Monday, April 23, 2007

Organic food MUCH more important than was known

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Today's post: Monday, 4-23-2007

Buying organic food is MUCH more important than was known before….

1. It may be imperative to keep eating well or at a price you can afford.

This one is new information: ‘One-third of the U.S. diet depends on pollination, mostly by honeybees.”

And, the recent news is that up to fifty percent of all bees in the United States & much of Europe have disappeared from the hives of many beekeepers.

Imagine a world where there is virtually no fruit; no nuts; no wine; & many of the most health-enhancing vegetables & plants from which we get important supplements are simply no longer available. And, a world in which food supplies have dropped by one third & food prices have doubled in constant dollars.

That’s what losing our bees might well do to us.

No one yet knows why the bees are simply getting lost & disappearing on the way home from pollinating our food plants. It might be a new disease; it might be that they need air with less CO2 in it to navigate properly; or it might be that the sharp increase in radio energy from cell phones & the several new kinds of radios is throwing them off.

But, given the lingering effects of herbicides & pesticides, I suspect that our dramatic overuse of those is the main cause.

But, if true, this is simply the worst of many similar problems from our current use of pesticides & herbicides. The style of agriculture that needs them also demands a very high intake of fossil fuels which increase our overproduction of CO2.

To stop poisoning our earth we live in, we need to aim for buying only organic foods.

2. Foods with low levels of pesticides & herbicides, such as is the case with most conventionally grown produce, may NOT be safe for your health after all.

I read recent research that found that people who ate such food were OK if not stressed.

But, if they did experience significant stress, they developed health problems that people who ate only organic produce didn’t get.

Most of us are more stressed than we’d like. And, virtually everyone gets more stressed than they’d like occasionally.

Why eat foods that make it more likely you’ll get sick when this happens to you?

3. Recent research shows that organic produce is MUCH more nutritious in the sense of helping you to have good health & avoid illness.

Produce where pesticides a& herbicides are used has close to the same vitamins & minerals often. But some of the most important compounds in fruits & vegetables are the phytonutrients or micronutrients that prevent cancer & other diseases.

And, compared to produce where pesticides & herbicides are used, organic produce is MUCH higher in those.

How to buy more organic foods.:

1. When you can easily afford organic foods & those choices are available to you, always choose organic foods.

2. Where the foods you buy are only available at a price you can afford in other than organic choices, try to buy less of that kind of food;

do things to increase your income so you can afford organic choices;

or shop at stores like Whole Foods Market that tend to carry reasonably priced organic foods.

And, watch for sales or that kind of organic produce.

3. Support politicians who will vote for the public health; & vote against politicians that don’t get it.


If pesticide & herbicide use is taxed to compensate for its environmental damage; and if the use of herbicides & pesticides is much more carefully and thoroughly regulated, organic produce will be more affordable than produce where herbicides & pesticides are used.

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