Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Be sexier & healthier two ways....

Today's post: Tuesday, 3-4-2008

As health writer & innovator Al Sears, MD says & has found in his practice to be the case, increasing testosterone in people over 40 makes them sexier – for BOTH men & women.

He reports that in such patients, people not only report being sexier but their mood & energy levels also improve.

In fact, just today I read of a study that did show that people with low testosterone were three times more likely to be depressed.

In addition, testosterone is a growth hormone that helps keep your muscles strong & helps prevent them from shrinking. That in turn helps prevent aging & getting fat from having less muscle mass.

1. One of the best ways to boost your testosterone also releases growth hormone & directly helps keep your muscles strong & helps prevent them from shrinking. In fact if you do it right & do it regularly it makes you stronger over time.

That’s doing progressive strength training. In men, regular, progressive strength training both increases muscle weight & density; and it tends to increase the size of your muscles. In women it increases muscle weight & density but produces little visible size increase.

In fact progressive strength training is itself a triple plus for being sexier & healthier – in addition to increasing your testosterone. You age more slowly; you get the benefits of exercise; & what you eat feeds muscle instead of fat.

So by doing progressive strength training regularly, you look better; you feel better; you tend to be in better health; & you feel sexier. That can really perk up your sex life.

2. Dr Sears has found that taking the supplement Tribulus increases testosterone levels in both men & women.

So if you do both progressive strength training & take tribulus, you may well boost your testosterone enough to get noticeable effects.

Some of his women patients who had hoped to improve their sex lives were so pleased that they wrote him some very positive thank you letters after following his advice & boosted their testosterone levels.

Some other health related points.:

Dr Sears has found that you can optimize the way your body processes your so it tends to prevent your body from creating a testosterone by product that causes problems – if, you also eat abundant amounts of cruciferous vegetables. This also tends to increase your “free” or effective testosterone levels.

Eating raw, uncooked broccoli & cauliflower not only does this but tends to prevent the most dangerous kind of prostate cancer. Doing this also tends to prevent most cancers, including breast & ovarian cancer in women. This is a well known effect of eating these foods.

(But it’s much less well known that the cooked versions lose this effect. They still are great for losing fat & keeping it off if they are cooked; but most of their cancer prevention ability is lost studies show. Since they may also optimize your testosterone levels uncooked, we suggest eating them that way.)

Watercress is a cruciferous vegetable also. And, it studies show that eating it raw protects your DNA so well it not only prevents cancer, it tends to slow aging. Try it salads or on sandwiches if you eat them.

Do you like spicy foods sometimes? Horseradish is a cruciferous vegetable as well. And, it’s so concentrated that using enough to spice up a glass of tomato juice or other food is almost like eating a serving of broccoli.

In addition, another way to prevent cancer & keep your testosterone safe and effective for you is to eat foods or take supplements with lycopene.

There is some evidence this prevents cancers. It may help prevent heart disease. And, last Friday, 2-29-2008, the TotalHealthBreakthroughs.com article published research that it tends to prevent or improve BPH in men also. This strongly suggests that it helps keep your testosterone safe and effective in addition to helping prevent cancer.

(My belief is that it very likely has comparable effects for women although I know of no direct studies of this as yet.)

Fresh tomatoes are a decent source of lycopene. They have some heart protective qualities & vitamin C. And they are a nonstarchy vegetable that can help you lose fat or take it off.

But if they are made into juice or cooked or cooked into a tomato sauce & then eaten with health OK fats like extra virgin olive oil, they are a SUPERB source of lycopene. This both concentrates the lycopene & makes it more bioavailable.

You can also get lycopene as a supplement. Taking 2 or 3 of the 10 mg capsules a day is another way to get lycopene that works.

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