry as a result; and still lose fat.

I got the idea for this post from an article in Early to Rise that literally shows the result of research that shows how much more exercise can allow you to eat without making you fat.

Weight Watchers and others have shown that exercise only helps you lose fat if you always do the first three things. But, by allowing you to eat MORE and still lose the fat and keep it off, regular exercise helps you to not be hungry and avoids forcing you to have to keep “pushing the spring” to keep off that fat. And THAT means you can keep doing it until you lose ALL the fat; and even better you can keep doing it and NEVER gain that excess fat back.

Here’s their article.: (I add my comments right after it.)

"This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit ."

"Dear ETR: "What's the ideal number of calories for an adult woman?"

"Thanks for the variety of information you provide in ETR.

"Please advise me - what's the ideal number of calories for an adult woman to eat per day? Is there a range, given factors such as age?"


Dear Liz,

In order to determine how many calories you need, first you have to figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR tells you the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day.

The most accurate way to determine your BMR is with breath gas analysis. Many health clinics and fitness studios offer this test for around $50. But even without it, you can get an estimate of your BMR by using the Harris-Benedict Equation (HBE). This formula estimates your BMR using your age, gender, height, and weight.

For women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) minus (4.7 x age in years)
For men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) minus (6.8 x age in years)
Once you've determined your BMR, you need to factor in your activity level to get your total daily energy expenditure - the number of calories you require each day to maintain your current weight:

1. Sedentary (little or no exercise) - BMR x 1.2
2. Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) - BMR x 1.375
3. Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) - BMR x 1.55
4. Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week) - BMR x 1.725
5. Extra active (very hard exercise/sports & a physical job) - BMR x 1.9

Here, for example, is the calculation for a moderately active 35-year-old woman who weighs 120 pounds and is 5'4" tall:

655 + (4.35 x 120) + (4.7 x 64) minus (4.7 x 35) = a BMR of 1,313.3

1,313.3 x 1.55 = 2,036 calories per day

It's important to note that the Harris-Benedict Equation will be accurate for most people, but it does not account for lean body mass. (Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less lean ones.) Therefore, it will underestimate the calories needed by those who are very muscular and overestimate the calories needed by those who are very fat.

A few final pointers...

Your BMR decreases as you age. This doesn't mean that you should deprive yourself of food. In fact, food deprivation will reduce your metabolism and foil your intentions. Instead, get most of your calories from:

1. Fiber-Rich Foods. Organic veggies and low-sugar fruits that are packed with fiber require more "processing" by the body, which means more calories are burned during digestion.

2. Metabolic Power Ingredients. Clean proteins and healthy fats are thermogenic (fat-burning) foods that power up the metabolism.

You can also improve your BMR with regular, vigorous exercise and weight training to maintain that lean, calorie-burning muscle mass.

- Kelley Herring”

X* X* X* X* X* X*

Ms Kelley Herring writes on health and nutrition for Early to Rise.

Notice how much more people who are more than moderately active can eat without adding fat than people who are sedentary.

And if you are completely sedentary or only lightly active and do no strength training or interval cardio, you have an even more serious problem in losing fat and keeping it off which gets even worse if you eat too little protein. When you take in fewer calories, part of the weight loss you see will be muscle, not fat, and the amount of calories you can eat and the amount of food you can eat without gaining back the fat will go DOWN.

On this 1 to 5 scale, if you want to be less fat, you should be at or above 4.0 and you must be at or above 3.0. So, since few of us have or want physically demanding jobs, that means aiming for 3.5 to 4.5 from regular exercise. (Professional athletes who like their sport or personal trainers or dancing or martial arts instructors are some of the few exceptions.)

How much more can you eat if you get to 3.5 to 4.5 on this scale?

Let’s do the math.

3.0 is 1.55 which we need to divide by the 1.2 of a sedentary person at 1.0, =1.29

4.0 is 1.725 which we need to divide by the 1.2 of a sedentary person at 1.0, =1.44

5.0 is 1.9 which we need to divide by the 1.2 of a sedentary person at 1.0, = 1.58

So, 3.5 is 1.638 which we need to divide by the 1.2 of a sedentary person at 1.0, = 1.37

And, 4.5 is 1.83 which we need to divide by the 1.2 of a sedentary person at 1.0, = 1.53

As you can see, people who are at 3.0 and especially people at 4.0 or 4.5 can eat a good bit MORE than people who are sedentary and still lose fat and keep it off.

That’s why abundant exercise is one of the key secrets to permanent fat loss.

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