Friday, November 07, 2008

Taking a B vitamin may help prevent Alzheimer’s....

Today's post: Friday, 11-7-2008

A few days ago in the report of a different kind of study about B vitamins, I saw the information that feeding mice that had a kind of Alzheimer’s disease the equivalent of a 2,000 mg a day dose in people reversed Alzheimer’s in them by essentially cleaning out the cellular damage or plaques that cause the disease. Doing this also prevented the mice from losing their memories as well.

Today, NPR had the story under this headline: “Vitamin B3 Reverses Alzheimer's In Mice

The study was announced on Tuesday, 11-4-2008. It was done by researchers at the University of California, Irvine and was under the title, "Nicotinamide Restores Cognition in Alzheimer's Disease Transgenic Mice" which was published November 5th in The Journal of Neuroscience.

I’ve been taking the B-Complex vitamin B-Complex with C Stress Formula by Solgar for many years. It includes 100 mg a day of Niacinamide. This is a form of niacin, vitamin B3, that does NOT cause flushing; but also does not help optimize your HDL & LDL cholesterol as niacin does, which is why I also take 300 mg a day of niacin twice a day.

I looked it up and niacinamide IS another name for the nicotinamide that the researchers used on the mice. I’ve obviously not been taking anywhere near the 2,000 mg a day equivalent that the researchers used on a per pound or per kilogram basis in these mice. And, many findings in rats and mice wind up not happening in people.

But if the effect of niacinamide, aka nicotinamide, at the 100 mg a day dose in people has a mild preventive effect, it may well have totally prevented any Alzheimer's in me by simply removing, on a daily basis, any amyloid plaque that developed in my brain before it began to accumulate.

I’m also very glad that I take a daily curcumin capsule because this supplement, which is an active ingredient in the turmeric in curry, looks from population studies to prevent Alzheimer's. Since it also helps to prevent cancer, it’s thought that curcumin strengthens the immune system; & this has the effect of enabling the human immune system to remove amyloid plaque before it accumulates and causes damage.

By both taking curcumin AND niacinamide; and doing things that protect my heart which helps ensure good circulation to my brain; and doing regular exercise which grows new brain cells, I may have inadvertently done an excellent job of preventing Alzheimer’s and mental decline in me. (Taking the curcumin was a deliberate attempt to do so. But the other things I began doing & have been doing for other reasons.)

I had heard before that niacinamide had other health benefits than niacin including an antiaging effect.

But after I saw this research, I decided to look up the health benefits of niacinamide online.

I found this URL.: /

It seems that taking 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day of niacinamide has been known to have many health benefits.

Taking 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day of niacinamide “….may help to retard the Aging Process (at a cellular level) and may function as a Life Extension agent.

“Niacinamide may be an effective adjunct therapy for the early treatment of Stroke.” (This effect may be connected to the effect the mice researchers found.)

For people with diabetes, these are important.: “Niacinamide may retard the development of Diabetic Nephropathy.” & “Niacinamide may help to prevent Retinopathy.” “Niacinamide may lower elevated Blood Sugar levels.” & “Niacinamide may alleviate Hypoglycemia.” And, since the formation of amyloid plaques in part may be caused by elevated blood sugar levels, this may mean that taking niacinamide may help prevent Alzheimer’s in at least two ways.

In fact they also list this, “Niacinamide may exert potent Antioxidant effects in the Brain.’ This would tend to prevent cellular damage in your brain and prevent Alzheimer’s a third way!

They also list this: “Niacinamide (2,000 mg per day) may help to prevent the onset of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (by protecting the Beta Cells of the Islets of Langerhans from destruction):….”

“Niacinamide may inhibit the ability of Alcohol (ethanol) to damage the Liver.”

Niacinamide…. “ ( taking 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day as 3.000 may be too much for some people) “….may be an effective treatment for Osteoarthritis. Niacinamide therapy may improve …. Joint flexibility, … reduce Inflammation and … permit Osteoarthritis patients to reduce their dosage of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.
Niacinamide may be useful for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.”

Then they add this:

“Niacinamide may inhibit the damage to the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) content of Neurons that occurs during the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Niacinamide (1,000 6,000 mg per day) may alleviate Anxiety (by enhancing the ability of GABA to bind to the Benzodiazepine Receptors within the Brain).”

“Niacinamide (1,000 3,000 mg per day) may help to treat Autism.”

“Niacinamide may help to prevent Parkinson’s Disease (by inhibiting the ability of MPTP to damage the Substantia Nigra).”

“Niacinamide (500 800 mg per day) may reduce the symptoms of Phobias.
Niacinamide (200 1,000 mg administered at bedtime) may improve the quality of Sleep (by binding to the Benzodiazepine Receptors of the Brain). “


“Niacinamide may alleviate Asthma (it protects against Histamine-induced bronchoconstriction). “


“Niacinamide (applied topically) may help to prevent Skin Cancer caused by excessive exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation (UV-B form). “
“Niacinamide (gel containing 4% applied topically twice per day) may alleviate Acne.”
.“Niacinamide (applied topically) may alleviate Dry Skin (by increasing the production of Ceramides in the Stratum Corneum layer of the Skin). “
“Niacinamide may be useful for the treatment of Psoriasis.”

I’m not yet convinced I need more than the 100 mg of niacinamide I already take each day. But I may change my mind. But if I see my fasting blood sugar or HBA1C measures trend up towards undesirable levels or I begin to have “senior moments” that will likely change. Given what I already spend now on supplements, I also might wait until the antiaging effects of taking 1,000 or 2,000 mg a day of niacinamide are confirmed and I make more money.

However, I certainly think, based on this information, that anyone who has either kind of diabetes or has been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s should consider taking 1,000 or 2,000 mg a day of niacinamide.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe that niacinamide is the same as the nicotinamide that was used in the mouse study on Alzheimer's. Nicotinamide causes flushing; niacinamide does not. They are both called B3, but they are different forms of B3. Since the study used nicotinamide, I would not assume the niacinamide would have the same results.

12:01 AM  
Blogger David said...

It seems you didn't read the whole post. Before I wrote it, I already knew that niacin causes flushing & its related benefits while niacinimide does not. It occured to me that nicotinamide might be another name for niacinamide; but it also might be a third form of niacin instead, so I looked it up and included this in the post.:

"I looked it up and niacinamide IS another name for the nicotinamide that the researchers used on the mice. "

I also point out IN the post that niacin causes flushing and niacinamide does not.

Since niacinamide and nicotinamide are the same thing, they DO have the same effects !!

I agree many of the effects of niacin and nicotinamide are different. But nicotinamide as used in the study IS the same as niacinamide, they are just different names for the same thing.

4:42 PM  

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